What will you not buy?

No brand names please and choices need not have any particular aesthetic or technical justification. 

For me:

No black ash.

Nothing with more than 4 tubes.

Square or rectangle headphones.

Cables with batteries or box like protrusions.

Gobbly gook word salad descriptions. (It can be bs, but needs to be good bs.)



No high priced cable risers.

No high priced fuses.

No fake Asian cables, electronics, etc.

No butt ugly equipment.

No components with less than 6 tubes.

No new power cords without attached batteries.


I won't buy the argument that measurements are the last say in how something sounds.


No high price stereo rack, No high price fuse, will not buy used cd player.

I'm with the OP on black ash; can't stand the look of the stuff. Reminds me of cheap and nasty 1990's flat-pack furniture 😩. I could never live with a pair of speakers in a black ash finish. 

Apologies to those that do like black ash; it's just my personal thing 👍

I won’t buy anything from companies whose products I owned, but the products had issues they didn’t fix.

I had a high-end power amplifier with transformer hum. The manufacturer didn’t suggest a DC blocker (and obviously didn’t build one into the product). At the time, I was a young audiophile & didn’t know about that, either. I would hope the manufacturer would know better.

Another manufacturer pushed their streaming solution as "state of the art," but it didn’t do gapless playback. They promised a fix. It took years and years and required spending more money.

Both those firms are OFF my buy list permanently.

No receivers

No zip cord

No preamps w/o remote control

No silver faceplates (some exceptions)

No fat chicks (no exceptions)


i try not to think about what i don't like.

the only thing i'm "anti" about is being anti


Arby’s meals even if starving to death

Harbor Freight tools

E-pickup trucks

Most of new AC units and appliances -- keep repairing old ones at all costs

Most US made beer


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Over hyped gear

”Newer on the scene” over hyped gear

Too pretty gear or too ugly gear.

Gear when the warranty is lifetime, when it really is not.

This applies to electronics, firearms, or really anything including women.

Well since you smart guys wanna go there. I wouldn’t buy any “build back better” crap either. Come to think of it, nobody else has either. 

I will not buy anything second hand, with electronics, from high humidity climates, such as islands, Florida and the Gulf Coast and parts of Asia. Not a knock on the fine folks that live in these locales.

And anything that adds complexity to my vinyl playing experience is out as well. No vacuum hold down, no tangential tracking tonearms, no anti-gravity, no multiple motors, no 45rpm records that were originally released as 33, etc.

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Well since you smart guys wanna go there. I wouldn’t buy any “build back better” crap either. Come to think of it, nobody else has either. 

@ozzy62 And why would you, you still have a wall to build.  One thing at a time.

Well since you smart guys wanna go there. I wouldn’t buy any “build back better” crap either. Come to think of it, nobody else has either. 

How about a good second hand "maga bible"?  I understand there are a bunch on the market right now that are only slightly used!  

Anything that gets hyped here, on other forums, or any audio media outlet.  Shortly after the hype, you start seeing the hyped item show up on for-sale sites.

Not interested in renting or buying anything that brings me stress and strife. Life is too short to choose otherwise. 


+1 on no ugly, or fake equipment.  No turntable (I may eat that one).

No blue meters.  Try to avoid Silver faceplates (see my black Tambaqui).

No Tubes (for this I just don't listen to them; afraid I might like them. 

I did try once).

No more surround processing.  

  • No LEDs under tubes.
  • No overpriced anything.
  • No remastered recordings where the life is ripped from the analog original and replaced with an initially impressive digital mush.
  • No politics in audio threads.

. . . also  I will not buy anymore (since no brand names are allowed) "audiophile" red book CDs.

Any cable that is over $500

+1 on black ash

cable risers 

little round dots to place around my room

magic pebbles

shakti sticks

magic wooden pucks(made with really rare wood)


others I’m sure I’m not remembering right now


Most mass-produced profit box speakers made by companies with stockholders and boards of directors.  

1) 68 years old and never bought a vehicle that was not UNION. No foreign vehicles. If it wasn’t built in US. Canada or Mexico, and Union I pass. Think I’m at about 40 of them now.

2) Only Snap-On Tools

3) Nothing but John Deere lawn equipment.

4)No disco, Rap, Hip Hop or Twangy Country

5) No junk audio components. No matter how good the deal. Currently have all Legacy Audio, Amps and all.

Donald Trump has never made a cent off of me.  I’m very  proud of that!



@mikelavigne Thank you.

i try not to think about what i don't like.

the only thing i'm "anti" about is being anti

Shame the usual partisan's don't feel the same. (Maybe they should go back and read Thumpers Mother)


It’s easy to love those that look like us, think like us, and agree with our views. Loving those we don’t agree with is much harder, if we even try. 

But we all want mercy when we need it. We want our family members respected out in the world regardless of their beliefs. To think that a child, or elderly parent, or someone we love would be mistreated because of political views is scary.

It’s happening too much, and we are all less safe because of it. 

We are chewing each other up, and none of us know the entire truth in any of it. Just the truth the people we listen to tell us. I don’t trust my ‘side’, I know that.

I find loving those I don’t agree with and understand helps me justify my selfish life to a degree.  But I’m a world away from loving my neighbor as myself, that’s for sure.

Sorry for the sermon, I’m tired of fighting. Surely loving can’t be as unfulfilling.


Vodka, steaks, universities, hotel rooms, casinos, gilded high-top sneakers, signature bibles, fake charities, condos in buildings named for, or political pitches made by, egomaniacal self-promoting commercial real estate hucksters.


@mikelavigne: So you’re not, for instance, anti-racism? How about record companies ripping off artists? Greed? Rape? Murder?

It’s okay, we all occasionally say silly things. 😉


As for myself, I will never again buy any non-dipole planar loudspeaker. A speaker with 3, 4, or 5 dynamic drivers trying to reproduce a musical signal? Surely you jest! For less than the price of those huge behemoth monstrosities containing multiple dynamic drivers and complex crossovers, you can have a pair of full-range SoundLabs electrostatic speakers, a pair of Magnepan MG30.7’s, or even the cute little Eminent Technology LFT-8’s. Add a pair of the GR Research/Rythmik Audio Servo-Feedback Open Baffle/Dipole Subwoofers (your choice of two or three 12" woofers), and enjoy the seamless reproduction of all frequencies, for lifelike vocal and instrumental timbres. Many speakers employ crossovers which divide the frequency spectrum into separate parts, sending those parts of the recorded sound to different drivers, and do so right in the heart of the musical signal, where vocals and the center of most most musical instruments lie. Like humpty-dumpty, they will never be put back together again perfectly enough to satisfy me. I learned that the hard (and expensive) way.

And I haven’t even mentioned life-like image size and scale. A 5" dynamic driver reproducing the sound and scale of a grand piano? Can’t be done, never will be.