What will you not buy?

No brand names please and choices need not have any particular aesthetic or technical justification. 

For me:

No black ash.

Nothing with more than 4 tubes.

Square or rectangle headphones.

Cables with batteries or box like protrusions.

Gobbly gook word salad descriptions. (It can be bs, but needs to be good bs.)



It’s easy to love those that look like us, think like us, and agree with our views. Loving those we don’t agree with is much harder, if we even try. 

But we all want mercy when we need it. We want our family members respected out in the world regardless of their beliefs. To think that a child, or elderly parent, or someone we love would be mistreated because of political views is scary.

It’s happening too much, and we are all less safe because of it. 

We are chewing each other up, and none of us know the entire truth in any of it. Just the truth the people we listen to tell us. I don’t trust my ‘side’, I know that.

I find loving those I don’t agree with and understand helps me justify my selfish life to a degree.  But I’m a world away from loving my neighbor as myself, that’s for sure.

Sorry for the sermon, I’m tired of fighting. Surely loving can’t be as unfulfilling.


Vodka, steaks, universities, hotel rooms, casinos, gilded high-top sneakers, signature bibles, fake charities, condos in buildings named for, or political pitches made by, egomaniacal self-promoting commercial real estate hucksters.