What will you not buy?

No brand names please and choices need not have any particular aesthetic or technical justification. 

For me:

No black ash.

Nothing with more than 4 tubes.

Square or rectangle headphones.

Cables with batteries or box like protrusions.

Gobbly gook word salad descriptions. (It can be bs, but needs to be good bs.)



@uncledemp +1, well said sir!

1) No "streamers." I've been thru enough format changes in this lifetime.

2) No ugly equipment. I'm good, as long as a component or speaker doesn't look like it was made with spare parts in the back of someone's garage.

While I'm not surprised by the political diversions, I am surprised at the abuse directed towards various select condiments. Is there some new rule about ketchup that I've not heard about?

 I use it to wash down one sister’s muscle relaxers, the other’s Oxycodone. I used to have a source for Norco, which was fun. Hope the authority’s aren’t reading this.

If I had a prescription (no more of anything off the street for me) I'd happily buy either, but I would much prefer the oxy.  

Any piece of gear with a price tag that makes my eyes bug out and my brain scream "No efing way"!

People need to stop pretending Trump and all he represents is not a big deal. It is! Especially when running for president and supported by a major political party. . Couldn’t be any more important! People need to talk about these things more not less and realize we all have way more in common then the politicized issues politicians use to divide us and boost up themselves.

That’s all. Carry on! We can all buy whatever we want. Or not. It’s not a big deal. Life is too short! Peace, love and friendship to all!

Speaking as a Quad electrostatic fan for nearly 60 years: Nothing that is NOT made in China.


Never thought this thread would have gone in a political direction. However the condiment direction is hilarious. Maybe that can be the first question. 

I don't like butterscotch but am not anti butterscotch. Whatever floats your boat. 

Stereophile ought to offer free subscriptions to examples of outlandish audio marketing from the past. 


I’m not buying the Political Rhetoric… from Either Side. 

Audio Folks…Audio!




not too much to explain on the Pickles and Mustard, I just hurl smelling them. Life is too short to drink cheap wine? Same for me, life is too short to eat something I can't stand. My friends are too good to me for me to hurl on them from eating things I can't stand. Actually Life is too short for anything you don't enjoy. Maybe this post should do a reverse, what do we really enjoy? David Gilmour guitar solos?

I won't buy something where shipping costs exceed the price of the item itself. This can happen on used CD/DVDs and speakers. Enjoy the Music!

Post removed 

OK, you reeled me in..

No more cassettes.  Last weekend my wife says to me, "Why don't you make a list on Tidal titled Old Cassette Music and put all our cassette music on it?  Then toss the puppies in the garbage."

One of the many reasons I married her.


Reading posts from forum members arguing about a mean tweeting, bombastic loud mouth vs a confused, addled dementia patient makes me realize we are living Season 8, Episode 8 of "South Park" in real life.

Both sides, eh? Get a life.

Like @mapman pointed out, this is too important to give a pass on. It's not about politics so don't fall for the bothsiders BS. Talking about Trump is no different than talking about Capone, Gotti, Manson or Dahmer. It's way past politics and will literally impact our hobby in more ways than you can imagine. Start paying attention "fellow" audiophiles. What's going on is not a reality show no matter how much you want it to be.

All the best,

a mean tweeting, bombastic loud mouth vs a confused, addled dementia patient

Um . . . @allenf1963 . . . I forgot, which one was suggesting "disinfectant injections" and sunlight enemas for Covid, made a speech about shutting airports down during The Revolutionary War/War Of 1812 era, was rambling on and on about shark attacks at an event, and etc and etc? Whichever one it was, surely he must be suffering from dementia or worse?

Old guys debating may be undesirable but nothing new. Happens all the time. I am for term limits and politicians retiring at same age as when the rest of us are done.

A convicted sex offender, also found guilty of business fraud and a felon for illegal activities related to a prior presidential election?

Banging a porn star after fathering a child and then paying for a cover-up? Bad Trump but not illegal in of itself. Well, the coverup part apparently is. Who isn’t a sinner after all? Some are just better at it than others. Who cares? 

Oh and a very good salesman but with no regard for facts, who always makes up whatever he wants in order to get his way? So much so that hardly anyone can even keep track?

Who is incoherent when speaking pretty much all the time these days? But some don’t care because incoherent should just be his middle name? That’s something new called a whacked out fantasy world.

THen there is the big lie that Trump knows is a lie and all the trouble that has caused. Oh and failure to properly handle and return classified documents. Not to mention the dictator envy!!!

Are you keeping count?


Yeah they are both old. We will see how it all shakes out. My bet is Biden at least does put two sentences together. Probably a lot more.


These two are it. Like them or not. You get to decide so vote! Maybe also vote out those who provided choices you cannot stomach.

For a "feeble old man", Biden sure handed it to OPEC and Russia, dumping half of our emergency reserves on the open market at $100/barrel forcing OPEC and Putin to bend over and take a good buggering. Threatening to dump even more, he drove down the prices by almost 30% and then bought it all back at $70/barrel, adding about half a trillion to our treasury dept. to put against our debt. Funny how the news didn’t report that much about it. They have to have their horserace for ratings and revenue.

So much for a doddering old man. He’s still sharp, has that stuttering affliction, but is an honest and moral person operating within the norms, mores and folkways of society. Can’t say that about the other guy.

All the best,





My post was not meant to be a pro or con for either distasteful choice we face in November. My intent was, as the "South Park" episode clearly points out, we the people put ourselves in this sad predicament. As far as the gaffes you pointed out by President Trump, Matthew, if you are truly honest with yourself you would admit the lame stream media spends as much time covering actual news as it spends covering UP the bumbling and incoherent ramblings of President Biden. Both Biden and Trump are unfit for office. I, however, can look past the two of them and see the actual fear that causes me to crap my pants...the potential of President Harris.

if you are truly honest with yourself you would admit the lame stream media spends as much time covering actual news as it spends covering the bumbling and incoherent ramblings of President Biden.

Something tells me you don’t spend much time watching/listening to what you refer to as "the lame stream media."

I, however, can look past the two of them and see the actual fear that causes me to shit my pants...the potential of President Harris.

Sounds as if you get the bulk of your news from Faux And Fiends.

“Two Corinthians, right? Two Corinthians 3:17, that’s the whole ballgame. Where the spirit of the Lord—right?—is, there is liberty!”

Yup, you just gotta love those two Corinthian guys.

as this thread may and should be deleted, writing this is a total waste of my time.

But, I have a medical condition: I cannot stand giant lies that masses believe and the consequences deeply affect my children’s life

Everything in my list is based on what Trump said into the microphone, proudly:

  • he changed a hurricane map with a sharpie - which is a federal crime
  • he mismanaged the production of masks worse than any country on the planet, including the worst (Hungary) causing 10s of 1000s of deaths - while he constantly lied about it.
  • he mismanaged the production and distribution of covid tests worse than any country on the planet, including the worst (Hungary) causing 100s of 1000s of deaths - while he constantly lied about it.
  • he also tried to get rich from the production of masks and covid tests, his son in law called the stockpile "ours" as opposed to the country’s - the poor losers dying left and right
  • he set the stage for Russia’s Ukraine invasion by every step in his Ukraine and Russia foreign policy (I am calling mumbling lies, threats and a$$ kissing foreign policy)
  • .....

This list is long as many number of days he was in office. Every day he caused a massive disaster that we suffered from and we are still paying for. (And I really only truly care about his crimes against the environment as that’s 100 times worse than the others)


Again, what's with the bothsiderisms? No one buys that BS no matter how many ways you try to spin it. Your "neutral" protestations to the contrary easily lays bare your biases and limits. Better to quit while you're ahead.

All the best,

Gotta love these Mostly Peaceful discussions.

I won’t be Buying a Tuner… definitely no Tuners.

@allenf1963 you are so uninformed, I feel embarrassed for you. But there is hope for you, it's called critical listening and reading. Only believe what makes some sense, Trump's lies make zero.

@immatthewj -- And you would be wrong.  I don't listen or watch Fox, CNN, MSNBC, or the other major outlets owned by the Right or the Left.


I love how anyone that disagrees with the Left or the Right is immediately labeled a "Faux News" lover or "CNN LIBCON" brainwashed idiot.  It's sad that to get the most unbiased reporting of American news you have to watch the BBC, Australian News, Outlets out of Sweden, Denmark, or do deep dives on YouTube. 


So if you keep it tuned to CNN, MSNBC, Coumo, Rachel Maddow, and those bastions of truth, you are FAR MORE KNOWLEDGEABLE than I.

Allenf1963, Thanks for the Southpark reference. That is exactly how I look at it also. A turd and a Douche. 


@immatthewj -- And you would be wrong.  I don't listen or watch Fox, CNN, MSNBC, or the other major outlets owned by the Right or the Left.

In that case, @allenf1963  , when you make this statement:

if you are truly honest with yourself you would admit the lame stream media spends as much time covering actual news as it spends covering the bumbling and incoherent ramblings of President Biden.

it is either because you are telling a lie (as how would you know what the so called "lame stream media" reports) or you are addled with dementia?  


Word for word from the guy himself set to something palatable: 

All the best,

@acman3 -- Careful, my friend. Showing disdain for both choices riles up the Biden/Harris camp and will make them accuse you of worshipping Trump and praying at the altar of Faux News.  I never knew I was so misinformed and embarrassing for having negative opinions about 3 current candidates I find unfit for office.  Next thing you know I'll be ridiculed for loving my Dennis Had 45 Amp with only 2 watts!  The horror!


I’m sort of in love with Nicolle Wallace. She was a member of both the Bush Jr. and McCain (an American patriot and hero in my book) teams, and is now determined to prevent the re-election of number 45. If you saw the movie Game Change, she was the woman tasked with helping Palin prepare for her debates with Joe. She is now embarrassed and ashamed by that fact.

The show following her’s is hosted by a brilliant guy named Ari Melber, who regularly quotes lyrics from Rap and Hip Hop songs in his political stories. Check him out!



@immatthewj -- No, sir, it’s called watching highlights and summaries of different news shows to see how different networks cover the same stories. Thus far I’ve been civil. I’d appreciate if you would remain civil. I have not stooped to calling you a liar or accusing you of having Dementia. I sold my business in 2016 so I could care for my Mother with Dementia full time. It is an ugly, heart breaking and heart wrenching disease I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. I suffered along with her for 5 long years. So please keep those type comments to yourself.


I see the exact same symptoms in our President as I saw in my Mom. That’s what scares the crap out of me. We already had a President serve at least half a term with Dementia or Alzheimer’s in my lifetime, the stakes are even higher now. I think our debate has run its course. You have your opinion, I have mine. Neither is going to change. Let’s keep personal attacks out of it. Peace out.

@allenf1963 , now you seem to be contradicting yourself. First you type that "the lame stream media spends as much time covering actual news as it spends covering the bumbling and incoherent ramblings of President Biden" (which I assume means that you are saying that the "lame stream media" neither covers Biden’s gaffes or the "actual news") and then you edit to say that "the lame stream media spends as much time covering actual news as it spends covering UP the bumbling and incoherent ramblings of President Biden" (so does that mean that "the lame stream news" spends a lot of time covering "UP" Biden’s gaffes, but they also spend a lot of time covering "the actual news"?) . . . please clarify.

it’s called watching highlights and summaries of different news shows

Whoaaaa!!! "Highlights and summaries"!! Well, I stand corrected. You are an expert.

And I suppose that I should be impressed that your experience of caring for one patient with Alzheimer's has made you an expert on that as well.

Post removed 

btw I am such a lefty I can't stand CNN. When they invite a Trump surrogate, about 6 a day, and ask "is it raining outside" the answer is always a 10 minute speech about how Bidenomics is killing and starving Americans. It's not balanced reporting. It's balancing for rich conservatives. 

If the fear of Kamala Harris as POTUS (former DA of SF, Attorney General of CA, US Senator) is your biggest fear and not a man convicted of 34 felony counts, convicted abuser, admitted sexual assaulter, racist, liar many thousands of times over, etc. then you are standing much too close to the pipe & need to lay off. Just read Project 2025.

Ha ha!  +1000!

Post removed 

If you are on either side and don’t recognize the ridiculous things your side is doing, you’re not willing to face reality. 


If you are on either side and don’t recognize the ridiculous things your side is doing, you’re not willing to face reality. 

@uncledemp  , does that mean that you have, or you haven't, paid $1,000 for a piece of wire?

Word for word from the guy himself set to something palatable: 

That cracks me up, @nonoise  .  And since I have worked as an RN on a few Alzheimer's units, I consider myself an expert on the subject, and that rambling about shark attacks  is definitive evidence of dementia.  


My apologies! I thought this was about politics! 

But no, I would not pay that much. This hobby is not that important to me, and my stereo sounds good enough for my ringing ears! That good ole tinnitus never gives up!


I’m against killing babies because you just don’t want one. It’s an abomination. 

Who would take political guidance from idiots that pay $1,000 for a piece of wire, LOL?

My apologies! I thought this was about politics! 

Sorry, @uncledemp  , I couldn't help myself.  However, if I had it to burn, I would try out some 1k wire (or even more expensive).  Note that I did say I would "try" it, but if I truly could not here significant difference, I'd send it back.  Also note that I said "if I had it to burn," which means that it would have to be that a 1k purchase would have to be one that I wouldn't even notice . . . beer money, so to speak.

I’m against killing babies because you just don’t want one. It’s an abomination. 

And this, of course, opens up a whole another avenue of "debate."