What will you not buy?

No brand names please and choices need not have any particular aesthetic or technical justification. 

For me:

No black ash.

Nothing with more than 4 tubes.

Square or rectangle headphones.

Cables with batteries or box like protrusions.

Gobbly gook word salad descriptions. (It can be bs, but needs to be good bs.)




Very nasty business, I agree. I find it heartbreaking. 

I see some of both sides, but most of it seems wrong and terrible. 



Mainstream media and /or fake news sometimes can take its toll on influencing the public's perception on reality. With that said, when you hear comments such as "I will accept the results of the election...ONLY if I win". This comes from the horse's mouth with zero support for any claims of voter fraud by legitimate evidence. That (excuse the expression) trumps all.

The dangers to this planet by this individual as well as to America should be undeniable to all concerned.

I can’t come up with a clever political comment so I’ll go with, I won’t buy another tube amplifier. 

You got felons and liars on both sides, fiscal irresponsibility on both sides, and one party shooting holes in the other end of the boat they both are in, on both sides. 


Losing candidates on both sides have said that.


Sorry I think you’re comparing apples to Orange.


I know when I’m licked, I give. The baby killing issue is still stuck in my craw though. 

Listen either politics is verboten or it isnt. Has nothing to do with which candidate you support. A ridiculous double standard that goes far beyond the perception of who is right and who is wrong.


@lpretiring Tom Russell's "Gallo del Cielo" track on the "Poor Man's Dream" album just might change your mind. Unfortunately, Qobuz, Tidal, Spotify & Apple Music offer only inferior recordings or none at all. But iTunes had it, and my whole iTunes library transferred over to Apple Music for $0.99/month, and the definitive version of "Gallo del Cielo" still plays! Of course I also have the superb LP, and you can get a used CD for cheap on Amazon (see link somewhere below) 


@uncledemp and all y'all....

First at hand....I wanted to apologize for what was a Very Off-Topic R'n R (Rant and Rave) over being sick 'n tired over sic and trialed by non-stop Chump....

"There was....dismay...."  But, a pleasant and Stressless Shift into a deeper delve into the November Time Bomb Dilemma:

Red wire....or Blue wire......?   
You makes your call.
Hope  we all don't get the same game as previous...

Look, Darnold....I'm sorry that Mommy 'n Daddy did whatever to twist you into whatever you.....are.....

Quit working it out on us.

The 2nd version of the movie "The Accountant" is in production,

The first ...sparks ugly fantasies....",,,anti-aircraft shells...."


NO....nothing 'terminal'.....noooo

I'd just what  to catch DJT filling his pants to overflow.....


Isn't fantasy wonderful? ;)

Oh,,,,and thanks for being the folks that tolerate my static,,,,


The Kondment Konundrum....is still a 'playya'... 

Catsup/Ketchup/Tomato mush in a bottle that clogs and is


Father liked bloody eggs.....I retaliate with mustard on hash browns.

Sick? Or Sublime?

My benign comment about the individual starting this mess gets deleted when it wasn’t political or insulting. The rest of it remains. This place is quickly becoming Audio Circle. Seems like anything goes as long as your thoughts align with those of the moderator.

I have to ask, does anyone understand what asvjerry is posting? It is complete gibberish to me.



I have to ask, does anyone understand what asvjerry is posting? It is complete gibberish to me.

He thinks he's crafting clever riddles. He's amusing himself.

@asvjerry is likely unhinged, and we don’t agree on most things, but I like the cat. Maybe an unhinged kindred spirit?

I like eggs, come on Jerry!

Also, white bread, peanut butter, mayonnaise, cheese and banana sandwiches. I worked construction for years, so lots of Vienna sausages, saltines, pork and beans, and bologna cut at the general store in the middle of nowhere. 

Not buying liver pudding, or kipper snacks, I’m not that much of a man!

Hi secretguy

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2024-06-26 22:55:24 UTC

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And this is why I do most of my shopping at USAudio Mart.

@secretguy it would be so much easier if there was a filter button. I have about 6 members whose world views I prefer not to read about. 

The rest of you are cool :)

Tom Russell's "Gallo del Cielo" track on the "Poor Man's Dream" album just might change your mind. 


Thank you for the reference. I will check it out, but to be honest I believe there's a better chance that Katzenjammer will develop a passion for pickles...and mustard😋 before I find an accordion performance that harmonizes with me. But anyway, thanks again!

If you'd like to hear some engaging accordion performances check out Quattro Nuevo, a German cafe band. 

Their best works (in my opinion) are Macca Flor and Antakya. I promise you won't be offended as it's not your typical accordion playing style. 

All the best,

@lpretiring we can't grow if we don't challenge our own presuppositions. Particularly when these are categorical, as in any dogma. For example, I find "hip-hop" (almost) categorically unlistenable. Same with bluegrass, which genre consists of two great traditional tunes, plus one by John Hartford, one by Michael Cleveland, one by David Grisman, and 99.9% hokey garbage. And yet. I know of at least two "hip-hop" recordings that sufficiently resemble music as to bear multiple rehearings. And while bluegrass doesn't have much, it does have the aforementioned. So even an accordion -- hardly a favorite of mine, either! -- properly implemented, can take you to unexpectedly pleasurable places.

Thanks very much Nonoise.

I will test the theory that any accordion is bad accordion for me with your two suggestions as well, along with an open mind.

Why do I feel like I'm going to the dentist?

I'm already questioning my open mind comment.

Why do I feel like I'm going to the dentist?

Because, as you've already found, most times the two experiences have nary a difference.

All the best,

“I will not buy “ …audio gear from a member with good memory but poor character…. But I would,  from someone with poor memory, but good character. 

I will no longer buy overpriced tickets for Korean boy bands at overrated venues, especially with credit cards that have 33.24% APR. I will also no longer buy (via 401k loan) vinyl records with Korean boy band autographs when I don’t own a turntable. 

I'll probably never buy  a 6 digit cost hifi and if I do knock some sense into me please.

Well the obvious problem is that most likely there exists better equipment available. You dont know about problems, often, until you get better equipment or improve your room and hear the difference. 


“I will not buy “ …audio gear from a member with good memory but poor character…. But I would,  from someone with poor memory, but good character. 

I get the character part but what has memory got to do with anything, and how would you know the difference?

  • Red tube amps with lifetime “transferable” warranties
  • Flat speaker cables
  • Turntables with anti-skating weights suspended by fishing line
  • Speakers with built-in powered subwoofers
  • Any mass produced cartridge
  • Anything I can’t pay cash for (or get points and pay off immediately)

@laoman ​​@cleeds ....Why, Thank You...both, individually....and to all the others going "....say, What?" *Mona Lisa’s Grin*
(Found next to Bette Davis’ Eyes, Chubby Checkers’ Twisted, and the usual cult-ural screen screaming meme-ishness....)

If it would make y’all feel better (not likely, but a ’go @ it’):
- I’d provide some Cliff’s Notes.
- Special High Intensity Translation course material available (shipping not included).

OK, rationality v. irrationality.....since some seem stuck stating special significance surrounding somewhat specious statements about line/speaker/IC cables....those that demand pricing that seems suspicious....

’Petroleum Products From Legless Reptiles!"

,,,and where I can avoid the line...?

I won’t argue another’s perceptions, nor do I read minds....anymore.
(Mostly the same 4 things, anyway....one does get bored over that...)

Yes! Guilty as accused, and happy to do and be so and such:

The ways and means I employ to express (and ’excess’) self is a bit different than you may have been exposed to....
To ’type/speak’ to that...

I’m pretty happy about that. ;)

Hey, @uncledemp ! I’m an Eggman myself, because I’m too slight to be the Walrus... It’s just having one’s male parent douse sunny-siders with catsup/ketchup brought back bad memories of the womb....

Snuffing potential siblings was an unfortunate episode, but I wanted elbow and leg room...

Oh...what I won’t buy is that which I perceive as basic garden enrichment.

In audio, that which has more number$ left of the decimal v. the number of zeros to the right of the decimal in specs...

Doing so exposes one to the siren songs of surrender to verbiage of lofty promise unfulfilled in one’s’ home....


I would like to slap the Chumps’ snide smile into the Gulf as a free public service.

Snotty pr*ck doesn’t deserve to empty my ashtray...

I would like to slap the Chumps’ snide smile into the Gulf as a free public service.

Snotty pr*ck doesn’t deserve to empty my ashtray...

Yeah you’re not only one to feel that way about our current incumbent. Good on ya….

Yeah you’re not only one to feel that way about our current incumbent. Good on ya….

                                             Even the DNC!

       CNN set Brandon up, for the embarrassing fall (worse than off a bicycle) that he took last night.     Even though they cut out his brain-lock/freeze, while discussing Medicare (bless that 2 minute delay).

       They'll replace him, like they did Bernie, last election cycle.

                                  Won't help though!

              A majority want to save this nation, from that ilk.

                                  HAPPY LISTENING!

Post removed 
Post removed 

Putin and dictators in general had a good night last night. Both sides have a lot of work to do.

Most likely we will get what we collectively deserve in the end. That tends to be how things work. Currently, looks like Trump could be our reward for a second time around. Last time we got a bonus plague for no additional charge. Hooray!!

Looks like if now is Biden’s time to go down, it is very bad timing, but at least it appears he will go down fighting. I admire the guy greatly for doing what he does at his age. Can’t say I’ve ever admired Trump at any age.

In any case everybody do your homework and vote wisely! The good news is there are many branches of government at all levels and that is there to always help provide checks and balances as needed, no matter who the guy at the top may be.

CNN set Brandon up, for the embarrassing fall (worse than off a bicycle) that he took last night.

Anyone who has seen the 2008 and 2012 Joseph Biden vice presidential debates (when his faculties were still intact) will instantly note that he would have sliced and diced a rotund rapist criminal without blinking back in those days.

But, this is certainly a man who needs to be at home resting, listening to music and hanging out with the grandkids now, not running for office. It is high time he retained his dignity, handed it over to his VP Ms Harris and moved on. She should be able to handle the rotund rapist criminal on any future debates.

A nice comfortable couch, a pair of Mofi 888s, a luxman and some qobuz back in Scranton PA is what Joseph Biden needs....certainly not the lousy whitehouse.




I agree. Anyone at Biden or Trump’s age should be doing that! Biden already saved us once and earned his place in history. It’s someone else’s turn now. Just not the guy already ranked by the "experts" as worst president ever. Yet some people seem OK with giving him the most important job there is again.

I have title of VP at a good sized and very successful company that I suspect most would know and various others in the past. A guy like Trump would never make it in any successful company where getting along with people and collaboration is properly valued. Everything he has is because it was given to him to start, he is a very good grifter, and people always seem to enjoy tawdry entertainment.


Rest easy Joe sooner rather than later. You earned it!

@macg19 someone who just honestly forgot to include a particular detail/description of item for example, or forgot to send a part, or forgot to mail the actual item, etc. All you need to do is remind them, and the good character takes care of the rest without issues. 
How will I know? Feedback, reviews, experience, etc 

power conditioners

stones other than rolling ones

cones other than ice cream

power cables other than stock


what the news is selling

the only thing that I could ever say to a trumper that caused their brain to skip a beat and say "well...  I agree" was this:

"we are the largest, richest country, oldest democracy with 1000s of brilliant minds, terrific, capable candidates, is this person with so much baggage the best we can come up with?"

Same applies now to Biden. A country on whose leadership the World relies deserves an agile and sharp mind.