I ove this speakers , on my set up they sound really very dynamic and easy to listen. Is there anyway to replace their tweeters to improve them? I do love the design of the impact.Thanks
I thought carbon fiber speakers are nirvana.... don't want to fork over the cash though.
Well, I have never heard Tektons, nor am I likely to. My Wilson Sophia 2s have fully satisfied me, here in my room, in their stock form, and I haven't looked further in the 12 years since I purchased them.  I think the Tektons are particularly ugly, but many feel the same about Wilsons. Whatever floats your boat is what's "right" for you.
Having said that, however, I have to say that reading MC’s endless Tekton saga brings to mind an old joke:

A man walks into a tailor shop after seeing a 90% off sale sign posted. The tailor measures the man and pulls a suit out of the back for the man to try on. As the man looks into the mirror he remarks “Well, the left sleeve is a bit short, and the right is a bit long”. Says the tailor “Well it is Highly discounted sir, just tilt your shoulders a bit to the right”. The man does so, and sees that the sleeves now align. He turns sideways and looks at his reflection. Hmmm, the back of the jacket is long while the front is too short. On commenting thus, the tailor bends the man forward until the hem was straight. Hmmm, looks good thinks the man. Yet…the left leg was a bit long until the tailor grabs the man’s hips and tilts them to the left to adjust the lengths. The man then turns a 360° in front of the mirror and thinks, wow, that IS a fine suit for the price, so he pays the tailor and, carefully maintaining the correct posture proudly leaves the store in his new suit. Two men on a bus top bench across the street notice the man leaving. One of the men remarks “Wow, that’s a shame, look at how crippled up that poor man is!” to which his companion replies “Yeah, but can you believe how well that new suit fits him?”

Buoni amici ❤️❤️❤️💕🤣 thanks for a fun weekend away, Chuckie. 
My pleasure. That last pic is the highlight of the whole event. ;)Thanks!
 Nice system your photos of it not so much they do not showcase its beauty. 
I responded to a thread titled Why do people sell Tekton Speakers right after receiving them? and can not find the entire discussion.  ( I took a vacation).  Can someone please explain why an entire thread was deleted instead of just the offending post(s)?
Am I allowed to ask this question?
If someone can message me and explain that would be great if this is not allowed to be asked.
I responded to a thread titled Why do people sell Tekton Speakers right after receiving them? and can not find the entire discussion ... Can someone please explain why an entire thread was deleted instead of just the offending post(s)?
You should direct your inquiry to the moderators. My observation is that they don't like to "babysit" a thread. When one becomes problematic, they'll often delete or close it.
@phcollie - that thread would have been my preference to discuss the MC weekend, and I feel a little guilty about doing it in here.
@rixthetrick —thank you for sharing your experiences. It’s refreshing to see such balanced opinions without hyperbole or preaching to the unenlightened and unwashed audio masses. 
it was advertised as better than any audio show. I am sure Munich is taking notice. Even the Zuffenhausen  crowd is coming to learn how to win on the track…

Seriously, just start your own thread..
Rix go ahead discuss the weekend at MC , I saw the pic , it looks like happy audiophile got together.
Gerryg this is not even close to mild, other Tekton threads were deleted because they cross the line .
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Can someone please explain why an entire thread was deleted instead of just the offending post(s)?
Am I allowed to ask this question?

I think you're allowed to ask any reasonable question until a manufacturer threatens legal action.  The mods want no part of that regardless of the frivolity of the claim.

jjs49 "Lambo"? Before you know it, you could be driving a Rabbit!

haha dan, my only point in citing lambo as the outcome of starting with some seemingly minor mods on a perfectly decent porsche, was referencing a parallel to the op’s stated desire to upgrade the tweeters of his speakers

lambos to me are total cartoon cars, all ’look at me’ flash -- though in modern times they have become audis underneath, so the underlying engineering ergonomics performance have all improved considerably, and so even if one does end up in a rabbit or a lambo it is all in the extended family now 👍🏻👍🏻

to me the true ’reference’ sports car will always be a porsche, be it a gt3 or gt4... though i am perhaps less than 100% objective on this subject having been a pca nat’l track instructor for many years, with love and respect for what pag-sleds old or new are capable of
You should direct your inquiry to the moderators. My observation is that they don’t like to "babysit" a thread. When one becomes problematic, they’ll often delete or close it.


Hooey, the OPs delete 99% of the threads.. You guys got the moderators ALL wrong..

People delete their own post and cry the victim all the time.

People hit the report button and (Software) deletes the post. I’m not sure if active scanning is done by the software but the auto deletion looks and sees certain things, AND BAMB it gone, the sender get a notice and UNLESS you protest to a live human (Tammy) you won’t get it reinstated.

Whole Threads are removed by moderators because of revenue loss to the person or company being talked about.. I’d delete the CRAP too.

State your case don’t tell people NOT to buy something, I’d band people in a heart beat for that kind of product bashing I’ve seen HERE..

Name calling, calling OTHER people shills, and frauds. One warning is all they would get and By By..

The saviors of the world. Even when they don’t want to be saved (Master M)

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Pretty much like everyone else here, MC posts his positive preference to his speakers of choice (common). From comments I have read, it is his frequency and excitement for them which has ruffled some feathers.

No, what ruffles the feathers is Chuck's derision and condescension towards anyone who suggests that there are alternatives to his setup that may sound just as good or better (on this forum, anyway, I'm sure he's a nice guy in person).  Most of Chuck's posts are intended to be abrasive.  He enjoys being that guy for some reason.  I wish he would drop that act.  These forums would be a more friendly and useful place if he did.

His enthusiasm for the products he owns would still elicit calls of shill, though, but that would be a shortcoming of his critics.
Agreed @tomcy6 and +1!

I don't believe MC is a shill either and I think his motivations are driven more by a combination of ideology, insecurity, and pure recreational enjoyment of trying to be viewed as "the smartest guy in the room" often by bullying tactics. So why does MC promote just a handful of brands over and over. If you notice there's a pattern in these brands:

1) All made in the USA
2) All small-sized in ownership, typically one-man shops with perhaps a skeletal additional support staff.
3) Products that are priced at the lower tier yet still considered hifi, high-end.
4) The products often do punch slightly above their price and arguably perform better than some over-priced gear.
5) MC often jumps on the bandwagon supporting these products WITHOUT ever hearing them! He obviously supports the construct described above on it's face with some supplementation of reviews he's read.

So what have I synthesized from the above? I think MC is on a bit of a Crusade. I don't think he actually is a shill or receives any kickback from anyone. I think he approaches this as almost a religious pursuit - pouring himself into the support of tiny US-based operations that are priced on the affordable end of hifi and trying to prove that everyone else is wasting their money on much higher priced gear - partly due perhaps to his own inability to afford the higher priced stuff himself but also on his own definition of a value proposition and how humans should be allocating capital. So he paints this narrative that everyone else is getting ripped off to make himself feel better about the gear he has selected while also supporting HIS view of what America is all about. Sadly it disenfranchises everyone who doesn't fit his mold of the proper way to pursue this hobby.

It’s the persistence of buy Economical and or cheap then hocus-pocus all to the highest level. Then of course one has to train your hearing to accept the Myth  

Cheers all…
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@tvad   edit: "Predominantly" made in the US ;-)  

acknowledging many posts  make mention of being made in USA and specifically NOT in China as a recurring theme.
Assembled in the USA would be more appropriate.
That is going to be the case for most US Components. They all have offshore content. No way to get around it kids. The World Is Flat (global economy and the name of a great book on the global economy.)https://www.amazon.com/World-Flat-History-Twenty-first-Century/dp/0374292884/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product...
Another thing to point out is that unless things have changed since 2014, even Raven gear is designed in South Korea by SE Han who became a subcontractor to Raven Audio under an agreement that he would design all of the circuits for Raven Audio. Raven Audio subsequently owns the rights to all of the products they make as I understand it as well.
The world is flat and hot. Horse dewormer can fix all that.

HRS made in USA, and many other isolation brands…

and it’s PRCC as i recall from the screed….

The lips or keyboard move one way, the body and wallet another…
well you can see South Korea from Texas…

Seriously, anybody here work in South Korea ? The quality level, work ethic and Engineering prowess are fantastic. Of course, i am just talking about simple suborbital aerospace parts….

Sure, but aren't they seen by some here as kissing cousins to the CCP?
Quick! Get the fainting couch.
another tekton thread headed down the toilet

we live in a global world, boys n girls, get over it and enjoy the music
it was advertised as better than any audio show.

No, it was reviewed as better. Reading comprehension. Again.

He was asked by me and others several times about their testing and said owner avoided responding but continue to try to throw his weight around..


I've seen a few speakers tested, HOW would you test them?

I can't see a way, at least with conventional methods. 

To measure the tweeter you would have to disconnect  the mid drivers and test on and off axis.

Then unhook the drivers for the tweeters and test mids on and off axis.

THERE is the stinker!! Where is the 15, 30, 45, & 60 degrees off axis microphone suppose to be placed, with that mid driver arrangement?

If we were to measure a Moab design, Bass on top, bass on bottom, that far apart, it would be a first without a concave (top to bottom) baffle design, to not be able to hear that, two separate drivers, They are WAY to far apart.

To achieve multi driver cohesion in the bass range, the drivers can only be so far apart.. A mid bass driver at the top and a bass driver at the bottom is even pushing the issue

The problem is, it will sound like TWO drivers vs one seamless combination, it will measure that way too.. 

So the question posed: is it a point source, a line source, MTM, BMTMB BMBMTMMBB (Ulfberht) or someone's dream?

I can say pretty confidently that conventional measuring techniques don't apply..

To put a finer point on it. Seated in the listening position is the only way to do any type of mic test.

I would venture to say it should sound fine.. And measure fine, just NOT with a conventional testing procedure.

Who made the rules to begin with?

I don't really care about the measurement as long as I (ME) can get the speaker to sound like ONE, sound producing unit, NOT a conglomeration of confusion. 

There are way to many sold for there to be a SQ issue. 

Being a non conventional design shouldn't rule out HIGH quality sound, how to measure it with typical tools and typical methods is the only issue I see. 


Where should we  buy from? One week I feel one way then
I flex back to the opposite. If China moves on Taiwan soon
I will be concerned about owning anything from China.

I traveled the Orient for business quite frequently in the 80's.
The Korean people were always the most fun. In every way.
This era in Seoul reminded me of the USA in the 60's.
The people all felt great things were ahead for them.
The Japanese and Chinese considered them inferior.

Okay other suggestions please: 

Best Value Line -LM Magnetic?

Best built line- Something from Japan-Accuphase? No one can compete
with the insane devotion 10,000 years of inbreeding has evolved.

Others will argue the Swiss but they are disqualified in my book as
I want to do business with allied not neutral friends. I won't go at the attitude issue.

Easiest Brand to get repaired- I will go with Pass Labs

Best country for Loudspeakers- UK, then Scans.

Best Resale Value- Now I'd say Vinshine's DACs. 

What's all this got to do with Tekton you say? Nothing and
I imagine most are pleased about that.

Do they feed you good ribs at any/all of the audio shows?
Shhh Chuck, don't mention your fabulous new (Polish designed, made in UK?) turntable.

@three_easy_payments - I understand the contention, however despite this, not all of your listed points are entirely accurate though. Some behavior could use modification, and I get my wife on my case over my own annoying behavior, sometimes I even recognise that she actually is correct.

However I will say that often, or more often than not, there are some real gems out there from the little guys, the not well known players.  And some really do stack up, in the World of performance, against the heavily advertised big names. Surely even you will concede that?

Horse dewormer with help can attempt to fix all that, with blood thinners to help with micro blood clots, I mean, if you can't get access to the made for human version.

Red blood cell Rouleaux, it's a crazy World.

Amazingly some of the highest level doctors are losing their minds to ridiculous, unfounded conspiracy theories that jeopardise their licenses, terrible the mental sickness obviously brought on by the pressures of this terrible global pandemic.

PRC are not the enemy, remember that please.

@chorus - rule out Italy too then?
As well as Austria, Andorra, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland (with Liechtenstein, as you mentioned),Nippon, and the Vatican?
Often the people owning businesses you'd deal with today, weren't either born or in any position to change government policy.

@oldhvymec - my guess is you'd have to measure it from some sort of standardised sweet spot, which is not possible, as it's going to be room dependent in that case. The Tektons I heard are a larger room solution, just like all loudspeakers are room volume ranged, specific designs.
The array is a species that's harder to categorise, enjoyment factor may just be the metric that needs to be measured on this beast.
@chorus for sure i don’t know where the balance is…. I am a globalist but also a realist. the competitive landscape is not flat but ignoring an economy w 1b soon to be middle class consumers is difficult..ask any soy bean farmer….

We had internal corporate warfare on how and when and how deeply to engage. I hired an executive who had started up two plants in China to help set our plan and implement it.

Best to play a 100 year plan.

You are right but the Japanese were smart enough to listen to Demming and Juran.

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Origin Live Sovereign MkIV, designed and built in the UK by Mark Baker.  

Mark is by profession an engineer. He started building his reputation modifying Rega tone arms, before growing into designing and building his own Origin Live arms and tables.  

Just deleted my two posts asking millercarbon about his new turntable, found out by following tsushima1 right to it.

Yeah, I mixed two conversations together, I'd had a conversation the same night and was discussing briefly or rather being introduced to products by a Polish guy living in England.

British designed turntable.
First of all Erik pricing for his speakers are very affordable, but they do sound good for my taste.Remember you get for what you paid for. Honestly Erik did not make a lot of profit for selling me the impact monitors. Today my technician look at the tweeters, I bought for replacement, I stick on the same tweeters, I bought six, my technicians upon looking at the tweeters said the tweeters don’t have rooms for heat, why the the voice coil burn ,I remember playing them 6 hrs straight that day, volume on the 10.
I remember playing them 6 hrs straight that day, volume on the 10.

LOL, that will do it. Serious mushrooms, buddy.. 6 hours at 10

Thorazine drip maybe?

Alice in Wonderland for sure.... :-)

I remember playing them 6 hrs straight that day, volume on the 10.

And he seemed like such a nice boy (LOL)
...my technicians upon looking at the tweeters said the tweeters don’t have rooms for heat...
Are the tweeters on the Tekton models that the specs say can handle much more wattage a different brand/type, or the crossovers different to protect them for burning out?

Jetter he will check the crossover also , so will see , let me have a correction here it’s not straight 10 on the volume. It’s good he will check .Van L Speakers (John my technician  ) also partnered with Dan Modwright) on the audio shows using his own design speakers.So He knows a lot about Speakers.He has a new Speakers design that he wants me to listen, when I pick up my speakers.
Jetter that’s what I need I to know regarding the crossover able to handle .Iam sure he will recommend some changes on the crossover if needed. He also wants me to listen to the impact monitors, I will compare them to his design speakers costing 5k.
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Thank you all for filling me in and the PM's.
TBH, when I am considering a new product, it is precisely the "product bashing" posts that I am most interested in.  Even buying small household items I look for the negative reviews as the most meaningful. The natural human desire to want to "be right" and join a group always skew the positive comments.  I guess that makes me a strange bird to intentionally seek out the bad. 
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