to fb or not to fb... that is the ?

I have been in a few audio fb clubs and have found that they are not well monitored... and some people get on just to attack and put people down. If you post... you are fair game. However... it is a great place for uploading and sharing photo's, videos, information, and events. To get away from all the yahoos... I have started a fb club where if someone is there just to cause trouble... they will be removed. So... just seeing if there is any interest. Currently only 16 members. It's called Audiophiles - High End Audio.
Thanks, but I stay clear of platforms like that.
This site is about as far as I'd venture into.
I'm of those self contradicting anti social media guys.


Facebook, instagram, twitter etc...ugh. 

I listen to a stereo setup to escape anything related to a computer.There I go again... contradicting myself-i'm listening WHILE i'm staring at this Ipad. 

Good luck but I for one left farcebook for all the reason you stated in your OP.
That was 5 or 6 years ago and have never felt the inclination to return.
Thanks, Andrea--just requested to join your page. I am also a member of "Magnepan Users Group" and "Fans of Audio Research". Lots of great information, conversation with fellow users, photos of systems, and the trolls and meanies usually get bounced right out. I like this forum, too.
Thanks for the laugh tablejockey... too funny. Oh, I forgot to mention... that it is a closed group... people request to join. This hopefully keeps the Nay sayers and trolls out : )
Best of luck with your forum, Andera.

I belong to a few Facebook groups as well as a number of other forums devoted to things like computers, videography, and sound recording. And I must say that the format of the Facebook groups is the one and only one of them that I find to be a constant source of annoyance. The "shortcuts" on my Facebook home page list how many new posts have been placed in each group I belong to since my last visit, but finding those new posts involves a seemingly endless series of clicks of "view more comments," "view more replies," and "see more" links, most of which simply expose things I've already seen.

Not to mention that the technique required to simply put a space between paragraphs when submitting a comment is very non-obvious, at least when using a desktop or laptop computer rather than a mobile device, and requires pressing two keys simultaneously under many circumstances.

I'll mention also that I registered on Facebook only to be able to see other people's profiles and to join the groups I referred to. As a matter of privacy and security I provide zero information on my own profile page.

Again, though, good luck. Regards,
-- Al
Why anyone who knows anything about FB would want to be on it at all is beyond me. Guess you just don't know anything about it.
Post removed 

Unfortunately FB, like many concepts related to the internet have two sides. 

If someone is into that whole connecting outside of what Agon stands for- have at it. FB is still, and will always be a generational thing IMO.

Not that it's a bad thing...
A short story: Ten years ago or so, I thought it might be interesting to get an account on this new Facebook thing. So I went to sign up. First question was my name. OK, that's reasonable. Next question was my birth date. They DON'T need to know that, and I entered a date that was somewhat off. Immediately, FB replied that I had not entered my correct birth date and that I must enter the correct date. CREEPY! That's what the "close window" button is for, and I did, and I've never been back. Fewer "friends," perhaps, but more real friends, and fewer worries, for sure.

And now I see that one can log into Agon with FB. The HORROR! Big Brother watching and remembering your every click...

I have never used FB and never will
I think my Daughter in law has filled up a cloud with her FB content My wife just told me that my Daughter in law just posted about the onions she diced for Dinner!!
I have been on FB for 10 years, never had a problem and am very careful as to what I post. I am friends with many audio reviewers, Steven Stone, johnathan Scull, Myles Astor, Mat Weisfeld plus probably 20 others. They always answer my Audio related questions and I have found some of us have mutual interests outside of Audio. It is also the only way I can see my nieces and nephews who live on the other coast grow up before my eyes. That is extremely important to me.

I am not the type to post what I had for breakfast or latest bowel movement like a lot of people do, but with ra very large family (my wife has 9 brothers and sisters) that is scattered all over the world, it is nice to be a part of their lives and they a part of mine
I tried Facebook twice. In the end, it became nothing more than stress, aggravation, and a political platform. I am happy to have found Audiogon.

Wow, I'm finding this most enlightening. I've assumed everyone was on Facebook, a much bigger audio and music crowd than any audio forum I have ever seen. The ability for pictures and words alone reaches far beyond forum pages.

I actually have 2 facebook timelines. As soon as my personal page hits the max of 5000 fb friends I will build the mga timeline to 5000. That's 10,000 personally selected listening friends to keep in touch with.

I belong to forums, have my own forum and website and do facebook. I can't image at this point not having facebook. However I am surprised and excited to read the opinions here, very telling indeed.


From what I have seen so far here, the Audiogon crowd is definitely more insular than your average Farcebook mob.

I gave up on Farcebook years ago, even being a mod in a speciality closed group did not seem to end the idiocy on display from people whose egos were far greater than anybodys I have seen here on the Gon.
Good luck out there MG, its a cruel world!
@andera   I have joined.  To get more traction on the group I feel you need more discussions. The more people interact with a group the more that group's posts appear in member's newsfeeds and alerts. Take a look at 'the audio cognoscenti group' a Uk-based audio group that sprang out of the very successful and well-moderated 'audiophiles uk - hifi and music'.  That former group, although new, is active and growing.
good luck!
  I was determined not to join FB, but when my son got married 10 years ago, they put their wedding pictures on FB, and if you wanted to order any you had to join, which irritated me but if you can’t beat them...I was immediately contacted by several friends that I hadn’t heard from in a couple of decades.  Since I have moved far from where I grew up, this was kind of fun.  I mainly post pictures of my grandkids.
   My wife refuses to have an account but looks at mine.  She is a Nurse and recently there was a Nursing Strike and the 2200 Nurses where they work organized and communicated through a FB group, which she made me join.  Since their employer refused their Union any on site access, the FB group was invaluable for communication and coordination.  I had never belonged to any fb group or forum before.  I won’t be joining the OP forum either, because I while away to much time on this site already.
I belong to several audio groups on Facebook and I have found them to be no worse than this one and a few of them are excellent. There are some very specific groups like "Nakamichi Owners" and "Krell Owners" which have been very helpful to me. I have submitted my request for the new group and we'll see how it goes.

My extended family is on Facebook and it's been an enormous benefit in keeping up with them. Zuckerberg is an arrogant criminal and I strongly disagree with a lot of Facebook policies but on balance I have held my nose and stayed with them.
@8th-note........Agreed, Zuckerberg is a criminal, and FB and it’s policy’s need to be scrutinized.  With that being said, I am closer to far away family members and to me that is far more important than the FB politics.  
As intriguing as another audio social media outlet sounds,I just won't fb. I don't tweet,or instagram,or whatever else there is out there. I participate in a few audio forums,but that's it for me. 
Thanks for the heads up, just sent a request to join your group.  Let’s get on with the “productive” discord without all the bashing.
Thanks for accepting me into the group.  Are those Marten Djangos on the group pic?
I belong to a number of FB audio pages-- RARELY if EVER do I see trolls. Most people are BY FAR courteous and respectful of one another.  That said FB grows more evil by the day and I find myself using it less and less. Their policy to allow blatantly false political ads is a threat to democracy-- especially given how many people are ignorant of this fact. The leadership behaves like sociopaths... they also like to help foreign autocratic governments suppress dissent and target political enemies-- as does Google and Microsoft. When they say things like "don't be evil" they are not referring to themselves, they're referring to you.
@wesheadly.......................I agree with you regarding the Political posts.  I called out FB on one of their blatantly false Political ads and I was rewarded by being put in FB jail for a week. Myles Astor a professional audio reviewer and who I am great friends has been put in FB jail so many times, the last one was for a month. As a result, we both try to stay out of the political discussions. 

The FB audiophile groups I reside in are from the most part courteous and monitored to keep the Trolls out, but the trolls still do persist.  I love engaging in audio discussions and stay for that reason.  It is also the only way I get to share in family and friends lives who are so far away from me.  So in summary, I put up with it so I am not shut out of the loop.  
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Thanks tparr
Yes, the club is doing great! 71  members and growing : ) everyone getting along and getting involved. There's lot's of people requesting membership. And there's a weeding out process in place to avoid trolls. And yes... those kinds of people are not going to take over the club. It's great having members able to share without some jackass being a d head and creating turmoil. Overall... there's a good feeling about the group : )