Your favorite audio cartoons

I know we can't post images here, but I'm curious as to what your favorite audiophile or audio-related cartoons are.

If you can post a link, that'd be great.

Found some good ones, here, but I'm interested in what your favorites are.

Thank you.
My favorite shows an audiophile staring at an advertisement poster that shows a woman sort of draped over a speaker.  In his thought bubble you see that he is mentally undressing the speaker (imagining the drivers).
Those are great! Thanks for sharing. Rodriguez and Mad magazines, I had a nice collection of them a long time ago. 
Those Rodriguez cartoons brought back a lot of memories. 
He was always so spot on.

All the best,
Rodriguez was like Gary Larson's The Far Side for audiophiles. Twisted, freaking hilarious sense of humor. The one always stuck in my mind this old guy is recounting in great detail the model number of every component he's had, The Sympnonic Bombast MkII, with the X-series crossovers, etc, and then says, "That was with my first wife, what's her name...." Freaking hilarious!
Fantastic link, MC. Thanks! 

Brought back so many memories; not the least of which is how much this scene has changed. But, hey! Why should audio be any different? Imagine, to strive for our systems to sound like live music as much as possible. What a quaint notion…….NOT!
My fave, by C. Rodriquez, depicted a cringing turntable shopper aside a demo model bearing a prominent, “Viscous Damping” ad card as the gratuitously- self-assured young salesman explained, “…and talk about vicious damping!……The damping on that baby is about as vicious as you’re gonna find!”
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The Rodriguez one where the audiophile is listening to a "boom, boom, boom" upstairs on his stereo and his wife is downstairs, boom, boom, booming a broom onto the ceiling.
This makes smile, and feel sad at the same time.  I loved the Charles Rodrigues cartoons in Stereo Review.  It was one of the things that kept me a subscriber (along with the record reviews).  I miss both.
I cannot locate the pic using Google, but does anyone remember the His/Hers preamp of amplifier pic with one of them having gobs and gobs and gobs of knobs and the other one having just a few (knobs)?

Forget which one was the His and which one was the Hers, but would love to see/save it again.

We lost all of our favorites the last time we replaced our iMac (some genious @  the Apple store attempting to make it "the same", though he said had never heard of AOL which should have raised concerns considering that this was only 4-5 years ago).

Some wonderful fun!   Thanks to all who posted.

The Rodriguez work is great.  It's amazing that working in the 1950s the issues he struck on haven't changed a bit today.

Is our hobby bogged down?

I'm trying to find a copy of a line drawn cartoon where a young child is sitting in from of a turntable and a wall as tall as the sky of LPs.  It is a poster on the wall of a Vinyl shop near me.  Ring a bell for anyone?

Agreed, this post had me laughing loudly.
I remember this one from an old Stereo Review magazine.
A customer is at the hi-fi dealer doing a live v. recorded comparison...
He's holding a phone to his ear while a friend is backstage at the Philharmonic holding a phone up to the orchestra.

There was a contest that Stereo Review had way back when. It was a picture of the butler pulling a kiddie wagon loaded with a hi fi system and the owner pointing his finger toward the door. Readers were asked to send in their potential captions. The winner was " Carry out the usual 10 yard clipping penalty" or something like that. Does anyone have that one? Joe
I just posted one a few days ago. Took me about a day to do this. Used some software but then had to add in pictures from Adobe After affects and keyframe out any motion covering them which took some time. I also added in speed ramps for the start clip, and then blurs and pictures. Tried to make it a bit like the simpsons with the laughing. 

Is meant to be a bit of fun HiFi but it is surprising how some people see it as too serious. I do serious honest reviews too which take loads of effort (often around 100 hrs) because I like the creative production side of video production. It's not just about HiFi for me and what I get out of it is the creativity

It's very important that we audiophiles learn to laugh at ourselves.

It would appear that everyone else has been doing it for ages.

Could be worse though.

What if you also included wine tasting among your hobbies?