Power Cables

Any recommendations for power cables under $500 for 

Streamers or DACs?


Please tell me your reasons for any you recommend. 


GR Research power cables are within your budget and work well digital sources.  I replaced my Pangeas with them.  And you can return if you don't like them - the only way to buy cables.

Of course check the used market as there is thousands out there and thousands more made every day. Different colours, sizes, textures, gimmicks, satisfaction really depends on how many years you wanna play in the rabbit hole. With regards to the brand names, most produce their share of new product by yearly as well. May l suggest week on week off sampling with music you like, won’t seem like such a waste of time. 


-1 Audio Envy.

I have a couple sitting in a box in the garage (replaced them with Anti-Cables).  Contact me if you want one.


Wywires is running a sale. Both the Silver and Platinum Digital Series are fine cables. I started with all Silver Series throughout my system and have sold and moved up to the Platinum’s. To my ears they just get out of the way, being very transparent, and throw a wide and deep stage. Have both the HC - High Current and Digital type and on digital components the Digital build do sound better. They don’t come up often on the used market but when they do, they move so grab them when you can or wait for Alex to have a sale. 

Audio advisor , Pangea sig MK-2 awg 14  are very good for under $250 

using copper connectors far better then bright brass and 3x more conductivity

and use Cardas grade 1 Copper wire. Give him 150 hours to runin a very good value.

Yes but as I mentioned the degree of improvement is similar. If I remember correctly you have Aurender N20 paired with MSB Discrete DAC. I would go up to Frey 2 or even Tyr 2 on a used market for the power cords. Heimdall 2 is very nice but Frey 2 is an audible step up. I have Frey 2 on pass mono amps. Nordost should be a nice match in your system with harbeth speakers.


Thanks. From other sources I’ve gotten the same information. The DAC is more important than the streamer concerning power issues. 

@jfrmusic I realized I didn’t exactly answer your question…

so…having the Nordost Heimdall 2 on dac with “cheap” cord on streamer is a bigger improvement than cheap on dac and nordost on streamer. 

Anything from Audio Sensibility new or used in your budget.  Neotech makes nice cable (if you can find it).  I can not recommend Pangea or Blue Dragon PCs from Moon Audio unless you prefer your highs to be rolled off.  I wasted money on those, was told to break them longer and lost track of the return window.  My fault, I should have insisted an immediate return...  So I relegated them to LPS units.


johnto - "I think JB is saying don’t waste your money as a power chord is a power chord and will sound the same."

- I know what he said and I know you are saying the same thing. Neither answers the OP’s original question. All you both are doing is injecting your opinions when it was not asked for.

First off, as suggested, I would definitely look into the used market as you'll get the most for your money.  Also, as suggested, I'd stick with name brand cables as they're tried and true, and in the future, if you decide to sell, they'll retain more value.  That said, you already know what's out there as far as the brands are concerned (and there's a million of them).  Now, you must experiment with multiple cables to the best of your ability in order the know 100% which cable is the right one for your system.  That's the only way.  Happy listening.      

@jfrmusic I would say the improvements on DAC and streamer are comparable. If you’re upgrading one power cord at a time I would start with the amp and work my way upstream. Similarly, if you’re doing only one power cord upgrade for digital I would place the best one on the DAC but as everything in this hobby, try and listen to what it did. 

Check out Wavetouch power cable (WTPC v2), if you are in pursuit of a perfect sound (= the original music). WTPC v2 in US Audio Mart.  Your system will sound one step closer to the original music. The price is well under your budget and 100% refund on return in 40 days.  

Click 14:38  = WTPC v2, This opens a YT window. Click time stamps in description for other PCs. Alex/WTA

I would look for used, typically available for half the original price. Pay attention to their purpose / construction. High current models are for amps… highly isolated noise reduction are for components. It is best to try before you buy.

I would look at mainstream brands. They have long track records and you can be sure of getting well thought out technology designed to make a difference that is highly reviewed. I recommend looking at AudioQuest, Transparent, Cardas, and DHLabs. AudioQuest Storm series has been a real leap forward in performance for that company. You can expect lower noise floors, usually more detail, and more dynamic presentation with good quality power cords from these companies. But as with all wires associated with audio equipment it will depend on your components and system as to the degree of improvement you will get and under certain circumstances they could sound worse. This has happened to me with not very good sounding solid state equipment. Adding higher resolution power cords to a noisy and/or distorted sounding component will make your system sound worse. In this case I highly recommend low cost Cardas as they are designed to be warm and forgiving.

I use Transparent power cords on all components of my main system except the amp where I use an AudioQuest Hurricane and a combination of WireWorld and DHLabs on my other systems. I have found the lower tier Shunyata, Cardas, WireWorld and some others to provide little or no improvement.. although most of my components come with very good quality power cords… although they are clearly bested by mid-range and better aftermarket power cords.


For some reason I am completely in the dark as to why, the same brand and level of power cord seems to have the same effect as the interconnect. 



Just read some impressive stuff on Ice Age power cables, especially their upper range OFC line that’s still well within your budget, and I believe they offer a trial period so that’s definitely what I’d do.  Heck at this price you could get a PC for your DAC and streamer for not much more than $500.  Best of luck.


Here’s a review fyi…


Take a look at moon-audio.com and their black or blue dragon power cables. The under $500 black version uses quality Furutech plugs. I use them on my main system.  Big fan of Cardas and the Parsec is good for affordable PC.  




Suggest giving Audio Art Cable power cables a try. I found even their entry level cables to provide SQ benefits that are clearly evident

That cross section view of pangea is ugly.

Edit:  just realized that it is made with a saw.  Those solder joints look uncrimped to me.  You want good copper-to-copper contact with the solder holiding all in place,   You don't want the electrons travelling through large masses of lead and tin.

"Stop listening to audiophools and their drivel about power cords!"

Consider yourself lucky that you can't hear any difference. Definitely will save you some money.

Nice @hilde45, your link is to a post by Elizabeth. I haven’t seen anything from her in quite some time. I hope she is well.

To the OP, if you want to do something without going down a rabbit hole, I agree the Pangea cords should work well. OFC copper is good, PVC insulation is good for a power cord, and the shielding is excellent, which is important for front-end components. A braid shield typically provides about 80-95 percent coverage but the foil provides 100 percent coverage and having both should make the cord quite immune to picking up EMI/RFI. 14 awg wire size per pole should be plenty for the power draw by a front-end component. The PCOCC conductor is overkill for a PC, IMO. Pangea’s connectors are molded to the cord if that matters to you, and I don’t have any experience with how well they stay seated, although maybe better than some "audiophile" cords since the connectors wouldn’t be as heavy.

Check back in and let us know what you did and whether you hear a difference.

Power cords don’t sound the same as I’ve experienced differences with my Amps power cord. 


Curious did you find a bigger improvement when you placed the Nordost on the DAC vs the Streamer? Which had the most impact to an upgraded cord?


I think JB is saying don't waste your money as a power chord is a power chord and will sound the same.

"Stop listening to audiophools and their drivel about power cords!"

- your opinion does not answer the OP’s question.

Pangea cables are nicely made and not too expensive, especially if you get them used. I admit I have not heard much difference over cables that came with the gear, but I didn't spend that much and they look nice. Of course there are opinions about them -- see here, e.g. -- but for me they hit the sweet spot between "doing nothing" and "going down a rabbit hole." 



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