Power Cables

Any recommendations for power cables under $500 for 

Streamers or DACs?


Please tell me your reasons for any you recommend. 


@jfrmusic I would say the improvements on DAC and streamer are comparable. If you’re upgrading one power cord at a time I would start with the amp and work my way upstream. Similarly, if you’re doing only one power cord upgrade for digital I would place the best one on the DAC but as everything in this hobby, try and listen to what it did. 

First off, as suggested, I would definitely look into the used market as you'll get the most for your money.  Also, as suggested, I'd stick with name brand cables as they're tried and true, and in the future, if you decide to sell, they'll retain more value.  That said, you already know what's out there as far as the brands are concerned (and there's a million of them).  Now, you must experiment with multiple cables to the best of your ability in order the know 100% which cable is the right one for your system.  That's the only way.  Happy listening.      


johnto - "I think JB is saying don’t waste your money as a power chord is a power chord and will sound the same."

- I know what he said and I know you are saying the same thing. Neither answers the OP’s original question. All you both are doing is injecting your opinions when it was not asked for.

Anything from Audio Sensibility new or used in your budget.  Neotech makes nice cable (if you can find it).  I can not recommend Pangea or Blue Dragon PCs from Moon Audio unless you prefer your highs to be rolled off.  I wasted money on those, was told to break them longer and lost track of the return window.  My fault, I should have insisted an immediate return...  So I relegated them to LPS units.

@jfrmusic I realized I didn’t exactly answer your question…

so…having the Nordost Heimdall 2 on dac with “cheap” cord on streamer is a bigger improvement than cheap on dac and nordost on streamer.