New turntable: please help with cartridge selection: Ortofon vs Lyra vs Charisma vs Hana

So I took the plunge on a new turntable rig for my main system.  First new table in 30 years!

Incoming: TW Acustic Raven LS table and a Reed 3P 10.5" tonearm in cocobolo.

Undecided on a cartridge.  Looking for sound with natural tonality yet detailed and dimensional, nothing overly etched.  Have a Benz Ruby Z on my older SOTA set up and have enjoyed that very much.  Looking for something similar, yet even more frequency extension, if that's possible.

Contenders: Ortofon Winfeld Ti, Charisma Signature One, Hana Unami Red, Lyra Kleos.  Prefer to stay under $5K on the cartridge.

Rest of system:  ARC Ref 2 SE phono, ARC Ref 2 Mk II line stage, Pass XA 60.8 mono amps, Magico A5 speakers.

Anyone with experience with the above options?  Any thoughts with respect to system synergy?  I'm open to other options for cartridges, though for now that's the short list.

Thanks in advance!
I haven’t heard a ton at your price point but synergy with your arm should be your first priority followed by synergy with the overall sonic attributes of your system. I own the Signature One and it it incredibly well balanced and transparent to the source, with very realistic tonality and musical flow. A well written review in mono and stereo puts it right up there among the best available for a lot less money than top tier cartridges. Also, Bernard Li is a gem to deal with. Good luck!
I had a Lyra on my SOTA Star Saphire (with outboard power and vacuum hold down, upgraded tonearm board). I LOVED that sound: sweet, detailed. I was a fan of the Lyra, for sure
I would try a dynavector te kaitora rua cartridge i think it would be a very good match for your setup.
If you like the Benz Z’s sound, but with more frequency extension, I’d suggest sticking with Benz and trying the Gullwing SLR. A fantastic cart, with the fullness, "warmth" and sweetness of Benz, but with ample treble extension. The Benz LPS is like that too, but IMO, isn’t worth the extra cost over the Gullwing.

No doubt consider continuing with the Benz if you like it. Mike @ Sierra Sound is keeping the brand alive.

No firsthand knowledge of the Reed 3P, not sure if its character is more unipivot live or gimbal reserve? I prefer the SLR nude variety from Benz on Gimbal bearing tonearms and their wood bodies are magically delicious in the upper bass / lower midrange on uni-pivots generally speaking.

I suspect an Ebony LP at trade-in pricing would be the ticket.
Right at your price point 5k is the Audio Technica AT-ART1000 one of the best cartridges you can buy at any price.
I went from Benz Ebony L to the Zyx 4D. Fantastic move. The Benz was no slouch at all
 But the 4d is better. Mstp is $4.5k but you can get it cheaper. You will not find a Universe for under$5k unless used. Check Sorasound
Dear @bobbydd :  All the cartridges you named are very good and I listened/own or owned 3 of them and my advise is to go with the Ortofon that's and excellent performer and mates very well with your tonearm with a resonance frequency at 9hz, really good.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
If you like the Benz Z's sound, but with more frequency extension, I'd suggest sticking with Benz and trying the Gullwing SLR.  A fantastic cart, with the fullness, "warmth" and sweetness of Benz, but with ample treble extension.  The Benz LPS is like that too, but IMO, isn't worth the extra cost over the Gullwing.   
Had the Hana SL and just upgraded to the Umami Red. Was considering the others but do appreciate the Hana "lush" sound. and I got a great discount on it.
I am a person who prefers Ortofon, using one on my system.
I have heard the Higher up the Range offerings in Various Models and Designs at demonstrations on other systems and they always satisfy my preferences.

A local HiFi Dealer and Member of my HiFi Group, supplies Reed Tonearms and the Cartridge that the Dealer mostly rates is from Miyajima.

I have made this known before, It is not ideal, but there is enough on offer to gather a idea of how a Cartridge can differ from another model.
Visit the VAS NY Inc Videos of the Needle Drops of Cartridges he has had access to.  
Lyra kleos in that list

have you considered soundsmith? I heard they high gain.. already super impressed 
While I don’t know much about your cartridge question, I wanted to congratulate you on such a nice group of equipment in your system. ARC, Pass and Magico.  Doesn't get much better than that.  Enjoy your néw turntable and cartridge.