New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies

Many of you own or have read of the highly-regarded PPT Omega E Mat, one of Tim Mrock’s revolutionary signal-enhancing accessories. Just prior to his untimely passing, Tim had finished developing a new generation of his Omega mat, soon to be available. Krissy Mrock has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega.

In distinguishing the Double Omega, we know the original Omega, herein called the single, as a 7.5” by 10”, rather heavy and somewhat pliable mat, a bit more than 1/8” thick and with a vinyl-like feel. One face is glossy white, displaying the PPT logo and Omega name, while the other is black, smooth and magnetized. Sandwiched between these faces is the active material that causes components to reject the EMI that saturates everything in our surroundings. The Double Omega is much the same, with one important difference: the magnetized face has the finely-textured feel of around, say, 220-grit sandpaper. This texture, it is presumed, comprises yet a second active layer of EMI rejection. Presumed—because working details of the Double Omega are not well understood—better yet to know how to apply it.

With the understanding that the single Omega E mats generate field effects from both faces, mats have typically been placed under and over components and vertically over circuit breakers. How you apply the Double Omega will depend on best use and experimentation. In my case, I have removed two single mats, lying side-by-side, from the top of my large Wadia CDP and have replaced those with two Double Omegas. The Wadia is a one-box player that contains a pre-amp, so I wanted that second, strong field effect exerting downward as well as upward. I also have several singles placed underneath, just as before. Going straight to amps, this player is my only source, so I want it fully protected from EMI. Your priorities will differ.

As of this writing, I am only thirty-hours in on placing these Double Omegas, and I can already tell you they are powerful in their prevention of EMI within my digital source. Yet another veil has been lifted—all instruments and voices are even more sorted out in the aural space with new information heard within that space. There is much more decay heard against a new silence behind and between the musicians. I am already so pleased and excited about what the Double Omega E mats are doing. As Krissy told me, Tim was really stoked to have these new mats available. Rather than wait for the the fourteen-day window of improvement, I want to get this intro out so others can relay their experiences sooner.

I occasionally perform with Hollywood studio musicians and members of the L.A. Phil at Disney Hall, Ford Theater, Gindi Auditorium, etc.  While the sound is not replicated, many fine recordings are engineered to bring a totally engrossing listening experience, much like the feeling of a live performance.  The best recordings are better than live performances when they involve fewer performers such as solo strings and solo voices, small jazz and chamber groups.  It is difficult to replicate that sound in a large hall, even sitting in the front row (I prefer the 10th row at most venues).  Electronic music is much better through a great sounding audio system.

sbayne ...

There's a concert that takes place at a local church here every three months. It consists of our town's professional symphony orchestra and features local Junior and High school students playing the solos in the concertos. These kids are amazingly talented.

We always sit in the front row between the string section and the piano. I don't care how much a person spends on an audio system, it will never be able to replicate that sound. 

Hi all - This morning I heard a world class violist practicing his solo for a series of concerts this weekend.  As good as we think our stereo systems are they are humbled when compared against the real thing.  The power, warmth and emotion simply can’t be replicated. I strongly encourage everyone to take in as much live music as you can this holiday season and enjoy!
slaw ....

Was it the "Abraxas" album?  We had that cranked up so loud, with no distortion at all. Just pure, head bashin' - leg-slappin' rock. It was so good we just started laughing with big grins on our faces. The "Plus" mats on the speakers are really something else. 



Interestingly, I played Santana last night as well. First time in over a year.
^^^ Great to hear. Wait 'till you get to cut #14 on that Nat Cole CD I sent you. :-)

Been listening to a lot of your CDs , thanks so much, and really digging what I hear.
Guess my old c.e.c player has something left to

Right now listening to the inner ear collection CD and the bass is literally thumping me in the chest... All in a good way of course.
Piano is to die for!

Probably need to get some more plus mats though and dial it up to 11.
My friend Robert came over last night and I threw on some Santana and cranked the volume to "loud." OMG! 

Actually, I'm already hearing positive effects. More transparency and dynamics........
Removed the MC-0.5 this morning. As mentioned, the residual effect of this will take a time to dissipate.
Have The Pogues playing. Like the increased layering already.
Easier to hear into the music.


Actually, I'm already hearing positive effects. More transparency and dynamics........
Hi slaw: The magnetic effect of the MC 0.5s will take 3 or 4 days to completely to away. I sold mine (7 of them ) and bought PPT products with the money instead.    Hi sbayne: I completely agree with your last post!
Well, I just removed my MC-05s (8) and didn’t notice any sonic penalty yet. Not sure what to make of that....maybe since their effectiveness built over time, the fact they're pulled from my system may take time to notice?
slaw and jafreeman - I removed all my tweeks before I added the PPT products. I then started adding them back based strictly on listening. I ended-up leaving out and selling my High Fidelity MC-0.5s and Bybee QSE (internal and external versions). They seemed to mess-up the soundstage and dull the sound. My Synergistic Research and Akiko stuff work very well, however, with the PPT products. 
I didn’t evaluate the MC-0.5's effectiveness.

Plugged it in without really listening to it.
Will probably end up putting it in my work system instead.
Just have to figure out which amp I use.

Just curious, sbayne--how do you compare your E mats to your Tranquility bases?    
Slaw - I took the MC-05s out of my system after putting-in the e-cards and mats. But the Akiko Corelli is staying.  Akiko products work very with the PPT stuff.  

I'll look forward to your impressions as I've been told that the Omega + mats aren't synergistic with the MC-0.5 and such. I have Akiko products as well.
Waiting on two Omega+ E Mats mats.

Keen to try under Dac power supply/Eichmann plug board with iFi, Akiko and MC-0.5 plugged into it.
Perhaps under my amp, or a second on the fuse panel.

Then switch them to the speakers and try there.
I concur with placement on the inside of the door of your breaker box. I also placed one of the original mats on top of my BPT Balanced Power Conditioner with great sonic results. 

I already took it off the breaker box before I saw your posting and put under the Oppo. I am leaving Tampa Florida for Chicagoland to see my family and friends for the holidays tomorrow. I had to take my hy rid integrated amp in to the shop yesterday as it seems to have an issue as very little volume is coming out of it and it is also fuzzy sounding. Tubes seem okay on the preamp side though. This after the most spectacular sound the night before. Hopefully it gets fixed while I am gone but unfortunately I had to break many connections with fully  cured Total Contact....UGH!
Tuffy now take the one off the breaker box and switch it with the one on the Oppo..You will be suprised. Tom
t_ramey ...

That Kenny Dorham album is a great one. I have the 45 rpm reissue. As an interesting side note ... on jazz albums Rudy Van Gelder depicted in the liner notes as "Rudy Van Gelder." On classical albums, he’s referred to as "Doctor Van Gelder." I always thought that was a bit funny.
tuffy72561 ...

The Omega + Mats do a great job in the circuit breaker box. That’s the first place I would put them. Second would be on the speakers in line with the drivers. Third would be under the power supply. Then finally, under the electronic equipment. It has taken a lot of experimentation to come up with that order of things ... but it’s what works best in my system. The speakers were the biggest surprise. Whoda thunk it? :-)


Just wanted to add that 1 week after attaching an Emat+ to the outside of my small breaker box,in my apartment, the sound has taken a big leap for the better. I have had an Emat + plus under my Modded EVS Oppo 205 and also one under my Hybrid integrated amp both for a little over two weeks and had seen very nice gains in improved overall sound quality. But putting one on the breaker box is really impressive! I would definitely recommend anybody trying an emat or emat+ for the first time to apply here on the breaker box for maximum initial effect!
Thanks guys. Frank, after perusing thru various jazz albums on my Roon app last night I came across this one that I think sounds great. Never heard of Kenny Dorham but I like this particular album.

I should add, the particular version on Tidal/Roon says it’s a Rudy Van Gelder remaster
I also use a mix of original and the plus model under my LPS with great results.
t_ramey ...

I'm using both the Omega + mats and the originals in the circuit breaker box and under equipment. The results are pretty amazing. 
kedoades ...

The + mats take a couple of days to really show what they can do on speakers. 

Several original mats are showing up on different sites. Saw a guy in TX selling original ones for $350 this on US Audiomart. Interesting b/c they now sell for $300 new. There’s some on Audioasylum for $225 seems fair.
Just curious if any of you guys are adding the E+ mats to the originals in your system or are you replacing the originals altogether?
  I have 5 of the e+ mats.  I have three in the circuit box and two taped behind my speakers.  These mats are powerful and the effect is more enhanced than with the original mats.  I have noticed more energy and air in the music.  The soundstage is also bigger and I am able to turn the system up to very loud levels without any distortion.  Everything is improved and it is like hearing all my music for the first time again.  I have had the two mats behind the speakers for less than one day so I am sure they will continue to improve
  • Wherever you place the mats, and as you hear the sound improvements, you are probably on the road to more of them.  

Its an addiction ... not unlike potato chips.  

The E+ mats project a powerful field.  If you have any components stacked on each other or in a vertical rack, the mats will treat at least two components if not more.  I have two side by side where there is enough surface area.  It also doesn't hurt to let them extend out an inch or two on a shelf, but I have never put a component footer on top of a mat.    
Wherever you place the mats, and as you hear the sound improvements, you are probably on the road to more of them.  I am up to 20 now, with the last 4 being E+ mats.  The original mats are not to be ignored, either.  Those of us with a lot of mats built up our supply from the original Omega mats, which are now a great bargain.  
This would apply to my system:

The best effects for the placement of the mats have been in the following order ...

1. In the circuit breaker box. 
2. Taped to the sides and rear of the speakers in line with the drivers. 
3.  Under the power conditioner.
4.  Under the electronic equipment. 

On the tape: I'm using ordinary packing tape, the same kind you would use for taping and sealing cartons for shipping. The tape is available at the post office. 

I've moved a few mats around on the speakers, and haven't had any marring or tape residue cause by removing the tape. The packing tape holds really well. I haven't had any mats fall off, and yet, the mats are easily removed.  

A second Omega+ E Mat under my integrated amp?
Or Dac + SGS grounding box?
Or Dac power supply/Eichmann power strip?
Power strip with hardwired Mad Scientist Nitro Nano power cable has plugged into it:
Blu Ray, Dac power supply, MC 0.5, Akiko Triple AC Power Enhancer, iFi AC iPurifier.

ozzy ...

Two together underneath the component works best for me. Okay to experiment though to see what works best for you.

To all you double Omega matters, do you place one mat below and one above the component, or do you place 2 together on the component?

"House stereo never sounded so good, truck stereo never sounded so good, and tv picture never looked so good."
Any update about orange juice?
Update:  Day nine of two E+ mats on my 240V/120V transformer; have been away from my system for three days.  Today, the sound is profoundly improved--so dimensional, robust and clear--the energy just rings forth. New instruments are layered within previous layers to create yet another chamber of depth and imagery.
Tim Mrock was right to advise me to put his Omega mats at my transformers, sitting with the components.  When there are 240V coming into 175 lbs of power supply, the circuit breakers are a secondary concern.  I have to be in Gate territory with these E+ mats, an extension of the original Omega mat that is now a reality through the ongoing commitment of Mrs. PPT. 
I have to say, no component upgrade could bring so much improvement as these E+ mats have delivered in just nine days---highly recommended. 

House stereo never sounded so good, truck stereo never sounded so good, and tv picture never looked so good.
LOVING the new Omega+ mats!
Jerry, I believe you are about to be very satisfied with your system just the way it is.  

I'm getting very, very close!
I also have a pair of Signature IIIs in my living room 2nd audio system.  My primary system has Focus speakers which replaced ML Monolith IIIs in 2001.  Their price does not equate to their current musical value-they are a spectacular used equipment bargain.  I am thinking of upgrading to Von Schweikert VR55k which sell for $60K to $75K ultras when I can afford them and move them to one of my video systems.  Otherwise, the Focus have been a standard for recording studios that I appraised back in the 90s and early 2000s as well as one recent installation in a recording hall in NYC (I saw the pic recently).  Also Tom Port of Better Records relies on them for his intimate LP quality knowledge.  So, they maybe old and less than SOTA, but they are truly capable of being superior speakers. 
The HD25-1 are DJ headphones.
Very robust. Being closed helped too.
ALO Ref 8 cable.
Added cables and uber mods from Customcans.

My three daughters and wife all have their own HD25s.

That is some sophisticated portable set-up. However, were Sennheiser HD25 for real portable use and Grado for home? Without ever hearing any of the things you mention, Sennheisers seem to be in a much different/lower category, if one goes by price.