New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies

Many of you own or have read of the highly-regarded PPT Omega E Mat, one of Tim Mrock’s revolutionary signal-enhancing accessories. Just prior to his untimely passing, Tim had finished developing a new generation of his Omega mat, soon to be available. Krissy Mrock has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega.

In distinguishing the Double Omega, we know the original Omega, herein called the single, as a 7.5” by 10”, rather heavy and somewhat pliable mat, a bit more than 1/8” thick and with a vinyl-like feel. One face is glossy white, displaying the PPT logo and Omega name, while the other is black, smooth and magnetized. Sandwiched between these faces is the active material that causes components to reject the EMI that saturates everything in our surroundings. The Double Omega is much the same, with one important difference: the magnetized face has the finely-textured feel of around, say, 220-grit sandpaper. This texture, it is presumed, comprises yet a second active layer of EMI rejection. Presumed—because working details of the Double Omega are not well understood—better yet to know how to apply it.

With the understanding that the single Omega E mats generate field effects from both faces, mats have typically been placed under and over components and vertically over circuit breakers. How you apply the Double Omega will depend on best use and experimentation. In my case, I have removed two single mats, lying side-by-side, from the top of my large Wadia CDP and have replaced those with two Double Omegas. The Wadia is a one-box player that contains a pre-amp, so I wanted that second, strong field effect exerting downward as well as upward. I also have several singles placed underneath, just as before. Going straight to amps, this player is my only source, so I want it fully protected from EMI. Your priorities will differ.

As of this writing, I am only thirty-hours in on placing these Double Omegas, and I can already tell you they are powerful in their prevention of EMI within my digital source. Yet another veil has been lifted—all instruments and voices are even more sorted out in the aural space with new information heard within that space. There is much more decay heard against a new silence behind and between the musicians. I am already so pleased and excited about what the Double Omega E mats are doing. As Krissy told me, Tim was really stoked to have these new mats available. Rather than wait for the the fourteen-day window of improvement, I want to get this intro out so others can relay their experiences sooner.


Showing 43 responses by theaudiotweak

I have many mats in and on my breaker boxes...never bright and always transparent. I added a few more mats after I installed a Gate inside my primary box which is adjacent to the sub panel, both are located in my audio room. I have found putting the mats even closer or even inside a component makes for a greater improvement.  Tom
Mapman do you still live in the same house you were brought to after being born? Tom

While your PPT products are in a heap I would place that heap on an unused speaker or subwoofer magnet. There is an inner action between the high gauss fields output by magnets and breaker boxes and the materials contained within the Emats and the Cards. Both of these products seem to become more coherent and have a more powerful and positive influence after they sit for many hours on a subwoofer or unused speaker driver. I rotate my mats on and off such a subwoofer and then reintroduce back into place in my system. Tom
Tim and I talked about simple things that can make for a nice improvement. One was my mention of replacing all the steel fasteners holding down his speakers, diaphrams, and crossover components. Brass is nonferrous, and has low or no inductance. He was blown away with the improvement even on the ribbon drivers..that supprised him the most.

We both painted the baskets of the drivers and for myself I painted the bezel around the tweeter. Tim treated his entire speaker in segments and then when he knew how great the improvement was he painted the whole darn thing. When one was complete it just disappeared and he had to jump right over and treat its mate..For me once the paint cured there was a nice improvement. But I didnt have  buckets of paint so I was more selective in my treatments such as the brass screws. Nice even more.

He told me his speakers for the show were a fairly recent but discontinued Klipsch RP series 2 way. Dual 8 model with horn tweeter.
He told me he wanted it to remain stock for the show...adding only his magic treatments to all the stock components. I think he treated the inside of the cabinet and told me he built his own wiring harness and treated that as well. When he told me about this speaker pair he modded and how it sounded he was as giddy as an 9 year old at Christmas..He built it as a showcase for his products and their application. He didnt change the crossover components or brass fasteners no new isolators or couplers..all stock. The newer Klipsch series speakers are quite good. I know I have sold them in the very recent past. At no time were the speaker drivers treated..only the stationary parts.

Tim was a great guy.. smart man and he was a great listener and always had an idea on fire.  Will miss you Tim ...So says Tom.

Yea I have been sitting on the sidelines reading but not posting. Not knowing of his illness I would send research articles nearly everyday to Tim..this stuff would show up on my phone..mostly about new takes on particles with new and novel twists. His replys became less frequent.
The last one sent  was an article in the NewYork Times. I got a reply almost immediately not from Tim but from his Bride telling me her best friend passed away a couple of days before.  I cried to my bride. All of our loss... Tom

Jay...the patent is active ..type in Tim's last name its that simple. I have 3 patents and I don't always post those numbers on my products or their related pages.  Tom
A patent can add  marketing value to a product as a small company is approached by a larger in a possible buyout or merger. Clearly a patent can spell out the contents of a product but not always how those materials blend together or fit and finish together. What size particle out of a stated particle size range? What ratio of what material? When to add when to blend?  What cryo gas and or temperature exposure range and how many times.  Tim knew..a copycat can spend much time and many $ and still come up short. Some inneractions within materials cannot be seen in minutes or hours nor can they be heard or recognized in that same time frame. Tom

And mostly operate because of the shear wave frequencies determined by the alloy casting  its shape and proximity to other shapes the worse being at 90 degrees..Tom
Please go away you are like a sweat all the wrong places all at the same time. Tom
Those 2 negative "Elements" should come forth with a positive personal audio experience if they have ever had 1 of their own in their own audio room. Tom
When my friend and associate Dale Humphrey removed the Gate from inside his mechanically grounded
breaker box and then turned back to reinstall the Gate. He wrote me and stated the Gate was  " Indispensable" Tom
So if you had an AV system at a remote lake house off the grid away from them towers and powered by a generator or even solar and battery I still think the Mat the Card and the Gate will make a big difference. I think there is more to it than RFI/EMI...

Total Contact maybe a surface treatment for contacts but it also serves many passive surfaces well. Speaker frames..tweeter bezels, mechanical fasteners and screws..and some parts of musical instruments. The treated part or device also goes thru a period of breakin until the materials is cured to the surface. Easily heard just by treating the screws on your speaker..make sure you switch to brass at least around and on the tweeter. Frank heard the benefit of treating the screens around his ribbon tweeters with Total Contact just as Tim did. I think I know why and it has nothing to do with RFI..unless string instruments are subject to RFI..Tom
The mats could be working on a couple of levels certainly not RF or just RF as Geoff stated.. Surface treatment on speaker bezels or speaker screens or some devices on acoustic instruments benefit from TC is not RF related. Of course TC is different that the Mat..but they both have a break in period which indicates to me they do not work on RF. Tom
Tim and I often discussed shear waves and their interfering energy in all solid materials. I can see and hear how Total Contact will reduce this interference. With the mats and the Gate I still feel there is a correlation and there is a reaction and influence on wave energy. Not sure the how or why. Tom
Shear velocity of the component parts of the TC..are low. At least the ones I know of.Tom
So to change the subject back to the Omega Mats + and the fact that they work for me in so many places I plan on buying more and attaching them to the sources on the outside of my house. The meter is attached to an outside wall on the flip side of my breaker box which is only a few feet from my  main audio wall with its 3 dedicated feeds.. 18 months ago I coated the electric meter box with TC and it made for a very nice improvement...very interesting to me was that I could listen to it cure as the system played over days. Outdoors on a metal box go figure.

 So now I want to attach a Mat+ to this same box and 4 more Mat+s to the ground mounted transformer that is 30 feet from my meter.. Merry Christmas ..Tom  
The contents of the mats are a dormant passive device until activated by an external energy field. The mats reactivity continues to enlarge in size and power while in the presence of this external field. The resulting field generated from this inneraction fills the space of the component. So there is no breakin of the device but there is an energy activation period that is mutual between the passive mat and the active device in a chassis.. When the mat is removed the positive benefits remain in the mechanical memory of the contents of the device. Over a period of time this positive memory is dissapated or replaced in short hand by another contrary field.I really believe there is reduction of interfering shear waves in all solid devices. We can hear and describe the reduction of a polarity of shear that reduces innerfering energy in a cello. Less force is required to generate greater sound..damn that hurt. Tom
Frank the transformer is probably 9 cubic feet. Probably just put 4 on the top. Working on a method for the meter enclosure to place a mat or cards on or around its case. The enclosure is ferrous so thats good. Will Gorilla Tape to secure more and disguise. Let you know the outcome. Tom

That was as respectful as I can be to this guy..he and a couple others are the reality of interferring energy.
Actually I have felt some improvement in Geoff's attitude as this thread has progressed. Happy Holidays for all of us.
Geoff its taking many years for sure but I am really starting to like your posts. Tom
What did you do? Is often a comment around here when a friend drops in for a rerun..friends who have been here many times but not in weeks or even months. Tom
Suggestion for Fleschler...I think there can be a charge effect based on the length of time the mat is in place and also the amount of current that runs thru the component.  Maybe swap and rotate  out a mat that is in a "hot" position.Your breaker box would be the most active and energetic take it and place on the dac..Tom
I have a friend that has an older Linn Lp12 Valhalla and likes the improvement the 2 E-cards make.. Everything has its place..Tom
Oh I have a friend who tells me..its dark and slow that ain't right..especially with a certain power conditioner..or worse overdamped. Tom
Tuffy now take the one off the breaker box and switch it with the one on the Oppo..You will be suprised. Tom
I have a method and reasoning to be able to precharge the mats. I have another new batch of mats now and will apply the same previous methods to these test subjects for further confirmation. Let you know soon. Tom
I found that the charged mats placed on the components was clearly better..But I would always keep a mat or a few cards on the breaker box. After all the breaker box is the beginning of all your sources and the only one you have private access too. Tom
That remains to be tested. And a difficult one to design. I think a fully charged mat as you have found sounds better in a few charging days rather than placing a mat on a low current device and then waiting days or weeks to fill up and fill out. I am thinking that while in play a fully charged mat is maintained like a trickle charger on a battery. Tom
Geoff I will say that any part of any signal can be reflected back into the signal path. RF if can enter anywhere and it will ..will become part of the signal influence. There are multiple open input paths on most audio devices. Tom
Ecards may work well. More stiff and very thin to penetrate a portional depth of some carpets. Could be a balancing act but worth trying for a positive benefit. As Tuffy and Tony suggest could be a start of a new product.Tom
I have now cut and pasted many mats. Some cut to size to fit inside the panel doors and the left over pieces to be placed in deeper recesses inside the panel.

I have cut sections of mats to shape and attach to support sections of my CD transport drawer assembly. Other sections were attached to the 3 transformers areas, to the clock circuit and atop large capacitors or banks. I was the able to place inside the transport over top the entire  drawer mechanism nearly a full mat. The left over portion of this mat went inside each of my amps onto the solid copper heat sink where the 2 power mosfets are attached. I made sure there were no random threads or particles that may come in contact with circuitry.

Putting these materials in close contact with the intended circuits or mechanical devices makes for and huge and immediate impact on every acoustic and physical aspect of listening to music and video.Tom 
For me now there is no difference in day or night listening only a difference during warm up time... the same under the sun or the stars. I don't have a Gate but something close.. many mats even closer to the source. The closer the better I have found. Tom
Tim and Krissy had made many friends here and everywhere. I wish her all the best from here on out. Tom