What is the best Beatle Song

What beatle song is your favorite? I will start with "Fixing a hole"
In My Life, Something, Hide Your Love Away, Here There and Everywhere, Golden Slumbers
The entire second side of Abbey Road, which I've always thought of as one long song (okay, maybe more of a suite).
Very strange, I liked almost all the songs mentioned; but I liked them less when the Beatle's performed them. I can think of numerous other artists who made them sound better.
There is no such thing as best when it comes to art.

Now, "favorite" is another matter entirely. For me "And Your Bird Can Sing" sums up Beatles for me in a pocket sized manner. The music backing that one line alone, "You tell that you've heard every sound there is..." is incomparable and is pure genius that set them apart from all other rock bands before or since.

Best? No. Favorite? Indeed!
I've been liking "I'll Be On My Way" of late mostly because its the last Lennon/McCartney composition performed by The Beatles that I have discovered. It's available only performed live I believe on the BBC Collection CD.
You dufusi are all wrong! The BEST Beatles' song is, "You Know My Name"! And if you had a decent rig and proper taste you'd agree with me.

I hope all of you are just responding to well....respond. There is NO answer to such a question. The Beatles' music lives outside such judgement. We've entered into the realm of the metaphysical!!
Wow- this brought back memories. I am planning another summer reunion with some friends that I grew up with in the 60's in Boston. One of our greatest memories was walking to the theatre on sat afternoon to see the Beatles movie, "Help" or "Yellow Submarine" They didn't win any Oscars but we loved those movies and especially the music, and the Beatles changed our lives.
Oh, and as far as a favorite song, I couldn't possibly choose.
pretty much whichever one I happen to be listening to at any particular time, save "Revolution 9" I suppose, though I rarely ever listen to that one.
Another vote for "Tomorrow Never Knows". The greatest of all Ringo grooves. The funny thing is, when I first bought "Revolver" I listened to it for over a year and ALWAYS skipped that track. Too weird for me. It didn't sound like anything I'd ever heard. Of course there's "Within You, Without You"...but it's so Georgely derivative.

I only did something similar once before. First Doors album. Took me two years to get around to "The End". And when I heard it - and I mean HEARD it- it was like "what the f...! This ain't like "Light My Fire!" That's when I learned what Mr. Mojo Risin' was all about.
Well, I love many of their songs, but I think I'll cut the list down to three:
1. A Day In The Life
2. Across The Universe
3. Blackbird
"I Will" is the most perfect in its simplicity and message.

"A Day In the Life" is the most perfect production.

"All You Need is Love" is perhaps the most perfect overall.

The second side of Abbey Road was the Beatles walk-off Grand Slam Homerun in the bottom of the ninth.

Like most, It is like which is my favorite parent ?
The question is very, very hard ! So, here are my answers !
1. Favorite Paul, Fool on the Hill!
2. Favorite John, I was only sleeping !
3. Favorite George, I want to tell you !
4. Ringo, Good night !

Won't see these much on any-one's favorite list !
If you didn't grow up with Beatlemania and the British Invasion, you're missing a BIG piece of the puzzle.
Norwegian Wood and Nowhere Man maybe best insights into human nature.

Rubber Soul best disc not given its due.

OK, I cheated.
I see we still have action on this thread which says a lot.
Imagine-no pun intended-a thread this long about a group that started 45 years ago/split 40 years ago.
Anybody catch "Rain" on tv? I could be wrong but I think the 'horn section' is a synthesizer?? "Golden Slumbers' Medley" was my fave on the show. While MGGWeeps I thought was lacking, but all in all I did enjoy this show--(in spite of---).
I think I heard that "Yesterday", as being the most covered song (350 versions??).
Umm. I have worked for two official "Beatles" sites one as a moderator and another I administrate after six years of working there. I attend every Beatlefest and have been to Liddypool numerous times. There simply is no ONE greatest Beatle song. Right now I am very much into Savoy Truffle. So much so I have been going round with the username "CreamTangerine" "Here, There, and Everywhere" online.

LOVE the horns on that song! The Beatles music grew and changed so much over time it's only possible for me to pick maybe a best of by Beatle era. lol.

Too much to love here. Of all time? I still adore the early stuff.

It's easier to pick which of there songs I believe are not great...maaaybe two so far. The rest are pure genius for their time and unequaled in rock and roll.
A Day in The Life.. a sonic master piece. I only hate two Beatles songs... Octopus' Garden, and Yellow Submarine. Other than that, they are all good.
Another one that's great just because I recently heard it for the first time -- "Hey Bulldog." If you don't know it do a YouTube search -- there's a video of them in the studio recording it. Great to hear a Beatles song for the first time again...
Helter Skelter! It is an anomaly for them but man I love it, so, so visceral. And it is also significant because it is proto-metal, before Zep and Sabbath!
I Wanna Be Your Man, but not the Beatles version, the earlier Stones version. Heh heh
I always thought that "If I Fell" (in love with you) was the 1ST song they wrote that i couldn't hum along to, due to the complex vocal harmonies. even though i wasn't much of a music critic at the time, i began to feel that this was no ordinary pop group, not just due to the large quantity of songs they came up with, but now with songs that required considerable knowledge of complex chord structures. (yeah, yeah, yeah), the beatles were pretty darn great.