Clear Day vs Acoustic Zen

As I mentioned in another thread, I am looking to make one or two upgrades to my system this year. Total budget is around $500 - 600. My current system is:
B&W CM10
Parasound A21
Cambridge Audio Azur 851D (preamp + DAC)
Cheap Audioquest wires (I think I paid around $50 for an 8 ft pair).

The two speaker cables that I've seen mentioned a lot here are Clear Day and Acoustic Zen Sartori. I almost pulled the plug on a pair of used AZ Sartori a week ago, but it was sold before I could make an offer.
There are other AZ Satoris on sale here at agon but they're all over 8 ft, which is not what I want.

However, I see that for the same $$$ for used AZs, I can get brand new Clear Day Double Shotguns.

Has anybody compared these two in their systems? Given that B&W is generally considered to be a tad bit on the bright side, I wonder if the silver in Clear Day might not be the best choice?
I tried Clear Day DS and returned them after a few weeks as they didn't work well with my tube monoblocs sounding slightly closed in and congested. My home-made $10 per foot Neotech Teflon insulated UP-OCC 6N copper blew them away.
Stringreen, I totally agree clear day cables are amazing cables....their inner detail is superb without brightness...

After much deliberation, I decided to go with Cerious Technologies High Current PC. Will post my impressions once I get them and break them in for about 50 hours or so.

@oleschool - I would love to buy AZ Tsunami used, but so far I have only come across dealers selling new or demo for over $250.
Stringreen, I never realize how good are this Clear Day cable till I bought heimdall 2 speaker cables, very very close, I never get the listening fatigue at all.
Dragon....I use ClearDay double shotgun with my all Ayre/Vandersteen system and have found them spectacularly good.  I've tried many cables but none are as truthful in my system as the ClearDays.  Only the very expensive top of the line Wireworld gives a very slightly better sense of "ease" as do the ClearDays....but only in an A/B comparison. 
Arafiq I tried Tsunami before I don't have the recollection of being a good pc, if Iam not mistakem Pangea pc was compared to the well known Kimber Palladian, He said it's very close, I don't remember where the review is, maybe here at Agon? Or Amazon.
@jayctoy Your recommendation of Pangea AC14 is definitely worth considering. I have narrowed down my search to the following four:

1. Cerious Technologies GE power cord (most expensive, since only available as new)

2. AZ Tsunami (around $280)

3. Cullen Crossover Series 2 ($325)

4. Pangea Audio AC 14SE MK2 Signature - only $65.00

I wonder if Cerious Technologies is 'that much' better than the Pangeas, especially for a mid-fi system like mine. But it does sound the most intriguing, albeit the most expensive, option available.

Has anyone compared the Pangeas with other PC's in the < $500 range?

Arafiq for digital the Pangea ac14mark se is so cheap but it's so good, for amp the Pangea the reviews on Amazon 
I think the only way to find what you like is to have in your system...period...i have been using hollowgram 2's for so long...never felt the need to move onto when it just sound right to me....
I audition the Satori before I never like it, I think clear day are way more open, and musical, For my taste, they are very very good, my Nordost heimdall 2 speaker cable is just a bit better than the clear day speaker cable I have. You can’t go wrong on Paul’s cables ....
Your choice , i have all az cables ac and adagios i bought all used .. mr. Lee knows me by name .. he is a wealth of knowledge.. he has shortened and reterminated some for me  but is just happy knowing i use az and certainly knows i want to upgrade to cresendos , spkr owners get 40% off all cables etc also 
best if luck either way 

@arafiq , contact AudiogoN member rgrost for pricing, but I think his cords are around  $300 a piece. 
@oleschool -- re: your advice for contacting the owner of Acoustic Zen ... I'm only looking for used at the moment, so not sure what benefit I'd get by calling Mr Lee.
Cerious Technologies sound interesting. Unfortunately, I can't figure out the pricing. Their website doesn't show the prices ... or at least I haven't been able to find the information.

I see a couple of used AZ Tsunami PCs for around $200. This sounds like a pretty good price to start with.
mcgal ,i am also a az fan i run a revalation audio lab ac cable( krakatoa size and very high quality also in that price range) on my amp and psu it has a funky plug and brad does these alot.I run tsunamis on my dac,tt and trans etc .I am always ready to snag a krakatoa used.Other then that ac/psu set up i run all az including adagios..
Oleschool, I am also a fan of Acoustic Zen. Robert Lee has also been a big help to me. I have AZ cables on everything. If you are using Tsunami power cords you may want to try some Krakatoas. I really noticed improvements in sound quality with them. On my amps I have Gargantuas IIs, these power cords are the size of fire hoses and don't restrict any power.
You should also consider trying Triode Wire Labs power cords.  Consistently good reviews and sell direct with generous trial period. 

Check out this thread about Cerious Technologies Graphene Extreme cables and cords. Well within your budget. Contact Bob Grost, Audiogon member: rgrost

Call mr lee at az and you will be pleased you did . He will answer tell him Ray from san fransico said call 
Thanks, folks. Very good recommendations. I'm leaning toward AZ Tsunami or Cullen at the moment. 

I have Clear Day double shotgun speaker cables in both of my systems , and use Silnote Audio interconnects and Audio Art Cable power cables in both systems along with them.
Clear day is Silver as transparent as these cables are i always found them giving me listeners fatigue. They are more suitable for Tube amplifiers. 
@arafiq -
haha...I forgot that I'd posted about The Antisocial Club.  I do tend to blab about the stuff I like mainly because it's great when something clicks for someone else.  We'll try again here (even tho' it's not  the topic of your post...but good test material, maybe).  See if you like the Jazz Pistols.  Superstring is their latest.  Listening to Special Treatment courtesy of Tidal right now.  Both are very good.  Contemporary fusion from Germany with more of a rock tilt than that Pasqua.  Excellent interesting music, great musicianship and recording quality.   Their bass player is killer.  BUT the one I really want to own is their "live".  Ordered it from a Discogs seller in Netherlands.  Hope it eventually gets here.  

Link to 'Bugs' from their "live" (also on Special Treatment).
I have a Cullen Power Cord, Cross Over series, but customized for 10AWG for my Parasound A21.
Sorry op power amp then dac
and go used buddy just watch they come up so a 600.00 cable will be 250.00
I use a revalation audio lab cord on my power amps supply that was a g
I have tsunami ac myself
best of luck . A/c made a difference maybe more then spkr  cable for me . Interconnects were night and day
@oleschool - thanks for your suggestions. Upgrading power cords and interconnects is definitely the next thing on my list. As for room treatments, it'll probably have to wait till we move to another house and can have a dedicated audio room. Until then, WAF is the reality I have to live with :)

I do have few questions regarding power cords though ...

1. The power cord that came with my Parasound A21 seems quite thick and well made. At what price point can I expect a noticeable difference? Someone told me that spending anything less than $600 on a power cord would be a lateral move. Not sure how true that is.

2. What would be a reasonable price point?- Given that the goal is best bang for the buck, similar to the Clear Day cable upgrade

3. Do I upgrade the power cord on my Pre/DAC (Cambridge Audio 851D) first or the amp?

4. What brands would you guys recommend? I'm planning to stay with Clear Day cables for sometime to come, so synergy is important.
@ghosthouse  don't know if you remember, but actually it was you who recommended Alan Pasqua on a different thread. great recommendation! i play their music at least once or twice every month.
    I just changed my trans to dac, to pre  the other day from a basic rca bluejean to az reference 2 and mc2 .I had sent my 1m out to be shortened to .5 meter( mr lee did this an hr after he recieved them and had them in the mail to me the same day ,thats cool) .i just placed them back same disc same volume etc.the difference is serious!.crisper,opened soundstage and the acoustic guitar has jumped back into my stage. This has  been proven to me again and again..
It is no secret I love mr lee and az ,but i can say the above cables probly sound great.But as you said different,cables are like tone controls imo .Some are flat ,nuetral ,bright and etc..
I also run satori cables along with az almost exclusive ,but as you stated they will change your sound..
also the shorter the cable the better, almost always..
best of luck 
Congrats.  Sounds like a big win all around.  At some point you may still want to pick up a used pair of AZ Satoris to compare.  They're both great but likely different, and it might be very interesting now that you know more what to listen for.  You can sell them pretty readily once you're done with little/no loss.  And I agree with oleschool -- interconnects can often yield more significant differences than speaker cables so you might want to explore those too.  It never ends.  Congrats again. 

Hey Arafiq,
I am glad the cables worked out for you. I told you they are really nice and not just for the money.

arafiq - Glad you are enjoying the Clear Days. A couple of your comments really resonated with particular "added more heft". That was exactly the reaction I had to the Clear Days...and for me that was probably the major change I noted. It was like the music put on 20 pounds of muscle. By the way, good to read you were playing Pasqua’s "The Antisocial Club". That is an excellent recording to begin with and wonderful music. Pleased someone else knows and likes it (well, I assume you do!). 
Your hooked lol you have the cable bug . I feel interconnects will make a bigger difference.. then a/c like i said if you think thats a wow moment get on treating your room ! go on gik website and fill out form take a cple pics . Your jaw will drop . No affiliation đź‘Ť
Okay, I really feel like an idiot now ... shouldn’t have jumped the gun when I posted my first impressions. So it turns out that the spades were not inserted all the way into the binding posts of my speaker. Second, I realized that the volume was set well below my normal listening levels. This is remarkable, because once I set the volume to my normal listening levels, it’s like a veil was lifted.

I’ve been listening non stop for the last hour or so ....

The soundstage has definitely opened up ... it’s wider, much wider now. I can hear things at least 4 to 5 feet to the left and right of my speakers. The cymbals reverberate more and feels like the reverberation is travelling outwards and around my room.

The separation between instruments and the voices is much more defined.
The base is not more per se, but has tightened up considerably.
I’m hearing new details on familiar recordings. And it all sounds so clean.

The best part is that the brightness that I complained about earlier is pretty much gone. I cranked up the volume waaaay up, and guess what? No more harshness. Lastly, and I’m not sure how to describe it, but it’s almost as if someone added more ’heft’ to the same music I listened to before.

Okay, so I had my jaw drop moment about an hour ago, when I listened to Alan Pasqua’s The Antisocial Club. Holy cow!!!! They’ve finally stepped into my living room :) Sorry if I’m gushing like a newly wed. But this is pretty amazing for a guy who is new to this hobby.

Imho it goes like this 
1)room treatment 
3)a/c cords
4) spkr cable if under 3meter 
your mileage may vary 
Okay, so received the cables last night. Admittedly, I have only listened for about a couple of hours, but here are the initial impressions...

Like some other folks, there really wasn’t a jaw dropping moment.

I haven’t noticed much improvement in imaging or soundstaging .. about the same. No noticeable difference in depth, width or height.
Definitely no improvement in bass response thus far. That’s one area I was hoping to see an improvement.
There might be a tiny bit of improvement in detail and clarity ... but to be honest, I don’t know if its perception bias or what.
One thing that I definitely noticed is that the background is blacker. Definitely less background noise than before.
Voices are more centered and ’present’ - not sure if ’present’ is the right way to describe it, but it does feel that the singer is sitting closer, in an intimate way, to me than before (that’s a good thing in my view).

Having said that, maybe the wires need more break in. I’m not sure how many hours were put on the wires by the previous owner. Also, I’ve ordered jumpers from Clear Day. That might improve the sound.

Az all the way . Just talked to mr lee today he is great .. he cut some 1.5 meter cables in half and made .75 meter . How long did it take? 2hrs after he opened my box next day heading to me .. i am a huge az fan. i run all az cables ac ,interconnects and adagios đź‘Ť
I strongly the 4-wire jumpers. My speaker wire config is exactly like yours.
@bdp24  I purchased the double shotguns from another a'goner. But Paul was still nice enough to recommend the double shotguns for my speakers. I am purchasing jumpers from Paul though.

Since this is my first foray into the world of specialized cables, it'll be interesting. I'll post my impressions once things settle down.
I use ClearDay double shotgun bi-wire.....couldn’t be more pleased.  Among the cables that were auditioned in my system...Cardas (many permutations) Nordost, Audioquest.Wireworld,Kimber ....and on and on...
Paul will instead send you a pair of cables so that you may decide for yourself. The one recommendation he does make is to use the Single speaker cable for higher sensitivity/efficiency speakers, the Shotgun model for medium s/e speakers, and the Double Shotgun for lower s/e speakers.
Folks, I just want to give a quick update. While researching the Clear Day cables, I had exchanged a few emails with Paul (owner). I asked him how the cables might perform in my system. He told me that he was not comfortable making any recommendations because it was very system dependent.

This level of honesty and integrity is so rare in today's competitive business world. Paul could have easily told me whatever I wanted to hear. But he was very honest and forthcoming.

Amazing guy! I wish we had more people like Paul in the high end audio world (or the political arena for that matter) ... but let's not get ahead of ourselves here :)

 Clear Day double shotguns speaker cables, which are silver are not thin and bright sounding. They have very nice tone and are very open sounding. They replaced my Audioguest Volcano's in my old system.  
In my new setup I found new cables which I like better. 
I still have 2 pairs on the side. If you want I'll let them go for a good price. If they don't work out for you,I'll take them back.


Some time ago I compared the Clear Day double shotguns with my then current AZ Satori's.  In my particular system, the Satori's were a little darker and I believe the Clear Day's to my ear were slightly more open.  At that time, the difference wasn't significant enough to change but if I was starting from scratch, I would choose the Clear Day cables.
@mcgal , The AZ Double Barrel is even more powerful and dynamic than the Hologram II.
However, that is not the point here. The OP is asking about the Satori,  not about the Satori Shotgun. 
I admit to being an AZ fan. If my choice was between AZ Satori shotguns and AZ Hologram II single wire, I would go with the AZ Hologram IIs and use jumpers. They both cost about the same but for me the sound was much fuller with the Hologram IIs.