Just discovered that Marantz only offers black colored equipment in the US. (North America)
What happened to the classic champagne color?

Was going to buy the new reference 10 SACD player.   For apx $7K you would think that they would offer more options than black!

No sale.
How is the discussion of market research "political"?
One member veered way off course at got political.  I see that post has now been removed.  Thank you Audiogon.
@nonoise   The political post my posting referred to appeared just prior to mine and was removed by A'gon.

Hifiman5, Thanks for the clarification. I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out what it was I said since it was the closest (in the broadest sense) to what would be political when it was never my intention. I missed  the deletion and now I feel a bit foolish. :-)

All the best,
@nonoise  No worries.  I barely noticed the mention of the post's deletion.

As with Ford almost 100 years ago, "choose the color you want as long as it is black".
@honeybee2012 , Marantz SA-10 is now available in Champagne finish from Audio Advisor for $6999.00. 
Ha!  I have heard that before, if I get the time, I will call them.
Anyway,  I am now in subwoofer hunt mode.   Or phono stage mode.....
i get distracted......
There is not Champagne Marantz on Audio Advisor. That was an incorrect information they printed in their catalog.

Anyone actually compared Marantz SA-10 to their older ref. players like SA7S1, SA-1 or CD-7 ?

P.S. Personally I don`t like the SA-11 look of SA-10. Seems the newer, the more options, bur lesser quality.
Look at Esoteric much better player with better build quality and transport.
Look at Esoteric much better player with better build quality and transport.

Esoteric certainly do look good, and have excellent build quality and transports. Unfortunately, they do not sound as good as Marantz. Of course, YMMV.

I'm not trying to start a war, but Esoteric and Marantz sound VERY different. Chances are if you like the sound of one, you will not like the sound of the other.

Esoteric is for yuppies judgin' performance on how gud it luks.

It definitely looks stunning and shiny.

Shine on...


Absolutely agree!
I had several Esoteric players/combos over the years. Yep, the transport work is probably the best available (at least theoretically), but they`re missing something.... The output of all I A/B compared will clearly fail compared to my Marantz SA-1 or SA7S1.

P.S. Nope, Esoteric is not clinical or too hot on top. SA-1 Actually sounds much cleaner, without being boring and non dynamic as most Esoteric digital gear is.

Just my 2c.