What's the greatest bargain in SET these days?

Hi, Gang,
I response to my recent review of the Reference 3A De Capo BE speaker, someone wrote that if you really want to hear them sing, you should try them with a SET amp, or words to that effect.
That got me thinking. The De Capo's are 92 db efficient, which (correct me if I'm wrong) seems kind of borderline for low-power SET amps.
In any event, right now I'm running mine with a pair of Manley Mahi mono-blocks. They are switchable from triode (20 watts) to "ultra linear" (40 watts). I run them in triode all the time, and in my room, the volume knob almost never goes past 9 o'clock; more would just be too loud.
All that said, what do you guys think of running the De Capo's with a SET amp? And if I did, what's the best bargain in SET's these days?
I'll let everyone know how it sounds. What Andy emphasized the most was the RCA invented this tube and that these tubes from the 40's are much more robust and durable than the newer stuff being manufactured today. I think he said you could get "80,000 hours" out of a tube like this. :-)
The new Dynamo arrived safely yesterday & I got it all set up & out of the box it sounds & looks great. No transformer hum to speak of & no hiss at idle thru the speakers, really quiet all around. Works perfectly w/the volume knob turned all the way up which takes it out of the circuit - running direct w/the internal remote volume control on the CDP. Really a gutsy amp w/immediate sound, good tone, clarity, 3d qualities & imaging - everything we like about tubes. I'm impressed so far & looking forward to breaking it in.
I am really excited for you, and I do mean excited. I forgot to mention that mine was also slightly used, but tested 100% in all parameters. If you don't find it to be a revelation, I will be surprised. Those tubes are old, from the 40's.
Hi, Roxy,
Spoke to Andy at Vintage Tube today and ordered one of those slightly used RCA 6SN7's. I'll let you know the results. Thanks again for the tip!
The Psvane 274B (which I just discovered by doing a little online research is a Chinese clone of an old Western electric tube) is not all that expensive, as these things go. I have seen it online for between $100 and $120, at the cheapest. Now, if you want to go for one of the Western Electric originals, those are going for around $1300 a pop. ;-)
I agree. They certainly make a big difference. I would like to explore the alternatives you mention in the future.
Sorry, but I had things mixed up. I thought that it was a different 5u4 rectifier that Brian had given you, not a different 6sn7. No wonder that you like it so much. Andy told me that the one that came with the amp was basically bottom of the barrel.
I have found, generally speaking, that changing the small signal tubes in an amp have a bigger impact on the sound than changing output tubes. This is good news because most of these tubes are cheaper than the output tubes. Although my Audionote Kageki came with some quite expensive RCA 6sn7s, I actually preferred alternatives such as Tungsol and Neotron roundplates. That amp is currently on loan to a friend who is now running CV181s (not exactly drop in replacements for 6sn7s, but close enough) and likes that tube a lot. I don't know what brand of CV181s these are, but, they are old (not Chinese) and are, I believe, cryogenically treated tubes from Pearl.
Rebbi, I have following this thread and want to add my congratulations. I would have not believed how good 8 watts can sound for all types of music and I know you are experiencing that kind of musicality that connects at a very basic emotional level. I am still taken aback at how involving rock music can be on a SET amp. Are you a Pink Floyd fan? Please listen to a David Gilmour guitar solo on your SET amp and be transported to the spirituality of that kind of musicianship. Regards-Jet
Thanks a lot for the tip! I can probably rustle up $46 for that tube and if you like it that much it seems worth a try. Thank you.
As for the 274 B, mine is a Chinese Psvane. When Brian sent it to me (some of the tubes for my kit had originally been backordered) he said it was "a nice little upgrade." It is certainly a sharp LOOKING tube and looks great between the choke transformer and the mains transformer. :-) I haven't done a lot of comparing of the sound of that tube to the 6SN7 that I have, but I can tell you that it is a much quieter tube then the Russian 6SN7 that shipped with my unit when Pete returned it from Florida. So that's a plus right there.
I am in no position to buy the Triumph Extreme II speakers now, but knowing how good the Total Eclipse are, and having a room too small for them, I would love to have them hooked up to my Kit One. I would buy them without hearing them, because Israel designs great speakers. You are making me drool.
Like everyone else, I am really happy that you are loving the music your Kit One is making. If you have just a little money to spend, I have a recommendation. As you know, I switched out the stock 300btubes to the Black Treasures, and it was a really nice improvement for my tastes, although I also liked the stock tubes. However, as I mentioned last week on Charles' system thread, I replaced my rectifier tube and my 6sn7. I believe it is the 6sn7 that is responsible for the amazing difference in the fidelity of the amp now. It's not shades of difference, it is right there. The tube was chosen on the advice of Andy from Vintage Tube Services, and it is an RCA from the forties, I paid $46.00.
If you can spring for one, DO IT! Where before I thought that plucked strings on an acoustic guitar sounded great, I realize now that they were not nearly as focused and natural as they are now, and they reveal much more about variations in touch and volume. It's the same way with everything though. It is so much easier to hear how recordings were mixed, and just hear more true to life sound in recordings where it exists.
It is hard to believe that this could make such a difference, but it did. Once again, Andy didn't steer me wrong. He said that the difference would be night and day, and it is. I have found over the years that even though I can perceive what is missing in the way music is being reproduced by my system, it is really hard to imagine what an "improvement" to the sound would consist of until I actually hear it. That said, when it happens, especially to this degree, it's a real treat. I have a new found respect for the amp as well as my speakers. You are halfway there, as I know that you already have an upgraded rectifier tube in your amp.
Keep your eyes open for a pair of used Coincident Triumph Extreme IIs. If a pair comes up, buy them. However, don't hold your breath waiting for me to sell mine. Not happening, unless I find a pair of used Super Victories. Meanwhile, enjoy!
Based on your continued highly positive and enthusiastic comments it seems quite apparent that your Audio Note kit amplifier is an excellent match with your current speaker. There is no reason for you to rush into another pair speakers at this point, you are enjoying your music in the highest form and this is commendable. That Omega speaker does seem to be very intriguing and definitely something to consider further down the road.
As is typical of building a new house, stuff happens. We were originally scheduled to move in by the end of May. Apparently that was optimistic and it now looks like it will be end-of-June, hopefully. So, given that, time to get settled in, regain our bearings, I would expect to order the AN sometime in late July. At about that same time I'll likely order the Franks unless I can find them used in the meantime. I really need, must go to some shows, travel to LA and NYC to listen to various speakers to pair with the Franks that I have on my wish list. Luckily I'm often in LA, NYC or Chicago. At any rate, the AN will be paired with our Tekton Lore.

Saki, so glad the BT 6CA7 has worked out for you. They are stellar in my Coincident Dynamo.
I think I am sitting tight for the time being. I keep having these "huge grin moments" with old, familiar recordings sounding so much more enjoyable than they ever have in the past. I'm not talking about "I can hear the bass player cough at 5:23," neurotic audiophile moments, but a sense that I'm listening to "a performance." It's just hard to describe otherwise... as cliched as this sounds (forgive me) I'm enjoying music rather than listening to hi-fi. So the Kit 1 has elevated my De Capo's to a higher level and I'm really enjoying them, yes.
Now, does that mean I've totally conquered the audiophile "what if" reflex? No, I haven't.
If I had about $2000 to play with, I'd buy a pair of Omega Alnico monitors and a/b them with the De Capo's. Louis Chochos of Omega builds every one of those speakers by hand, including the hemp cone alnico drivers themselves, which are exclusive to Omega. They are said to transcend many of the "traditional" single-driver pitfalls, such as "shouty" Lowther/Fostex upper mids, and people on the Omega forum at AudioCircle say that they are simply extraordinary with SET amps. Unfortunately, $2K in mad money isn't there right now, and I am delighted enough with my De Capo/Kit 1 pairing not to mess with success by selling them just to try something new. Of course, the Tekton Lore 2.0 is also a possibility to experiment with when finances permit.

Mikirob: Thanks a lot for the kind words! When are you thinking of pulling the trigger on the Kit 1?
Rebbi ;
Does this mean that you are keeping , and still loving , the Di Capo's ?

Mikirob ;
Thank you for the BT 6CA7 recommendation , without a doubt the best power tube that I have tried !

Happy Tunes
Yes, I agree completely. To me you just cannot beat a 300B SET DHT amplifier provided all your ancillary equipment is synergistic.

Really happy you are enjoying the music so much. This what it is all about. And a big thank you for paving the way on building the AN Kit. This has been one of the most enjoyable threads on Audiogon, ever. Best!
Listening to an eclectic mix of Holst, Peter Gabriel and Cheryl Crow this afternoon. Wow! You are just going to love the Kit 1 when your wife builds it. Trust me! ;-)
Keep us posted on the Dynamo. I owned the RM10 and loved it. Regret selling it. Terrific little amp. Best.
Ah, good to hear. I'll look forward to your impressions of the Dynamo and how it compares to the RM10.
no way - it's a lifetime keeper just craving a different flavor occasionally. really happy w/the CDP & speakers too.
Happy to say that I have a Dynamo 34se coming from Izzy in the next week. Having owned triode amps in the past it's something you can't get out of your mind once you've experienced it. I really had Turbo 845 in mind but just can't get my mind or aging back around 85 lbs & all those expensive enormous heat emitting tubes - I know what more heat means having owned tube amps for awhile. Iz says it should be incredible w/my Partial 2's. cheers
The lifetime of a tube is determined by the lifetime of its cathode emission. And the life of the of a cathode is dependent on the cathode temperature, which means that it is dependent on filament or heater operating voltage.

Operate the heater/filament too hot, and the tube will give a shortened life. Operate it too cool and life may be shortened. This is especially true for thoriated filaments, which depend on replenishment of thorium by diffusion from within the filament wire.

For best, long lasting tube life it is recommended that you operate your tube within the tube manufactures specifications.

I certainly hope the tubes will last much longer. I would expect that running tubes conservatively will lower distortion and should sound better. However, I know of a number of people who deliberately run certain tubes quite "hot" and like it that way. For example, a friend runs 45 tubes in an Audionote Kageki (parallel 2a3 amp) and likes the sound, although the tubes don't last very long. I don't know if he just likes the sound of the 45 more than 2a3 (I prefer 45s too) and would actually be better off changing the operating parameters of the Kageki to match the 45 (primarily lowering the plate voltage). I own a pair of Kageki amps too, and would never run anyting but the recommended tubes for fear of damaging a VERY expensive amp.

As for the benefits to longevity of running stuff conservatively, there are plenty of examples of people who have old tabletop radios that are still being used daily that have never had tubes replaced since the radio first went into use in the 1940s and even earlier.
At those prices I don't blame you. Israel Blume the builder of my amplifier believes in running tubes conservatively. He runs the 300b at 25 watt dissipation, max for this tube is about 40 watts. He says tube lifespan increases and tubes run conservatively sound better. Larry I suspect you'll get many years of use/pleasure from your tubes.
I also like tube amps that don't go all out to maximize dissipation. Just backing off a little will increase tube life by a LOT. With my curren pushpull amps, it really is a very big deal that the amp runs the tubes conservatively. It utilizes four input/driver tubes that cost about $1,000 each and four output tubes that cost about the same. I am counting on the tubes lasting a very long time.
Hi Bill,
I googled your amplifier and found some very interesting information regarding it on Black Swamp audio and also found a review on Posiitive Feedback Online issue number 32. Bill I really like the concept and design of this amplfier, I like the decision to use a lower voltage on the plate and also the decision to go with a lower heat dissipation. I am really curious to see how this amplifier mates with your speaker. I get the feeling that this amplifier will be very pure and organic in character, yet also dynamic and lively. It should be much fun experimenting with this amplifier in your system.
I have a very soft hum that is heard with ears within about six inches. The irony is this, my push push amplifiers have no sound within 6 inches of the speaker yet when music is played, the SET reproduces tiny nuances and details that are totally missed my the other amplifiers. Ambiance is preserved better than any other amp I have tried. Audio results are fascinating to observe.
We listen at the same volumes it seems. Yeah, C weighted.

Charles, due your amps hum/buzz at all through your speakers? If so, how loud is it? Hear it 2 feet away only?
Thanks Bill,
I look forward to reading about your listening experiences with these different amplifiers. My average listening levels are 75-80db C weighted. So I realize my amplifier is only providing 1/10 to 1/4 of a watt. Most likely I'm using less then one watt of power probably 90 to 95% of the time I listen to music. I sit about ten feet from my speakers. Bill, on paper your new amp looks quite special and should sound exceptionally natural and realistic.
My current speakers are rated 90-92db and do not drop below 6 ohms. My prior Coincident Total Victory III speakers were 12 ohm and 95db effecient. Ok, all that is on paper, but my newer speakers seem easier to drive than the prior Coincident speakers.

Remember, I do not listen to loud music. Most of the time I am under 80db on average. My speakers sound great at moderate volumes. I also sit less than 8 feet from the front plane of the speakers with the speakers pointed right at my ears...substantial toe-in.

I will let you know how the combo works out. My expectations are high as the amp is said to play much louder than its rated power.

I currently use a PP tube amp in triode mode putting out about 20-25 watts per channel and I have never come close to using all that power. My main amps are 300 watt SS monoblocks. I will trade between them and one tube amp. So this new SET amp will go up against my highly modified pair of PP tube amps for second position. I like to have both my reference SS amps and a good tube amp. I just love the sound of tubes sometimes. This is especially true for female vocal and jazz.
That sounds like a very intriguing and interesting amplifier. I have a question for you, is your speaker efficient enough for a 10 W amplifier to display its beauty or does your speaker require more power? Bill, I am very interested to read your impressions on this amplifier speaker combination. My gut feeling is that this amplifier with this type of circuit and power supply attention should sound marvelous if the speaker load is compatible and benign.
Correction. 6sn7 feeding 46 feeding 845. The power tranny weights 35 pounds by itself! The design brings the very best qualities out of these 845 tubes by running them at their sweet spot tonally.
Joining the DHT SET amp world next week with a unique 845 amplifier designed by Larry Moore of UltraFi. His Monaco 845 design. The 845 tube is not pushed to its max and thus the amp put outs 10 watts, not the typical 20-28 watts per channel. DHT 45 tube drives the DHT 845. The amp is massive weighting in at just over 80 pounds or so.

Five separate power supplies! Yes, I said 5! I'll report back next week on the sound & synergy.
Got my new driver board for my AN Kit 1 from Digital Pete in Florida. Got the old board removed and hoping to get the new one installed in a day or two.
I'll report back!
With the amount of affluent folk on A'gon I would think it a prime hacker target.
These guys are not stupid.
I hear you Schubert. What agon must realize is that cyber attacks are a real and present danger to our credit card security and they aren't immune although not a likely target but again, who knows? I have made it a point going forward that I am NOT giving out my CC info on line until security is more fail safe, at least in my mind. Agon is certainly not immune although most likely off the radar of these criminal hackers.

I know this isn't relevant to the thread but as a collective group I feel it imperative that we let agon know that their pay model and conditions are unacceptable. I'll pay as I see fit or I won't perform transactions on this site. Other alternatives for buying/selling are happening as we speak and more palatable without the unacceptable conditions, at least to me and Schubert. This needed to be stated if on the inappropriate forum.
Shubert ;
Get a separate computer and CC with a small limit for internet only use .
Keep "all" other financial transactions off of that computer
and CC . Cheap insurance and peace of mind !

Good luck
I backed out of a deal where seller would not communicate
and owed A'gon 19 bucks.
I offered to send A'gon a MO , but they said no, you have
to put your card online in your account , only way we accept payment.
Ain't happening, I've been hacked before.
I thought they wanted everybody to do that a while back but I didn't pay any attention to that email.
I have had my arguments with them over the years (you never win), but what do you mean, if you are able to say, by "putting your card online"?
Agon should rethink policies that embitter assets like Schubert. And Padmore still sounds better through SET amps.
Its Ok Roxy, you did have a point.
My problem is I got in a hissy-fit with A'gon over putting
my card online and closed my account so I can only communicate on this and that post. Sorry.
Yes, although the Great Austin Blizzard of '15 never materialized, my office opened a couple of hours late and thus missed the mail delivery! The post office said it should come tomorrow.