The best plug in filter ever!

Puron AC Power Conditioner by Greg Voth

After reading rave review of Puron AC plug in filter, I had got one 10 days ago.

For your information my system is very complicated with bi amping and three Farad linear supplies.

Thus I have 14 power cables, one main power conditioners, three isolation transformers.

I had tried plug in fliters from quiet lines, quartet stecker, IFI, furutech, Nordost Qv2 and QX2 fliters.

I still have all of them in my system without selling any of them.

I am collector. šŸ˜

All of them had brought slight improvement but not drastic change.

But as soon as I inserted Puron Ac filter, it made background black with more details and clear bass.

The stereotimes review is spot on.

Encouraged by the result, I had ordered two more of them so that I can insert more of them close to amps and Dac.

Now my system got transformed with more vivid and clear sound stage but not overetched.

This is the best 750$ that I had spent during last 5 years in my audio system.





Ozzy found in his system that they worked better without the HFC. I use them with the HFC products and like them just fine. For me where they are placed in the system makes the bigger difference. Near or on the wall before the power conditioners best for me.I also found that on the power line that my front end of my system was better than on a amp line.(I got a improvement at the amp) but it was a bigger improvement at the front end side. I use the same splitters and have many HFC products plugged in to them along with the Puron filters.

Ozzy is very good at what he does with his system. So you should try them with out the HFC products. then maybe add them back in later at different location on your power line. Just remember the HFC products take a little time to settle back in after removing.

Good luck

Good Morning


Very nice to read these nice comments.



Appreciate your comments.

Have been to your country many times and I truly enjoyed visiting. I miss those Chili Crabs for sure šŸ˜Š

My pleasure ā€“ and always here to help any of you. My plate is full with xsa-labs A40 and P40 coming as well as the new Bob Carver and several new LSA Products, but I really enjoy hearing from all of you.



Hope all is well there. Would love to visit one day for sure.

Should let everyone know (and apologies for cross threading here) that big news is ahead for FUSE BOX. Very excitedā€¦

Doing well in generalā€¦ and if I could ever figure out DHL, my world would be just about perfect.


Thanks ā€“ Mark



ā€œAs Mark graciously assist me tobget the T adaptors,ā€

Out of curiosity which T adapters you are speaking about ?

I have also been following this thread and like the thread starter, Ozzy and 68pete who have been a pleasure reading their comments on various tweaks, many of which i also use and more.


I started with 2 in which Mark was pleasure to deal with. I had meant to poat my very positive results after some jiggling about, more which i will explain and am awaiting another order of 2.


I was hesistant to post my experiences due to the fact that the workings if the puron was not disclosed and had no clue what the puron is, which also made it hard to purchase since i am not in the U.S.


Until the latest postings here, i was not comfoetable claiming such until others now have also voiced out and this aligned much with my own assessments that this may not be or just a capacitor filter like device and a timer/counter frequency unit as well, possibly both? Unless Mark is able to share.


I found initially does not play well with the HFC magnets, in particular the original mc-0.5(newer versions are fine), but cannot confirm till i get more purons to test.


They did strike me that even on the same line, different position near the mains breakers work very well, leading me to conclude it may be a devide whichay be emmitting a field also?


As Mark graciously assist me tobget the T adaptors, it quickly lead me to conclude again the socket quality or even connection to different quality of outlet and cable preceding it made a rather significan difference, where one could easily wrongly state that it does not plat well when a wrong combination or locations was chosen.


Even different surfaces can lead to better or worst effect.


Over the time with such tweaks like HFCs, nordost, Add-powr, Telos and Asuz power tweaks i use, it can get expensive qyickly if the quality of powercord, aockets and isolation are factored in which can result in a very big noticeable differing impact to the sound.


It can take a bit of experimenting and effort to acheive a rather large impact like some of our fellow forumers observed.


Point to note, i did not give a very noticeable difference for me until the 2nd unit was inserted and properly located.


Impact was very rewarding and rather large where clarity, saturation, dynamics and a more solid and focussed soundstage and bass emerged.


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Not sure I am understanding your post. Are you saying that you are adding a SR HFT onto the end of the Puron? If so, I have tried it and it didnā€™t seem to do anything. I have some of the SR tuning dots and I may try one on the ends. ozzy
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Has anyone compared it to the Puron to the QSA jitter plugs? I have a QSA Red conditioner in my main system. For the second system, I don'r want to spend too much and am seriously considering the Puron. However, I don't use a dedicated power conditioner* in the second system. Basically, everything is connected to a regular power strip, albeit a well made one with options for grounding, which is connected to the wall. Does it make sense to use the Puron filter between the wall receptacle and the power strip's power cord?

*I might buy a better power conditioner for the second system but not a priority at this time.


Many thanks - Please give it about 30 hours, even 40 plugged in. Big changes will start to happen. Break In is A Thing with Puron for sure

@tksteingraber - all I thought about all day was The Habit (no joke). You killed me - but we do have Portillos about 30 minutes from my home at The Colony, TX

Thanks to YOU for your faith and trust in my and the product. There are other solutions for sure - like our friend rsf507 just linked - Products from this company as well known to be good (Grounding especially)

What I know is this - We have a near to 97.xx Percent of Joy-filled users and at the Puron Price - this makes me and most of you smile.

I have some cool accessories coming too... Maybe I can say a bit more over the weekend. Itā€™s been a busy week getting Bob Carver his new RAM 285 into Production Ready Mode and the new Class A Amp at my sister company ready as well ---Ā  Ā


Best wishes,




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+100 Mark is such a great guy with amazing customer service and great products. Ā 

Even for a midfi value guy his Puron plug defies logic and is just amazing! Ā I had 2 plugs: one plugged into my home theatre systemā€™s power conditioner and one in my 2 channel systemā€™s wall outlet. Ā  Both sounded best in those locations until I finally decided to move the HT plug into the 2 channel power conditioner. Wow everything sounds better, clearer background, more real sound and like no fatigue. Ā It has found a new permanent home and I had to order 2 more for my HT systemā€™s wall outlet and power conditioner. I am now sold 2 per system is the right combination for me. Ā Thatā€™s my limit šŸ¤£ā€¦Thanks Mark!

I just received my second Puron today. I have one plugged into a Maestro duplex and the new one is connected to my Equi=Core 1800 MKII, which is plugged into a Deep=Core. I know youā€™re not supposed to do this, but I started listening right after I plugged it in. My first impressions were that my system sounded bright and very thin. Needless to say, I was shocked. I waited a little over an hour before listening again and I could tell my system had started to mellow and the body started to come back. Ā I know there is a break in period, so Iā€™m going to wait until tomorrow to listen again. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be amazed.Ā 

I want to thank Mark again for amazing customer service and quick delivery. This product is truly amazing.Ā 


Thanks for believing in the product enough to try this. I felt very comfortable with my comments - trying to NOT sound like a know-it-all. Glad for you and thanks


Big thanks to you as well for your patience and kindness. Excited for your results. I hope sincerely hope it goes well.Ā 

@my friend out there in Ireland - thanks for your personal endorsement. I feel certain that you are reading this forum - so, I just want to thank you for your new order last night. I was REALLY Happy about itĀ 

Many to thank - but I'm sure this is probably enough for now.Ā 

Just received mine!
I would like to emphasize more than exceptional communication with MarkĀ and publicly thank him here for his helpfulness during the purchase.


When I ran dedicated lines each one is terminated with 3 Furutech NCF outlets. I also have found a device on Amazon that can double the outlets that can be used. Itā€™s called CyberPower GC201 6" Heavy Duty Extension Cord. Keeps things tidy looking.

Itā€™s About $3.


So today I now have 3 Puronā€™s on each of my dedicated lines.

When I connected up the 3rd Puron to my main system which shares the outlets with my Niagara 7000 which provides power to my Lumin X1 and my tube mono blocks the sound kinda shifted to a much wider but bass deficient sound.

My sub-woofers (4) were plugged into a separate dedicated line via a couple Niagara 1200ā€™s and at this time only had 2 Puronā€™s.

Hmmn, but once I inserted the 3rd Puron into that line everything locked back into place. So, each of these Puronā€™s are quite dynamic and when using them with a few dedicated lines like I am using, it is very important to balance them out with equal Puronā€™s.

BTW, 3 Puronā€™s per each dedicated line is better than two. Much deeper, wider, more articulate sound and overall, a greater enjoyment to my system.



Iā€™m sorry you feel this way. There are several reasons for this - they are

Cost for Transport with DHL is very expensive - as well as the new Duty Allocation now must be factored in

The increase is not too bad

US goes from $250 to $275 with freight pre-paid

Export goes from $250 to $295 and I will pay the freight and use UPS and NOT USPS - UPS is roughly $20-$30 dollars more

I personally feel this is not a terrible increase give the Paid Freight

Thanks - Mark


PS - I also stated in my post that I will not increase the price until May 1st - and in the meantime I will keep my $250 price and pay the freight anywhere in the world prior to May 1st.Ā 


Thanks x 2

How much is the price increase and why?

They are great products and I had shared many positive feedbacks here..... nowĀ  Iā€™m feeling like shooting my own foot.



Thanks so much for taking them time to post this. Nice way to start the day.

I offered my opinion to @joenies just a few posts earlier about Balanced Power and Puron. They work well together. I also suspect that @ozzy will find joy with his Niagraā€™s and Puron

There is also no better way to improve oneā€™s system with solid DC Snubbing. There are several good products out there that do the trick.

Have a good Sunday All ā€“ Mark


My review of Puron & Equi=Core 1800
Ā Ā  Ā 
Firstly I am going to review these two pieces as one, because I think they go together like PB & J, or Rum & Coke.
Secondly I want you to understand that I don't think these pieces are as much of an upgrade to a system as say upgrading to a much better speaker, if you don't already have an excellent speaker system. This is an upgrade for people who think they have a state of the art system. They may even think their system can't be improved upon! Well fasten your seatbelts if you are in the latter group.

Just to give a standard to the review I will explain my system so you can judge for yourself if I qualify to make the improvement claims.

My stereo system consists of:

One pair Emerald Physics EP2.8's (carbon fiber drivers version) tri-amped.
One pair HSU VTF-3 MK5 HP self powered subwoofers.
One 4 ch Axiom Audio ADA1500 power amp (2 ch driving the woofers and 2 ch driving the midrange)
One NuPrime STA-9 stereo amp (driving the tweeters)
One Legacy Audio Wavelet used as a Pre-Amp/4 way electronic x-over, DAC, DSP.
My most frequently used source is an Apple Airport Express streaming ALAC digital music to the WaveletĀ 
via a Toslink connection. Ā 
Speaker wires are all 12 gauge, high strand count OFC and all interconnects are balanced XLR Better Cables Silver Serpents, except the RCA better cables to the subwoofers.

The addition of the Core Power Equi=Core 1800 can be summed up in a single word. Clarity.
Plugging everything but the subwoofers into the Equi=Core 1800 power conditioner was like removing a blanket from in front of the speakers. My system had never sounded so clean and free of background noise. Ā Better detail, imaging and sound stage. Then I plugged in the Puron to the power outlet the Equi=Core 1800 Ā was plugged into and WOW!! Instruments were even more defined in space. There was more depth to the sound stage and more separation of instruments from each other. Vocals were defined and very localized. The sound was bigger. The sound stage grew from wall to wall and floor to ceiling and imaging was very stable. You can close your eyes and point to an individual instrument or vocalist. For me the biggest improvement was in the high frequency range. Every now and then, on certain music, I would get a distortion from the tweeter. Not sibilance, but more of a chirp sound. I thought I might have been overdriving the tweeter or that the surface of the diaphragm in the compression tweeter was distorting or resonating. Once the Puron was added into the mix, I have not heard that distortion, or any other again. My guess is it might have been caused by DC on the power line that is now being filtered out by the Puron, but I can't prove that. All I know is everything sounds cleaner, cleared and much more lifelike than it even has, and it was pretty good before the addition of these two pieces. Well worth the money, IMO, if your system is this revealing. You may be quite surprised at just how much better your system can sound with a cleaner power source. I had no idea how badly my power source was affecting the sound system until I heard the difference for myself. 10 out of 10!!
Ā  Ā 


Super glad you are3 pleased with your system. This IS, after allā€¦ where the rubber hits the road.

As far as Large Scale AC Conditioning Iā€™m (obviously) a BIG Fan of Balanced Power. In my own home I had more than 3volts of DC riding on my AC Line. With my Core Power 1800 ā€“ 35mV now. Big difference ā€“ easier for the entire system to ā€œworkā€. Transformers are happier ā€“ Iā€™m happier.

I know you live far away, and freight is a bummer for something big/heavy ā€“ but I can and WILL help.

Available at your leisure


Glad the folks here have your referencing your experience with Puron

I believe strongly that Puron with your Niagraā€™s will get you to the next step in performance. Break In as you well know is an important consideration.

Video performance is not to be believed in my home. Really nice. Lynn and I are watching LIV Golf right now and itā€™s just stunning.



Thanks for your support while we get these Secure Payment Links embedded in the verafiaudiollc site. Weā€™ve had a learning curve there, but we finally have it right. The new links will post up shortly.

Apologies re the price increases May 1st. Just no choice.

Thanks again ā€“ Mark

Just ordered another 3 Puronā€™s.

This will now provide me with 3 per dedicated line and one more in my router/modem/Uptone Regen/ AfterDark clock/ linear power supply room.

I will still be using these outside of my AudioQuest Power conditioners.



I commend you for sticking to it. I know what you mean about playing the same music over and over, it can get old fast.

I also agree that most power conditioners due more harm than good. Except the Niagara 7000 even when used with my mono amps there is a big improvement.

But originally, I did not like the Puronā€™s plugged directly into the Niagara. Perhaps I didnā€™t give them enough of a chance, so I am going to try it again.


Greetings to all,

Itā€™s been a long couple of weeks. I replaced my MIT Z Stabilizer conditioner with a Audience Forte V8, replaced the 2 MIT AC filter outlets for my amps with a hospital grade outlet for the subwoofer amp and a Furutech GTX NCF outlet on the Main amps.

I listened to my system for 5 days (without the Puron filter) listening to the same 5 CDā€™s and 4 albums over and over again. I made notes while listening. My system sounds very good to my ears.

Ā I then plugged in 1 Puron filter into my front end equipment. I have been listening to my system this way for the past 8 days, listening to the same CDā€™s and albums over and over. Iā€™m happy to say the Puron filter is doing No harm. Iā€™m not hearing Ā all the other improvements that other have heard. I believe that since I already have good AC Power coming into my house, I already have a very quiet system. I have 3 of my circuits on their own isolated ground system. No hum, buzz or hissing comes out of my system.

Ā The 1 thing noticed with the Puron filter is on 1 of the CDā€™s the background singer is now more in the room with the voice much more pronounced. Thatā€™s a good thing.

For now the Puron filter will stay in my system. In a few more days or weeks Iā€™ll remove the Puron filter and see what the system sounds like without it.

For right now Iā€™m Tired of listening to the same music over and over. I will play something different today.

Ā I think the following might have happened when I didnā€™t get positive results the first time using the Puron filter.

The MIT Z Stabilizer was not compatible with the filter?

Having 2 filters plugged in at the same time overloaded the system?

The Puron filters I have needed to be broken in longer than others have experienced?

For now my system sounds Great. Iā€™m happy with my system.

@ozzyĀ I never heard a AC conditioner that I liked. I always thought they did more harm than good. Have you recently removed your conditioner from your audio circuit and just plug your equipment straight into the outlets? I know you have very nice conditionerā€™s in your system. I have never had that brand in my system. Maybe give it a try.

Ā Iā€™m going to listen to some different music now. Have a good day.

Joe Nies

@dogberryĀ : no need to get worked up and write a whole thesis. It was a joke to Ozzy. Watch video blind. Get it now?

I am assuming she was testing video completely blind, right? Blind test ABX? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

Even n=1 blind tests are effectively nullified by the (clever*) statement that it takes 45 minutes or so for the effect to be apparent.

45 minutes ruins our ability to compare. I'm trying to keep my 17kCDN electrostatic speakers going despite their 12 panels failing, one by one. Each time one fails, I substitute a pair of boxless transmission line speakers. First disk I grit my teeth. By the third disk I say to myself "I can live with theseā€”why am I repairing those expensive speakers?" And after repair, I say the same kind of thing to myself in reverse "This is so much better" yet by the third disk I can't remember (other than intellectually) what the difference was. Only do I find support for the better speakers in long term usage: do I choose to spend my days listening, or doing something else? Do I find myself staying up late at night for just one more disk? That's why I am going to replace all the panels in those speakers: they keep me listening. In just the same way, it would take months of honest self-reporting to do the same with a device like this. But, read on, if you like.

*clever? Well, certainly. It means you cannot conduct any kind of blind test for yourself, as 45 minutes means no worthwhile comparison. If you want to argue about that I have a solution for you. It will take a few weeks and need a helper. Let me suggest a couple of weeks with the device plugged in, and a couple without it. Record your satisfaction each day. Your helper must not tell you whether it is plugged in or not. Do this for about three cycles both ways, which is six weeks. You must not cheat, so the device must be hidden from accidental view. At the end your scores should be analysed, along with those of (as many as possible) other listeners doing the same thing. An independent examiner will take the results and the information from the helpers which says plugged-in or not-plugged-in for each set of two week scores. Then, and only then, will you know whether you are listening to a real effect, or your own expectations.

Many people will say none of this is necessary. My answer is why not do itā€”properly, with independent oversight and analysisā€”and prove me wrong in my suspicions? There's nothing to lose if you are right.

But for her to notice the video improvement, that really says something.

I am assuming she was testing video completely blind, right? Blind test ABX? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Through all these years my wife has never really been impressed with my audio or video system. She will say, " It always sounds the same, when will you be done with all of this?"... sigh!

But for her to notice the video improvement, that really says something.


I'd like to second that @ozzy1

I wasn't even expecting the video improvement but shortly after plugging it in I was walking by the TV and stopped. The improvement was very noticeable and my wife, who was not even aware of the change noticed the picture improvement.Ā  This is on an LG 65" OLED screen.


Iā€™m still so very much impressed with the Puronā€™s with my Audio and Video equipment. Even my wife noticed the improvement in the picture quality! (And for her to comment, that is really something,)

Best value for the dollar for the amount of improvement to be achieved today!


Good Morning All,

I must report at this time that Puron will undergo a small price increase on 1, May 2023

Puron 110v will go to $275


Puron 220/240v NEMA 15 US Style will increase to $295

Puron 220/240v Schuko will go to $295


Costs in shipping, Import Duty and Handling are the main causes

I will pay freight to all destinations at NO COST until June 1, 2023 and then I will begin to charge for freight.Ā 


Thanks for your amazing support.Ā 

Best wishes - MarkĀ 

Good Morning and Happy Holiday

Our very simple web site has been a bit overwhelmed these last few weeks.

We are going to build a more sophisticated site with a better and more Full Service Shopping Cart with more payment options, etc.

If you are interest in Puron or FUSE BOX please try to connect with me directly

[email protected]

I apologize in advance for this ā€œcommercial messageā€, but I want everyone interested to know that the site changes are moving forward quickly and we are ready for you.

Thanks -


@verafiaudioĀ Thanks Mark. Itā€™s great to know you backup the products you distribute.

@ozzyĀ Thanks for suggesting that the MIT Z conditioner could be holding back on dynamics. I donā€™t care for AC conditioners most of the time. Iā€™ll be happier once it is out of the system. It was only there to provide some protection for equipment.

My main amps were plugged into a MIT Z ac filter outlet. Last night I replaced the outlet with a hospital grade outlet. I was surprised. Very nice improvement overall.Ā 
Note: My amps are on a dedicated circuit and were not on the circuit that the Puron was plugged into. I have 4 dedicated 20A circuits in my room.

When I get the new power strip and get familiar with the sound I will install the Puron into the circuit that feeds my front end equipment.

The Puron filters are plugged into my second system now. The audio does sound better. I donā€™t see very well, so not sure on video improvements.

Joe Nies


Hi Joe...


YES - I knew this was you.

Everything remains - if you need a few extra weeks to test - consider it done.

It might sound a bit trite - but YOUR satisfaction is all that counts in this house



So, an update to my last update.

I no longer think the copper sleeves are a positive with the Puron. It seemed like it was at first, but I have changed my mind.


@verafiaudioĀ Thanks Mark. I really want them to work in my system. I hate returning items that I purchased. I should receive my new outlet strip in a few weeks. At that time I will try them again in my main system.

Mark, by the way this is Joe up in Alaska.

Joe Nies

@ozzyĀ I had them plugged in my main system as you suggested. They are now plugged into a wall outlet that feeds my HT/2 channel system.

Once I receive my new outlet strip I will follow your suggestions. I did purchase 2 of the filters Ā 

Joe Nies


Trying not to clutter this thread with my own bias etc.Ā 

I agree with what ozzy has suggested.


Do remember that you have the option to return if you are not satisfied. No Questions - No BS.Ā 

Here to help if needed

