During this isolation, I would be interested in suggestions of great movies you like.

please suggest films you feel are worth, actually very worthy, of watching now?  Looking for very good and intelligent films.  As far as ones that simply pass the time, that will be for another day.  I may have the most interest in any classics I may have missed.....you know, films like 'Howdy Doody, Man or Myth"...and "Sex and the Single Dentist". 

I’ll just try to add some quality comedy to your life...

Slap shot - Paul Newman, comedy, hockey, nuff said. 
Life of Brian - Monty Python’s best IMHO
Best in Show - I generally don’t watch movies with animals, but...

"Sideways," great way to see some wine country in California, before they were destroyed in the present fires. ......."Hard Times ",Depression era  film about fights in the 30s in New Oleans...."The Man who would be King" set in India in 1890s....."The Last Detail" set in early 70s Jack Nicholson goes Navy.
With so many to choose from, how about 2 lists? A and B

Sunrise : A Song of Two Humans
The General
Wuthering Heights (1939)
Citizen Kane
Love is a Many-Splendored Thing
Rebecca (1940)
Three Coins in the Fountain
The Last Picture Show

Gone With the Wind
The Day the Earth Stood Still
A Touch of Evil
2001 A Space Odyssey
Saturday Night Fever
Mad Max 2 (the Road Warrior)
American Graffiti
Once Upon a Time in America
The Damned United (2009)

There’s also Apocalypse Now (any cut), Enter the Dragon, Summertime /Summer Madness (1955), The Dark Knight (2008) etc

Damn it, somehow I forgot Casablanca!

The Coen Brothers: The Man Who Wasn’t There. A Serious Man. No Country For Old Men.

David Lynch: Eraserhead. Lost Highway. Mulholland Dr.

Stanley Kubrick: Dr. Strangelove. Full Metal Jacket.

Jim Jarmusch: Down By Law. Mystery Train. Coffee And Cigarettes.

Billy Wilder: Sunset Blvd. The Apartment.

Martin Scorsese: Mean Streets. Taxi Driver.

Christopher Guest: Best In Show. Waiting For Guffman. A Mighty Wind.

Mel Brooks: The Producers (original). Young Frankenstein.

Carl Reiner: Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid.

Francis Ford Coppola: The Conversation.

Peter Bogdanovich: The Last Picture Show.

Alfred Hitchcock: Vertigo.

The Three Faces Of Eve. Sybil.

The American.

Crazy Heart.


The Ghost And Mr. Chicken.

Ghost World.


The Machinist.

Rivers Edge.

Rubin & Ed.

Tender Mercies.

jond reminds me: Tarantino. All of em. As good as they all were back in the day, its shocking how well they stand up to viewing decades later. Tarantino is the Master of Meta and if you don't know what that means watch them again you will see.

If you're into long movies nothing beats Peter Jackson's Directors Cuts of The Lord of the Rings. The only movies ever made where the additional time truly adds to and moves the story along. Also the only ones where instead of adding stock music they went back and re-recorded with a live symphony orchestra, same as the original theatrical version.

Then for fun to see how much he's evolved and for the sheer fun of watching what must be the most exuberantly over the top zombie move of all time, Dead Alive (Braindead) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103873/ 

Then for easily the wittiest, most intelligent zombie movie of all time, Fido https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0457572/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Little Murders

Midnight Cowboy

Last Tango in Paris

The Last Picture Show
Some of my faves are:

The Usual Suspects

Fight Club

Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

Reservoir Dogs
Here's what comes to mind-

Live and Die in LA - directed by William Friedkin - Willem Dafoe plays a counterfeiter - great action scenes, music by Wang Chung
Magnolia - directed by Paul Thomas Anderson - Weird, but enjoyable movie with Tom Cruise at his best 
Watchmen - best action hero movie
"Moon" .. terrific film! 

"Harold and Maude". Added bonus .. if you're a Cat Stevens fan you'll love the soundtrack.
Post removed 
The Best Science Fiction You Never Saw: Dark City https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWfC_Bcb0BA

The Cinema of Michael Mann https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPKXvHjor1g

Classics: Casablanca, An Affair to Remember, The African Queen, The Man Who Would Be King

Westerns: Tombstone, Once Upon a Time in the West, The Outlaw Josey Wales, Unforgiven, Silverado, Hell or High Water

Sam Rockwell plays Sam Bell portending future Oscar work.

The Cooler
Bill Macy loser/winner

Breaking The Waves
Lars Von Trier

Before The Devil Knows You're Dead
Syd Lumet's last mellow drama.