What are you streaming tonight?

As we are in the modern age of music I thought I would see how this fares.
We have threads specific for cdp and tt so why not streaming as it is a modern media.
I don't care if you stream Tidal, Deezer, Spotify, Paradise Radio or any number of internet stations.
I would like you to share your tastes and method of streaming.
We are enjoying a drink and myself, a cigar, on our deck with Apple Music’s Piano Chill playlist. 
And that just about sums up one of the huge attractions of streaming music today!
No longer is it sub standard sq background sound, it is hirez up to the second MUSIC!
Yes. I generally stream qobuz or roon however, apple does have great playlists. I have polk outdoor speakers wired down thru basement to a new yamaha stereo receiver using airport express. 16/44 is the limit, still sounds great. For streaming, Apple music does sound really good, even on my main system. 
16/44 is redbook cd quality so yes it will sound great!
It is just getting easier and easier for everybody nowadays to be able to stream superb quality music and ever more affordable!
I totally agree. I know many will disagree, we really are in exciting times with music technology. Plus, with Qobuz and the like, i discover wayyyyy more new artists and genres than I did 30 years ago listening to FM or watching MTV. Yes there are issues with artist not getting paid fairly, etc with streaming. However, ever since i can remember, artist were always bitchin about “ the man” anyway.

with Qobuz based in France, theres a whole new world of established artists that ive missed for many years. 
Just waiting for quboz to officialy launch here in the usa and I will be giving them a trial for sure!
You will not be disappointed. Im not certain how their catalog will change for US streaming ( licensing, etc). I simply love it. I really need to drop Tidal, i never listen to it
As I am also reading a book, so it is more background, I am listening to Classical FM via my Magnum Dynalab MD 809T SE Internet Tuner
Does not matter how or what you listen to, streaming IS the modern way
Later today I will likely just hit play on the  Deezer Flow channel which is like a high quality Pandora feed where it just plays songs based on my saved music, playlists etc and finds similar artists, songs.
Whistle while I work
Black Sabbath.... The Dio Years.

Ronnie was a character that can never be replaced and one hell of a singer.

Caught him live twice, once in 76 with the quintessential Rainbow( Dio, Cozy and Ritchie) and early 80,s with his own band with Vivian Campbell on guitar. Probably one of the best stage shows I ever attended, the effects were over the top for sure but spectacular !
Yes they are a lot of fun are they not, yuk!

Starting the day on a lighter note

Paradise Theatre..... Styx!
I did my first colonoscopy sans anesthesia. I won’t be doing that again. I woke up during my last one, glanced up at the screen and commented to the group, oh, are they showing science fiction movies today?
Not quite sure why we are discussing medical procedures here...lol.
Title of thread is what are you streaming tonight, not what are you SCREAMING tonight!
OK, back on track. Little Richard, Slippin’ and Slidin’ 😛 Peepin’ and a-hidin’
Thanks David.

Just what I needed.

Doctor said when my surgery was fully healed the colonoscopy was next.
Told her I needed a second opinion
And a third......

Sorry for the distraction/hijack of the thread. I couldn't help myself.

Streaming? The Moody Blues, love them since my mono crystal radio in the '60s. I have a couple of gaps in my collection that TIDAL has.

No worries AMG56!

Have fun with it....lol.

At least when I was in hospital they had decent Wi-Fi so was able to stream Deezer and Pandora.
More Bill Frisell Band plus other stuff.
I replaced my speaker cable, so listening for changes. ;-)
A very aggravating evening!
Relaxing and cooling off with.

Tectonic.... Trillium
thanks jafant. up now United We Swing (Best of the Jazz at Lincoln Center Galas).............Wynton Marsalis Septet on Tidal
Feeling sorry for myself,infection in one of my points of surgery.

Ah well
Lying down.

Spotify on an Acoustic Rock playlist.

50 songs should keep me going for a while.

Hey @uberwaltz Sorry to hear your not feeling 100%. Makes for a good excuse to rest and listen to some music.

You were there in humour for me, and I really appreciated that. I hope you heal soon and every thing gets back to 110%

Cheers, Adrian

Thanks Adrian

Its nothing that a strong course of antibiotics will not cure.

Of course they and some pain killers have left me somewhat woozy, I know some will say hard to tell the difference but there you go.

Just be some more playlists today.....
Pretty good cocktail, hydrocodone, Amoxicillin and 100 octane coffee!

Deezer, Flow channel.

Shoot, a fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff!

Pretty sure I would end up losing not only the shirt off my back but my shorts as well.

Not a pretty sight I assure you!
Cleansing Music 50s Bop.  

Great station for pre-Beatles popular music.        LOts of well known and deeper cuts all wonderful sounding.   They don't make music like that anymore.  
Delvin Lamar Trio on Pandora Plus. You end up with a lot of Great stuff that you have never heard of !!!
Also "The New Mastersounds "
"Marcus Miller"
My Pandora is from the Roku Ultra with HDMI into the Oppo UDP 203.
Out of the Audio Only HDMI of the Oppo 203 to the McIntosh Mx151.
Out of the MX151 with Purist Audio Dominus Fluid ICs from  to McIntosh MC30s (re-built by Yves Beauvais). From the MC30s to the Tekton Double Impact Speakers .
I could listen for days on end with this setup .
The 4k HDMI Video out of the Roku Ultra to the 4k 70 Inch Sony TV

Nice setup Grey9hound.

Yea you know when things are right when you can just keep playing music until you reach the end of the internet!

I read to many posts where they say their system fatigues them after a time of listening, has to be something wrong still if that is the case imho.