speaker recommendations needed


I am looking to swap out my speakers. We just moved in to a new place, and I need something a little smaller and less dominating. Currently I have a set of Tyler Acoustics D1's: they are fabulous but huge, and this will be a multi-purpose room. Amplification is currently solid state (McCormack DNA-125 and ALD-1, both upgraded to REV. Gold). Not opposed to a tube amp, but the last 2 I have had in here, despite the $6k price tags, didn't best the McCormack, at least not on these speakers. Maybe they would on the new speakers. Room is 20x14x9, but the speakers will have to be 8 feet out from the back wall, at least, as there will be a breakfast nook in there as well.

A few speakers I have liked over the years:

Devore Super 8
Merlin VSM
Tyler Decade D1
Various Sonus Faber
B&W 804s

Speakers I did not like:
Thiel CS 3.6
Dynaudio C3 (maybe an amplification mis-match)

As I live in a small town, it is impossible to get speakers home for an in-home demo, so I have to do my research and hope for the best.
I have Tyler's Woodmeres and am a big Tyler fan. A buddy of mine recently had Tyler make him some Linbrook Super Towers, and he loves them. Plenty of everything, with a smaller footprint and diminutive size.
There are plenty of good smaller speaker to suggest, what's your budget? How about a little more detail on what exactly you want in a speaker?

While waiting for that info, take a look into Vapor Audio and the Odyssey Kismet monitor.
AS noted by others if you love your Tylers why not stay with a sound you are familiar with and just scale down.
Among the speakers on your list I have experience only with DeVore Super 8s and Merlin TSMs.

I owned the TSMs and Devore 8s at the same time and the DeVore's were much more to my liking with both tube and SS amplification. The Super 8s are even better than the 8s and work beautifully for me with a Cary Sli-80 tube integrated in the winter and a Simaudio i-5 LE in the summer. Having the DeVores has meant I've stopped swapping speakers every two years or so.
If you like Merlins as you said, the latest VSM Masters are the ones I would recommend. Your room has good dimensions and Merlins like being way out into the room. Any recent VSM is better than B&W 804s.
Check out Harbeth or Spendor. I have the Harbeth P3 ESR'S and have owned the Spendor 3/5R'S. Both are great little speakers. The Harbeths are a little more detailed but you can't go wrong with any of them! BTW Spendors sound very close to Vandersteen(laid back)which I also owned.
I like Vandersteen (I use them myself), but am thinking of small speakers that hour wife and you would like.......Check out Gallo speakers.
Dawg...Honestly I would talk with Ty and see about a trade in with your D 1's. Ty will make something that would be suitable for your scenario. I own the woodmere II's and these are amazing like your D series...Plus I also use B&W in my setup as well for HT and TV...But I think a call to Ty would be in order and he would create something for you...Another that is not on your list is Vandersteen...This is another speaker company that I think you should consider too if you wish to try something..I have heard a couple versions in two channel setups and was happy to hear the music etc...

I would buy the best Harbeth speaker I could afford. Absolutely perfect for what you are trying to accomplish ("little smaller and less dominating").

Or the B&W PM1. But would at least investigate the Harbeth's line first.
My first inkling from that list would be with the DeVore Fidelity speakers. A lot of those speakers from what I've gathered are geared towards smaller apartment type rooms. The only problem there is that also from what I've seen Devore speakers are meant to be paired with tubes. I don't know if the McCormack gear you have will mate well with Devore speakers. The good thing is that Steve McCormack and/or John DeVore may be able to help you if you have any questions about the potential match or mis-match.

My 2nd guess form that list would be the B&Ws as they match quite well with solid state gear. I had a stock McCormack DNA .05 Deluxe and it sounded wonderful with B&W Matrix 805 speakers I had.

Best of luck with the search.
Wow that is a tough question. Speakers like a persons ears are all different. But you can cut the list way down buy what power amps your using. If you switch to tubes you could go with something a lot more sensitive like 90db or better. Or you could keep the SS amp and switch to something like Martin Logan Vantage or try Montana Loudspeakers. Very hard for someone to offer suggestions as there are to many speaker manufactures.