Protecting Equipment from Children

My grandchildren are visiting this weekend.  They love buttons, knobs and remote controls.  Is there a good way to protect my equipment from destructive little hands?


Put the fear of God in them. Remember, spare the Hickory stick, spoil the vinyl collection.

 I never really thought about it and raised 3 kids on my own. They never screwed with my stereo. Funny thing though in later years I waited until everyone was out of the house before I would listen to music.

 THEN, one day my first grandkid visited. Went right for the stereo. Became a sort of game which I hated.

My grandson stuck Play Doh into the rear port of a speaker and ran off.  Only his three year old hand/wrist could fit into the port and he wasn’t interested in retrieving it.  On the other hand, the Pay Doh was revelatory, as if a veil had been lifted, and I now recommend it to everyone as a tweak