The Luxman L-595A SE integrated is coming.

Luxman is releasing this fall a 95th anniversary integrated. It's style is from the late 1980's. No meters all buttons. Power wise it seems like the same as the 590AXII. World wide 300 of these integrated's will be built. 100 allocated to the US market. Price about $11,495. You can view it on the new Luxman website.
Nostalgia sells.

Look at all these Luxman models

L595 ASE, CL-1000, MQ-300, LX-380, MQ88uC, CL-38uC,SQ-N150, D-380.
A couple of corrections on the Luxman America Facebook page the price is $11,995 not $11,495. Also the 595 SE is available now. So if you have a Luxman dealer near you they may have one on hand. 
I have the 590AXII and see no reason to go to this one. If they they had done a 50 watt maybe, but even then it’s not attractive at all.  I’ll wait for the 100 anniversary, hopefully I’ll be around! 
I had a L560 from the early 80’s and it was Class A 50wpc and did not go into class AB. It was very nice if i do say unfortunate only 100v/220v.

from reading on luxman's site this one looks to be 30wpc class A so not sure what the difference  is to the current 30wpc class integrated though.