Covering a TV behind your speakers?

I just read on another site a guy asking what difference it would make covering his TV while playing music. His picture shows a decent system but it must be in the basement. It can't be more than 12' wide. No sound treatments to be seen. I'm going through a divorce and will have to move to a much smaller one person house. I've been lucky for 30 years having my expossed basement listening room, 20' x 24', naturally almost perfect as far as sound goes.  I have been reading here and other sites trying to learn about treatments. Never heard the TV thing before. A few people responded to the guy's post that they hang drapes over the TV. I would think since current TV screens are not glass but whatever they are made of now they wouldn't cause a problem. Looking forward hearing from the experts here.

You don’t want anything reflective in the middle of your speakers. Glass, tv, table, are the worst but even a high audio rack isn’t good
Hey there,

Yes, flat reflective surfaces behind the speakers are bad, and diffusion is better.  Curtains work, but so does treating the rest of the room.

If you can't or don't want to treat one space, you can make up for it by treating other areas. The important thing is the overall room balance.

For professional advice, talk to GIK.


I cover my 55” tv with a thick blanket. I have a deeper sound stage when covered. My friends made fun of this obviously ridiculous pre listening ritual and I defended it with a couple of friends and a test removing and returning the blanket in a blind test. They are believers now. The blanket did improve the depth and in other ways, the overall quality of the sound.
Like a lot of people, due to space restrictions, I have my 75 inch tv between my speakers. I have a window covered with drapes behind the tv and I cover my tv with a fluffy blanket from Wal-Mart when I am listening to music. I believe it really helps. For $20 for a blanket, what do you have to loose. If nothing else, you can use it on chilly days.
I keep a fluffy 50"x60" throw blanket handy for both my systems/TVs.  My significant other hates when I do this, for reasons I'm still unable to ascertain. 
