Magico Q3 vs wilson sophia 3

Greetings to you all.
Someone listened to these speakers, if you explain me the differences.
I'm looking for a new speaker that is as transparent as possible
I think the speakers mentioned are.

Q3 should be compared to Wilson Sasha, not Sophia 3. Though Sashas seem pointless now that Sophia uses the same mid/tweet. a lot more money for a few more cycles of bass....
I have to agree with Keithr. The Sophia 3 and Sasha sound very similar and unless you have a very large room and or odd seating distance, needing the adjustable head the differences are not worth the price.
So I do not know you, but Italian is measured in square meters ..... and my room is
48sq, which is not great, but even smaller.

But some of you have heard the magic q3??
Magico Q3 much more musical more dynamic better macro/micro dynamics better midrange depth.Overall i like Magico Q3 but thats only my opinion.
From your reply it seems that you have heard the good, as you would see
driven by the Vitus Audio SS 101?

Ciao EBM.