Anyone Having Problem With Cardas Clear Beyond XL Power Cables Falling Out Of Equipment

I love my new Cardas Clear  Beyond XL power cables , however I am having a problem  with them either coming loose on wall  receptical or loosing contact on my Shunyata Hydra Triton 1. They are just too heavy. Any suggestions are appreciated.   

That reminds me, Cable Elevators are really just ceramic high voltage insulators used on power lines and telephone poles. Their first and best use is under speaker cables, where they make a huge improvement. Take them out, lay the cables on the floor, hear the sound stage collapse. 

But you don't have to use Cable Elevators. Any similar insulator will do. And there are a lot of them! Search eBay, where believe it or not people collect the darn things as steam punk type decoration! Whatever, they're cheaper that way, as low as $5 if you shop around, and work just as good. I just added a couple to help dress my phono interconnect and raise a few others off the floor. Would work great to support a heavy stiff power cord, and you get the sonic benefit as well. 
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HI Samgar- two things that should help.  First of all, rotate the duplex outlet 180 degrees so that the ground port is at the top rather than the bottom- this gives the cable a LOT better support and is within code.  Secondly at the IEC end, get some old fashioned cloth adhesive tape and wrap the IEC of the power cord a couple of turns to make it fit tighter.  I see some people use telson tape, but that is slippery and the cloth tape grips a LOT better.  Good Luck!
Ouch. All that $$$ and the cord won't stay in the receptacle. Judging from the size of those new connectors, wonder. Frustrating. How far above the ground is your wall outlet? If possible, use hard foam cubes to elevate the cable off the ground, to make it more level with the wall outlet. Or those fancy Cardas wood cubes (!). I did that for my Clear Beyond C19 feeding Triton. Worked beautifully. Hubbell outlet too.

I have a Clear Beyond C15 on my power amp, and love it; plugged into Triton. No upgrading for me. If it ain't broken (i.e. if it sounds superb), don't mess with it.

Good luck.
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