Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Jafant, as the 3.7's are missing the first octave; they are not full range. For that sub woofer augmentation is necessary. The 3.7's have their own different qualities, attributes. All of the Thiel CS models have the same placement recommendations. Many of Thiel's earlier models (pre-Thiel sub woofers?) had deeper bass, including all of the previous CS 3 series.
BTW, a 20 X 20 room would not be desirable.
dlcockrum, by that way of thinking what's the difference between the Zen master and Charles Manson?:-)
why is it that the 3.7 has a 10" woofer and a 10" passive and still lacks bass?  Seems almost like you would have to have designed the bass out of the speaker.  I am interested in the 3.7.
The 3.7 does not lack bass. It is very difficult to achieve the bottom octave with medium sized cabinet designs, especially when using 1st order crossover networks. (Woofer must be expected to perform equally well several octaves above the crossover point.) Typically designers have used much larger cabinets or electronic equalization, but that becomes taxing on the amplifier. I was impressed with the bass output of the 2.7 and I'm sure if you audition the 3.7 you will not be disappointed in the bass output.
I must add also that I agree with unsound as far as room size. Treatment for room interactions can make a huge difference in the mid and upper octaves. Bass, deep bass, would then be the limiting factor due to wavelength and the 3.7 doesn't quite get there.