Amy Winehouse.RIP

Passed away today in London.
Such a talent with sadly many demons.
Well good point so for the record I had no sympathy for that pig Joplin or Morrison. Hendrix was tragic and I did try to understand Kurts suicide.
Thanks for reminding me.
True but Morrison, Joplin and Whinehouse all celebrated and championed their destructive lifestyle. Life is a gift and to throw it away is terrible so they got their wish. Perhaps it makes life for those of us who respect it a better place with these folks gone.
I see nothing admirable about her and IMHO she had zero talent.

Still, she was a fellow human being who does deserve our prayers and compassion.
Boy, the effect of Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes is clearly seen in this thread, isn't it. (That's a social comment)

Can you imagine what would happen to your music collection if you took out every performance, every composition where at least some of the artists involved got drunk or stoned once in a while? (That's an appeal to the selfishness of some of the hateful types that have posted here)

If you feel hate towards an addict, my best advice is to get yourself some therapy. The hate is inside of you, and it is damaging you and your loved ones. Oh and stop listening to Murdoch flunkies, it is damaging to you and your loved ones. Get thee to your neareast mirror and repeat the hateful stuff you say and look at yourself as you say it; repeat until you do not like to look at yourself saying that stuff, then you will see yourself as most people see you.