Amy Winehouse.RIP

Passed away today in London.
Such a talent with sadly many demons.
"Addiction is like drinking from a well and falling in."

Blkadr- that's a very good description.
Agree with Blkadr on every point. The expression of so much animus toward this artist says more about the scourging effect of tabloid media than anything else. Moveover extreme animus often suggests that something really original and interesting (and controversial) is actually going on, as is amply demonstrated by

You have to be a deaf and blind monkey fart not to appreciate the mature creative synthesis of pop, jazz and musical history at work.

Well good point so for the record I had no sympathy for that pig Joplin or Morrison. Hendrix was tragic and I did try to understand Kurts suicide.
Thanks for reminding me.
True but Morrison, Joplin and Whinehouse all celebrated and championed their destructive lifestyle. Life is a gift and to throw it away is terrible so they got their wish. Perhaps it makes life for those of us who respect it a better place with these folks gone.