Best LP since Waters left Pink Floyd?

I know this is going be a contentious topic and open to opinion more than fact, but in your opinion what was the best recording to come out from a member of, former member of, or from Pink Floyd since Roger Waters left the band?

Everyone in the band has recorded solo LPs and Pink Floyd released two studio efforts... what did you like best?
When I want to hear spectacular smooth melodies, I go no further than those written by Gilmour. But Amused To Death is one incredibly enjoyable piece of work. The Live at Gdansk DVD concert is outstanding too. Just saw Waters on The Wall concert late last year......SPECTACULAR. It was as enjoyable as the original tour here in L.A. back in 1980.
I like "Delicate Sound of Thunder" LP for post Waters PF, for solo work "Amused to Death" and "Live at Gdansk" see a lot of TT time.
It just has to be Amused to Death. Such a sad and stirring record. The recording is just amazing. Jeff Beck puts down some of his best licks ever. I'd have to opine that Jeff Beck is about the only guitar God worthy of walking in Gilmours foot print.
I will admit that Amused To Death is a fantastic record and in all likelihood Rogers best solo effort, but there is just something about Radio Kaos that I really like, which makes it my favourite post Waters Pink Floyd era recording. Roger's songs really groove on this record and there is a continuity to the songs that his other records don't have, including Amused, in my opinion. David Gilmour is a superior musician and singer, Roger is the first to admit this, but Waters is by far the better song writer, and this I think trumps the playing and the singing. I love the two post Waters Floyd albums but let's face it they aren't really Pink Floyd records. They stand up well on their own, but they don't sound like Pink Floyd albums, they sound like David Gilmour albums trying to sound like Pink Floyd. There was a story circulating back around the time of Momentary s release that claimed the band had finished recording the record but wasn't happy with it and had to bring in Bob Ezerin,who by the way backed out of a contract he had with Roger at the time to produce his next solo record, causing a rift between the two that continues to this day, to help them make it more Pink Floyd sounding. Supposedly Ezrin played the new recording for his son and asked him what he thought. He son asked him who it was, and Bob told him it was the new Pink Floyd album. His son said that it was great but it wasn't Pink Floyd sounding at all.