How often do you get a chance to see live music

How often are you able to get out and see live music weather it be local bands or large concerts? I do not always get out to see big concerts as often as I would like but I try to see local bands as often as possble.
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That's why stereo's shouldn't sound like live you are there. That's what the studio is for. Hardly any bands sound like they are in the studio when they play live. It's great when they do but it doesn't happen very often.
At least monthly, often several times in a month, and I jave enjoyed every one of them except one, where a row of drunk males spoiled it so I left. That one was Tom Petty.
Several times per year. I try to go to just small venues (bars) and theatres any more, and I always bring earplugs (hi, my name is Dan, and I'm an old fart). For the life of me I don't know why acoustic bands at small venues amplify. Even if its just one guy and acoustic guitar. I'd bet that if they didn't amplify, the crowd would quiet down considerably. I recently caught Francine Reed at a beautiful outdoor facility near Atlanta. The band wasn't too loud (for once), but she was horribly miced! Her voice pierced my ears all night long. I wouldn't had known it was even her singing save for seeing her on stage. The whole experience was completely ruined by (poor) amplification. I crabbed about it during the show and all the way home. Everyone else there near me and in the car told me I ruined their night by yapping about it. They all thought it was a great show and I was just a crabby old fart. (I am, but that's not the point.)
I left NYC about 10 years ago. I used to live a block from the Bottom Line and got to catch a show there every week or two. Also made it to several other nearby venues pretty frequently. That was then.

Now, I live just outside LA and we have a club here that programs for a suburban audience. The result is a little heavy on the '80s, but when they go further back some great acts pop up. Maybe four to six shows a year, and I'll make it to half of those. McCabes in Santa Monica regularly programs top shelf guitar talent for mostly acoustic shows and I attend quarterly (ish). I also see a show in Vegas about once a year. Jazz a few times a year at local clubs, too. I even made it to Staples Center for my first arena show (Fleetweood Mac) in decades.

I still love seeing live music.