Give the new Kid Rock a shot.

I initially picked up the Kid Rock "Rock and Roll Jesus" and scanned it quickly. Not bad but it was not on my must play list. I gave it a run the other day and I'm here listening to it yet again. What a change in the "Kid". He is sounding Skynard / rock / mountain music / fun. Two of the favorites are #10 "Blue jeans and a rosary" and #11 "Half your age" (the more you hear this one the more you like it). I like all sorts of music from classical to country and this disk is up with my favorites. LMK if anyone has any imput on his "new" sound.
agaffer you are correct kid rock loves to explore different kinds of music. he will play any style and with any one. i think that is what music is about. expanding what you listen to no matter what the music is buy something new and try it. if you dont like then you can have an opinon about it.
52 year old grandfather, with Lowthers and Wavelength Custom 45s. 30+ years of high end fun.

Barber, krall, etc. yeah, I've got a ton of that, Black and Shaded dogs, ECms, $30k in my turntable.

I saw KR on the Larry/Santa roast (sweet Jesus, believe me, I was just passing through!!) Not since Bowie at the Music awards 8 years ago with "I'm afraid of Americans" have I just gone slack-jawed and immediately left the house to go buy the music.

Awesome. It makes my wife grit her teeth (of course, she's too good to actually LISTEN to it) and I have to keep the grandkids away from the language, but I love it and it's not recorded too badly, given current standards, (or lack thereof).

Let's be clear, I have no other KR and may not buy more, but this is great RR: sort of Run DMC/skynard/Guns and Roses, Arrowsmith (when they were way too stoned) and Ike and Tina (when they both had balls). Best commercial rock I've heard in over 10 years.
Hi Harris 1204 . I am really taken back at some of the negative comments your thread has generated . I have a wide range of musical tastes as well and found that being open minded and really giving different performers an honest listening has given me the chance to hear some good music that I would not have listened to if I had a closed mind . I also would like to point out you simply asked a question without being opininated and were simply conveying curiosity . I wouldn,t pay too much attention to certain FREEKS out there as with most open minded people there is two people we don,t care for , The overbearing opinionaters , and of course the ill tempered a....les . Make that three , we now have to include a morphing of the two to create a third . Ooops did I just state an opinion . My bad ! Cheers and enjoy , life is too short not be diverse .
Thanks for the heads up. I will have to give the samples a listen on amazon. Since his duet with Cheryl Crowe I have been giving the Kid a chance. I do have more than a little country in my collection and Willie and Norah are both favorites (must say Willies take on the standards ala Stardust are not my cup of tea, but I bet he and KR kicked some @ss! Is that duet available anywhere?
Wow I just listened to it and it IS pretty good. I take back everything I said. I can't believe how great it is in fact. I just listened to it three times in a row. I guess this is what the kids are calling underground/alternative rock.