What do you void listening?

Which songs or bands tell you to move to the next channel or change record or CD?
My alphabet starts from
Air Supply -- replace with something else IMMEDIATELY!
Sam Cooke believe it or not
Barry Manilow
Luis Armstrong
Neil Young
Bob Dylan
Rolling Stones
Most of Beatles.
Rock music is a dying style. Not as many young white Americans are listening to it now.Other color people are also not listening to as much rock. THANK GO it's finally going away. I know this because I work in a record store. Rock music CDs just sit on the rack collecting dust.
****Hip hop and rap are dying styles now. ****

****Rock music is a dying style.****

Hmmm.....perfect opportunity for a Disco comeback.
Bruce Springsteen. He seems to act like he is putting so much emotion into his singing, but to me he sounds like a phony and untalented.
Oh, yeah, I also cant stand Rap Music.
Ozzy, you might try some of Bruce's stuff where it's just him and an acoustic guitar. I find it to my liking whereas, like you, I've never liked his stuff with his band. Turns me off big time.