Simaudio MOON LP5.3 RS or 300LP?

This isn't really a question I'm asking - more a point of interest.

I just purchased the 5.3RS and in the manual there's some blurb about the RS designation means a higher grade of PCB and capacitors are used.

To my surprise, on reading the review of the 310LP the exact same phrase was used - suggesting that was why the new model was introduced.

Pics of the internals also look identical

Now I'm not saying they are the same electronics, but is seems it might be possible?

Now the kicker - the MSRP for the 310LP is around $1800
The 5.3RS ? - I got it for $1350 !

Just in case fellow members are looking in that direction :-)

It sounds real nice as well, especially with a quality power cord - probably don't need the seperate power supply that they promote.

Back to the tunes :-)
I own a the LP5.3 and I regard it as an essentially transparent device. More often than not, a flaw in the sound can be traced back to the support/turntable/arm/cartridge which precede it.

I'm glad I bought it.
Pure Harmony - there's a reason why these RCA's are called that!

I upgraded the Silver Harmony RCA's to the Pure Harmony RCA's on my Stager Silver Solids IC's used to connect the LP5.3 RS to the amp...
- Wider deeper image
- faster dynamics
- more details
- extended bass - not more bass - just much deeper
- more emotion
- more natural

Now the LP5.3 RS is really hoppin'

Dinster, That list of resistive loading options for your Audia Flight is indeed very odd. Perhaps there is a built in SUT for MC. Sometimes the stated value of the load is tricky to interpret when there is a SUT and if the load resistor is installed in front of or after the SUT. BUT, I really cannot imagine loading any cartridge at less than 30 ohms, net. And why one would need a choice of both 90 and 100 ohms, not to mention 7, 9, and 10 ohms, is also a puzzle. Something is fishy.

I just Googled Fremer's review of the Audia Flight from 2009. He wrote the following as regards cartridge loading, "The jumper system offers 16 logically chosen values between 60 ohms and 47k ohms, which was more than enough for me."
Are y'all using balanced or single ended ICs with this? I was underwhelmed using RCAs.

I had a 5.3 with the power supply and much preferred the Avid Pulsus to it, which I have since replaced with the Musical Fidelity kW.

Sorry to rain on the Simaudio Moon 5.3 parade. But I found the bass and the treble considerably improved on the Avid when I compared them head-to-head.
Roscoeiii - I'm using single ended Essence gZero6 IC's from KLE Innovations - these are exceptional performers on any gear.
