Which $500 Speaker Next?

I'm going to be buying a new pair of speakers in a few weeks and wanted to get some input from you all.

My equipment is Classe CA-150 amp, lightspeed attenuator...
Looks are important, I like detail, imaging, tight well defined bass, maybe a little forward sound... My listening room is a small to medium sized bedroom

Brands I'm looking at:

Swan D1.1se
LSA .5 or 1.0
B&W 601 S3 or 685 local
Tannoy Revolution DC6
Focal 705v or 806v
Selah Audio
PSB Stratus Golds local (completly different from the others here)
NSM 10s local

And Anything else here on the Gon around $500.

I like all types of music. Vocal and drums need to sound good, along with guitars.

Thanks ahead of time for your input!
I would look at the Omega Super 3i for $595 or the Omega Super 3T for $495.

These are single driver, crossover less speakers. I have had either the Super 3i or 3T in my bedroom system for the last 9 years. Excellent with vocals, guitars, and acoustic music.


I have no connection to the seller.
Milpai, the Classe CW-150 has an input sensitivity of 1.1v to clip it. Sources these days are 2v and most are even higher than this, the Lightspeed will be at mid position to almost clip the amp. There is no need to get higher sensitivity speakers as the amp can only go so far.

Cheers George
I don't know, those swan d1.1 and d2.2 look beautiful, get great reviews, are cheap, look to be built well with good parts...

Those warfdales look nice also, and I also like those full range speakers that don't use crossovers...i'll def conside those also, thanks!

Keep the input coming please! Got a week and a half before I get something :-)
I have two suggestions, based on recent auditions and a purchase:

Instead of stand-mounts (and sorry, they're a couple hundred bucks more but don't need stands), but the Focal 714V impressed the hell out of me in all the things you're looking for--clarity, midrange purity, air, detail, room-filling sound and ambience, nice tight bass. They're very petite--about 36" tall x 8"w x 11.5" deep. These speakers immediately disappear when the music starts. Normally $1200/pair but marked way down for MusicDirect's moving sale at $719 with free shipping and return privileges.

Second, after auditioning a bunch of stuff, I came home with some Magneplanar 1.7s. Too big and too much for your stated needs, but you can get the MMGs factory-dierct for $599. They're so thin and light you can tuck them up against the wall and then bring them out just to play the music. Maggies are magic. No boxy resonances or noise floor. Music and a well-defined soundstage just floats out into space. You don't listen *to* Maggies so much as listen *through* them.

Still, for maximum transparency and room-filling sound for minimum floor space, those 714Vs are hard to beat.