LFD Integrated - Please talk me out of buying one

Have a bit of "upgrade-itis". I presently have Luxman L-550ax integrated; have been using and enjoying for a couple of years. I've been intrigued by LFD - such a simple thing - for a while now. I'm an ex tube guy (which is why I bought the Luxman 20W class A amp). I'd pair the LFD with my Sonus Faber Electa Amator II's, Chord Qute EX DAC and - sorry - Spotify 320k into the Chord for the most part.

Anyone on the forum use LFD integrated? Thoughts as to sideways move? Just thinking out loud for now. Probably would get the new LFD Zero LE Mk5.

Thanks guys - I do appreciate your thoughts.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xsteveashe
You lose the remote from your Luxman as well. I have the 505UX and it was an upgrade from the Ayre AX7E I had before--much better match for my Harbeths.

If you want to have fun, then buy a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum and see how that floats your boat!
IMHO, the only problem with LFD is that it is way overpriced.

I have owned a couple of LFD pieces, (I still have an original LFD Mistral phono stage).

The LFD gear sounds very good, but the fit and finish and build quality are not what they should be for the asking prices.
Probably the most overly hyped product out there. I had a MkIV for a week - sounded like a Naim XS for 25% more money - build quality was crap - parts quality was crap. No remote. Thumped when I turned it on and off.

Stick with your tubes.
"07-29-14: Steveashe
Not convincing enough yet:-). Getting there. Which Ayre?"

Either, but the new 5 series is the better of the 2. As it should be, given its a lot more money. I know Austinbob disagrees but he has Harbeth speakers and they're just not a good match for Ayre. Its understandable why he would pick something else.