Silverline Sonata?

Whats up with these speakers. I see alot of them for sale (demos/used). Are they good sounding like say a Snell Sound with the more forwardness of a wilson cub. Please give your insite.
The thread mentioned above is a bogus review. The Sonatas in both versions are great value for the money. I recommend them strongly. They were among the selected systems in a recent TAS issue. There are several for sale because of the recent model upgrade.
How do you know it was a bogus review? That does not appear to be the case. In fact there have been other such incidents with Silverline products. I also know a dealer who dropped the Silverline products because of similar incidents. Ted
Gentlemen- I've owned my Sonatinas since january-I love them. Everytime I see an ad for them (or my powersnakes) I always contact the owner, asking why are you selling? Stating, clearly, my intent not to purchase but for input. Never have I been told that it was due to workmanship OR SONICS. even when upgraded to something else (more expensive) they all praised the Silverline speakers; Sonata or Sonatinas. While some have found some problems, I don't think, judging by the feedback I've received, it is common place. I love them and stand by them as a music-making component in my 20k system. Mike
Please note that this Tedr is a bogus person himself. Again. Sonata's are excellent speakers. Probably Tedr is a dealer for a competing brand. The Sonata is a complete bargain, if you like the way they sound (many people do).
Interesting to see this thread as I was just out auditioning speakers yesterday and happened to listen to a pair of Sonatas. They were originally hooked up to some Denon HT thing and were a little bright. We switched them to an Audio Research 120 amp and an AR preamp (not certain of the model no.) and they were beautiful/musical sounding speakers with the tube setup. Not having read Mark's review I just manhandled them into position (using one arm and my hip) and they were still intact (thank God as my speaker budget is $1000.00 :-). You fail to mention whether you have listened to the speakers Ted. Listening is always my first step in forming an opinion on a product. In addition my only "strong". opinions are on equipment that I have actually lived with. I am sorry that Mark had a structural problem with the speakers but suspect that due to the fact that they were not properly repaired that this may have altered the sound of the speakers as well as the whole ordeal in itself. Certainly if I removed a side from one of my speakers, and replaced it with another material and fit, the sonic signature would change. If the speakers are fragile due to their size, weight, selected material and construction method, then so be it. But sound and durability are two separate issues, I would think anyway. I seems to me, Ted, that you may be confusing and mixing these issues. I would also hope that your slashing post comes from first hand experience as their are a lot of opinions on the web that logically cannot all be right.