Would vinyl even be invented today?

Records, cartridges and tonearms seem like such an unlikely method to play music--a bit of Rube Goldberg. Would anyone even dream of this today? It's like the typewriter keyboard--the version we have may not be the best, but it stays due to the path dependence effect. If vinyl evolved from some crude wax cylinder to a piece of rock careening off walls of vinyl, hasn't it reached the limits of the approach? Not trying to be critical--just trying to get my head around it.
Lets try and not be too didactic or judgemental...people do questionable things all the time...stay up.all night for concert tickets, wait in line for hours at trendy restaurants, purchase overpriced Bose componets, etc...but that is their choice and their right...sure there are those that think audiophile forums are for weirdos.
12-27-14: Phasecorrect
Lp cover art...can't roll a joint on an iPod!

I would not recommend grinding send(white or grey) or rolling joint on album cover art if you want to keep it mint or near-mint. Not great idea doin' it on vinyl surface either, because the send can get stuck in the grove and so can pieces of buds that can be sticky depending on type or grade. Even if you use junk vinyl, it's still desirable to consume the whole thing without leaving anything between groves...:-)

Happy New Year party folks and remember that drugs(even including mary jane) can be addictive and may require some time in rehab to quit:-) !
12-28-14: Schubert

IMO waiting in line to waste 500 bucks when others have nothing to eat says all there is to say.
Someone waiting in line to spend $500, someone is in line at the shelter or church to get free meal, another one doesn't know at all where to get neither $ or food and stays hungry. It's not news at all, but what is relevance?
To alert people to the fact there might be judgements doesn't mean you think you are the judge.
I like my digital rig...it sounds friggin' great maybe due to the re-clocking or the DAC's power supply or amp tubes or something, but I'll say it again: LPs won't play on anything but a turntable (making digital copies of them will not be done by me...life is too short, and that seems like a lame idea anyway) so when I want to play my LPs I've owned forever on my table the sound (and the music) blows me away every damn time...pops, clicks, bite me, and just shut the hell up. 1969 "The Band"...1968 "Jeff Beck Group"...Jethro Tull "Stand Up"...Steely Dan "Gaucho"...some greasy Yo Yo Ma solo Bach...uh huh...oh yeah...yo MAMA!