Allnic 5000DAC

Did anyone see the latest review in Stereophile. John Atkinson said it was the worst specs he had ever measured for a digital dac. I don't go wholly by specs, but even the frequency response was ragged and way over the map on this dac.
Excellent point. -I was recently given a stack of Stereophile magazines to read. I'm about half way through them now. I read each review but haven't bothered to read the accompanying measurements section. Why, because it seems they really don't tell one much about how the component sounds. If the component sings, it sings - measurements are just simply that, measurements. If they told the story, we'd just have to buy the component with the best overall specs.
Art Dudley has reviewed three different D/As in 2014, a Luxman, Lector and Allnic. As measured by John Atkinson 2 of the 3 components are the worst measuring digital devices he has encountered (the Luxman actually measured very well). Art Dudley liked or even loved the performance of all 3 D/As. It should also be noted that Dudley's reference converter is a $500 device. Rather than offering any insight into the measurement vs. subjective debate, I think the review is more about the peculiarities of Art Dudley's sonic preferences. He's a fervent vinyl, triode (DHT) type guy. He is what he is.
I did own a lector tube CD player at one point and it was not very good. I thought the Luxman dac was just a rebadged oppo player.
That's exactly what I like about Art Dudley, he fits the term music lover. If a component makes music he'll tell you,and if not he'll say so. That's all I want to know. I think he and I hear in a similar manner and our priorities seem the same. Does the music sing with a component or not. If it can't stir the emotion and allow involvement I would have no interest in it at all.
Syntax has a very impressive system, it takes much time,experience and patience to do this. All of his components he proudly describes their "soiund" characteristics. He could have only reached these conclusions and kept them based on listening to them carefully. Lamm products for example are in his system because they sound good!