Is the idea of audiophile listening a dying concept as boomers die off?

I’m a boomer myself and was wondering if any other listeners have knowledge or data on how much of a declining industry high end audio is in general? Or am I mistaken and it’s not dying off at all?



Of course you are correct.  I am just letting off steam over the current prices.  When I think of some of the inexpensive stuff I have purchased in the past, like Harman Kardon HK3490 ($299) and Marantz PM7200 ($500) and Polk Lsim705 ($1500pr), and then consider what it will cost to replace them with similar items.  Nearest Marantz would be $3000!  But in some sense, audio has never been cheaper.  Maybe I just like the wrong brands.



Every piece of evidence I see indicates that the audio industry is flourishing.

  • Sales are setting records.
  • New retail locations are opening.
  • Every time I read Stereophile or TAS I learn of another manufacturer that has entered the US market or is introducing a new line. 
  • Companies like Mofi are releasing a steady stream of new mid priced products. 
  • I've never seen so much used equipment available.
  • The Music Direct catalog is becoming as thick as a phone book with hundreds of moderately priced products. 
  • New audiophile vinyl labels are opening steadily, especially jazz.
  • Audio shows are operating across the country and are drawing record crowds.
  • The A/V Contracting and Home Automation business is booming.
  • I believe that audio forum participation is increasing (correct me I'm wrong about this).

There is no doubt that the ultra high end is on fire but it gets a disproportionate amount of publicity. While everyone rants about six-figure gear the mid priced stuff flies ot the door. 

Gen X here and love my system started way back in my 30s that would be the late 90s and in that time only met a handful of others into good sound in person. Outside of CAF and at my dealers that is and a few friends have gotten into vinyl and have starter systems and that's cool. There is so much good gear out there now and still tons of affordable stuff.

I think the high end is generally doing fine...but the days of many/most homes having a decent/good stereo are mostly over..,

@ghasley  — I agree. The challenge of putting together a great audio system with little money is SO easy today compared to earlier. Especially with used stuff and a little knowledge. I agree with your posit.

Here's my posit: there is a level of sustained attention required for audio listening. That is why the gear matters. The more distraction there is, the less people engage in sustained attention. That's why audiophiles are a vanishing breed. Distraction will win and attention will lose — and you won't need expensive gear for the distractions. 


Who cares? Enjoy the music via whatever format you have.

I still don't get why people who think a thread is worthless take the time to sound off. I mean, don't they have a closet to go in and yell? Or a dog to kick?

Please don't answer me. I don't care.