Best kept secret in AC line filtering conditioning

How many of you guys truly know of Puritan Audio Labs ? Not many yet ,these are made in the U.K 
I have 3 friends in Europe that own them , and found a guy at our audio club just  an hour away 
I will check out next week , and against the much more costly AQ niagra  this removes hum,noise 
like nobodies business .model 136, and  better still model 156 all under $2k check out the video.


PSM156 is very good. All my source components are plugged into it.
With the amp it’s a bit more interesting. I don’t experience the transformer buzz and have my Pass XA30.8 amplifier plugged directly into the wall which results in slightly more dynamic sound and more presence in the bass. Plugging the XA30.8 into Puritan I get lowered noise floor, ever so slightly leaner bass, more relaxed presentation and because of the lowered noise floor the details emerge out of a blacker background which in turn produces slightly better soundstage, wider and deeper. It does sound less punchy though. I don’t use stock puritan cable (bottom of the line model) that was included with the PSM156. Power to Puritan is delivered by the Audioquest Hurricane. 

I’m always very skeptical of any filter that "cleans up" power from your wall. To do this they have to use a circuit that lets the 60hz sine wave through and not the rest of it. Eventaully someone posts "I plugged my amp into the wall and the bass and dynamics came back". they tend to limt current. Sure they supply the nameplate current on the amp but not the short term bursts needed for dynamic response.

I use a PS audio P10 regenerator, 80 lbs of copper etc that rectifies the current and inverts it in a circuit with the abiility to supply the short term, high current needs that an amp needs for dymamic and bass response.  Instead of a focus on filtering, the focus is on supplying.

If someone has one of these filters in socal and wants to bring it over to my home we can do AB tests and see what we think. We could also put the P10 downstream of the filter and see what the built in o-scope says about the power output of the filter. It says my wall current has 4-5% thd.



That would be an interesting experiment, I hope someone takes you up on your generous offer. IME, all power conditioners while effective ‘alters’ the sound of your system. One may like the results but their impact good or bad is unmistakable. For me, I found isolation transformer based Power Conditioning to be most neutral and effective in removing the harshness and noise on AC lines. Dedicated AC lines are always a bonus!

Another (very) happy camper here for the Puritan. I have been using the PSM 1512 and it's performance has been outstanding!  I was using another (unnamed) PLC for a while and when I replaced it with the Puritan, dynamics emerged to a level I had not heard before.(I have always used some form of PLC, over the years) There is a lot of DC in my line and the Puritan removes all of it. No more buzzing transformers. My system had never sounded so quiet and when I added the "Ultimate" power cord, a new level of quiet was achieved.In addition, I also noticed a very noticeable increase in the bass response.

I have the Puritan 156 and also run a sine wave rebalancer in front of it.  I run everything off the Puritan except my Coda #16 amp.  Awesome product for sure.  I had a hum in my system that the Puritan attenuated by75% and in combination with the sine wave rebalacer totally eliminated it.