What tube amp are you using with Von Schweikert VR series speakers

I have a pair of Von Schweikert VR4 jr speakers. I am trying to figure out what tube amp to buy to mate with them. I have tried the Rogue and think it lacks tube characteristics. I asked Damon but never heard a reply back with any suggestions. I would imagine if the amp worked well for a VR4 or 5 it would also be a good mate with the jr's. 



I had VR4 Silvers many years ago. They sounded great with 100 tube watts. I was using an original Music Reference RM9. I would speculate that the Jr. is an easier load still, bit not sure about that.

My budget would be 1500 to 3000 used. 60 wpc seems to drive my speakers nicely.

I bi-amped my VR4 genIIIs using a TAD 60 on the top, B&K M200’s on the bass. This sounded quite nice. I ran the TAD in triode mode (30watts). Running the TAD full range left me with some flabby bass evening ultralinear mode (50 watts).


They may be out of your budget, even used, but I think you owe it to yourself to hear these speakers with OTL tube amps. The Atma-sphere M-60 might do the job. (or at least the MA-1). I find that OTL has a clarity, timbre, immediacy etc that overrides other considerations - to my ear (triode might be even better, but that wont work with your speakers). Whatever you do, get a deal where you can try the amp in your room and with your speakers before final decision.