Do larger planar speakers produce more accurate sound?

Planar speakers generate sound pressure via vibrating membrane panels. The excursion of the membrane x radiating area= sound pressure. This would mean that for a given sound level, membranes have smaller excursion in larger planar speakers than in smaller ones. Does this mean that larger speakers will produce more accurate sound?

I am not talking about the obvious benefits of the larger speakers in terms of low frequency production, so let's not get into that.


chungjh, yes, Music Direct and MOFI are the same company.

No one here has mentioned Acoustats. Anyone own these and if so, what are your thoughts?


You say in general panels are as flat as cones.

F'rinstance Martin Logan CLXs are +-3dB from 56 to 23000 Hz.  How much flatter would you like?

They sure sound good as well.  I have used panels for around 40 years now.  I don't miss the last octave, yes and octave from 55Hz to 27.5Hz, although bottom B on a Steinway Model D (the lowest note in music) is 30.87Hz.  For those that do, get subwoofers.



You say in general panels are as flat as cones.

Well actually I made the opposite claim.

F’rinstance Martin Logan CLXs are +-3dB from 56 to 23000 Hz. How much flatter would you like?

Super poor example. I can’t find published measurements, and you are literally cherry picking a single $25,000 multi-way planar speaker. Trying to refute my claim of "general" with a very specific and unusual planar isn’t really a good way to get to clear thinking my friend.   You also seem to have completely ignored my opening caveats:

It varies a great deal, but usually...

So I can be 100% correct and the CLX may still be unusually good performers. There's no conflict in these two statements, but I would love to see a frequency response chart just for giggles.

Well, I don’t know about all that, but I DO know that IN MY SHOP, we listened to every box, electrostat, etc. speaker available and the only ones that sounded like the instruments we were playing live were the Maggies.

Yes, we played trumpet solo and then switched back and forth between trumpet solo recordings, same with clarinet, guitar (all versions) and (unfortunately due to size of the shop) electric piano, and drums. When we switched back and forth, we could not tell the difference (behind a scrim, so no visuals here) between the live instruments and the Maggies (driven by Audio Research gear).

Solved the question for me, BUT, many of my customers’ ROOMS were not amenable to Maggies, so they sounded not good IN THEIR ROOMS.

SO, yes, they give the most realistic sound stage, etc., and NO, they do not shake the windows with over-driven distorted bass, which many crave, for a few minutes, anyway unless you are 17. Electrostats like Quads and KLH and RTR’s give listening fatigue after a very short time.

Here is the answer: Have your dealer set up the Maggies IN YOUR ROOM. IF you have super-high-quality hardware and source information, you will never go back. If this is not for you, buy what you like.

By the way, I have always wondered where all those box manufacturers got the BRILLIANT idea to make their speakers tall "all of a sudden". Funny how that happened, huh?


Disclosure: Speaker designer (planars too) and Manufacturer.

The OP's question is: Do larger planar speakers produce more accurate sound?

The challenge of answering the question is that "accurate sound" is not well defined. If he is asking about accuracy of the waveform produced by a planar transducer compared to the input signal, within the frequencies and amplitude the transducers are designed for and everything else being equal the answer is no. An argument can easily be made that smaller planar traducers are more "accurate". 

Most of what is being discussed here by others is about dispersion patterns, room interaction and other design choices. Furthermore, "planar" is not defined here. There are several types of planars.