Purple Quantum Fuses really?

I’m just getting used to HiFi Tuning Black Supreme fuse for my Aragon 8008BB amp.
Good way to make high profits several times a year.Ill wait for the Magenta ones. 
Just like magic this post has reappeared, wow. 🙃
10-17-2021 6:59pmFusers - 😎

fiesta75 Oct 16, 2021, 8:53 PM EDT

I'm just curious why the Purple Quantum Fuses really? post was removed? Nothing offensive in my opinion. The fuser supporters hadn't even had a chance to respond... I think it should be reinstated.
Sincerely, Doug

Tammy (Audiogon) Oct 17, 2021, 8:23 AM EDT
I believe it was removed because of this. Threads are closed if they are repetitive. Tammy

fiesta75 Okay, thank you. In my opinion, 3 responses total is not what I would call repetitive. The post was up for a very short time.

Tammy (Audiogon) Oct 17, 2021, 3:33 PM EDT
I'm talking about the subject of the post not the comments.

Lately, we are getting multiple threads posted about Fuses.
We are just trying to close some where the topic has been covered in another previous thread. Tammy

Collect them all, Black, Orange, Red and Purple. I would like a Teal one though.

Make mine a spotted one, so it’s camouflaged, as the best fuse is no fuse, just a solid brass bar. https://ibb.co/wrJ1D0g
!!! please don't do it, it's a test piece for techs and is dangerous to do)
Cheers George