Tube Amp recommendations to drive Klipsch Forte III

Looking for a good tube amp to pair with Klipsch Forte IIIs. I like my DAC/pre-amp. But I'm open to Integrated.  
Any of the Octave Amps would deliver to those big boys. I presently have the V70 Class A driving Spatial M3 Sapphires and it is sheer bliss.
The V70se or V80se are just incredible amps as well. If you are not familiar with them. Good Luck!
I have driven my Klipsch Quartets with both a Grommes PHI-26 (6 watt) and a Decware Mini Torii ( 4 watt) tube amps.  Both sound great.
How good?  You got a price range?  Power requirement?  Features like remote volume control?