Phono cartridge torque wrench

Hi Guys & Gals

Do any of you use a torque wrench when tightening your cartridge to your tonearm or do you just use a regular screwdriver or Allen key? 

Thank you

i was referring to the platter bearing of a belt driven turntable. I am unaware of any tonearm bearings requiring lube.
Reading about lubrications some newbies on this forum can be confused, it’s not necessary to lubricate every moving parts in turntable!


Yes it is.. Cleaning is a type lube. The parts have impregnated anti wear features. CLEANING put the two surfaces together AFTER removing the wear debris, dust and grime.. 

It's 101 first year apprentice stuff. NOT I didn't do it because its hard to clean, BUT I cleaned it because it WORE and left a mess. Moving parts wear, good lube and cleanliness stop a lot of it..

There is a right way and a wrong way.. CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN, inspect, repair, lube if needed and assemble with care..
The second most critical question you can ever be asked, did you clean it three times? Or only twice?    

The first most critical question?
Few things bug me more than guys who tighten everything as if the tighter the better.
Really? You must lead a charmed life.
A tiny bit more than snug and you are done.
Yesss! That's all that's needed.
Ok MC Wipe, Wipe, Wipe, and if your on a pure fruit and veggie diet add a couple more WIPES to it. How's that.. LOL

Funny part MC the "Bad guy" turned out to be a great actor too.

"Garrick" (Andrew J. Robinson) on Star Trek, Deep Space 9. He's made a reference or two to the Dirty Harry in the DS9 series, with a look over the shoulder and gaze directly into the camera. All the time with that silly "should I go for it look" and the LAST smirk he ever made in DH.

Man was Clint YOUNG then, So was I.
