This forum is antiquated.

I'm a member of several forums. This site is ancient in it's ability to respond to member's posts, and is also extremely cumbersome to reply to specific member's posts, quotes, etc. What am I missing? For some posts that are so technologically subjective....the objective merits of this website and forums are so 1990s. Ancient technology. 

Thoughts? Discuss.
Improvements can be overrated.  I remember the first generation Walkman sounded great.  Each subsequent model sounded worse than the last. I myself am old technology, and I would consider myself underrated.
While I understand your comments and though technology has advanced and maybe you feel the people here are not up with the technology you desire that does not mean the sound is any better.  All the technology still has to make music and what you get for the cheap technology you are probably listening to does not make it in any better sounding.  For an example, I recently heard the top of the line $16K DAC.  Plenty of technology especially with the XLR set-up which I believe uses 2 or 4 R2R DACs with the XLR output..  Nice sounding but not for $16K!  Another older technology DAC that was built to sound great, walked all over it in so many ways.

Happy Listening. 
The forum might be antiquated, but so is a lot of the recordings and music we still enjoy, and the media on which those performances are record.
Don't mess with us old guys. We are beyond the age where life in prison is a deterrent. :-)


People here matter most than the antiquated site interfacing method and rules for me...

They are very interesting and varied....

I like them all, even those with which i have argued the most sometimes almost rudely ...

Anyway the persons with which i have argued the most here learn me the most and i must thank them...

Then no critic from me of this site in any way.....