Best DAC For My Setup Under $10k

Just wanted to get you thoughts on possible DAC replacements for my system with a budget under $10k (new or used) that would go well with my setup. My system consists of McIntosh MA352 integrated, Wilson Sabrinas, DCS Network Bridge and a Chord Qutest DAC (with a upgraded power supply) which I want to replace. I mostly do streaming for my listening.

Here are my current contenders:
DCS Debussy
Berkeley Alpha DAC 2
DCS Scarlatti (used)

I would also consider all in one systems (streamer and DAC) that would partner well with my gear.

Thanks in advance!
Another one for the Mojo EVO DAC. You can read about what owners are saying about it. Ben of Mojo offers a trial period. 
Have you considered dCS Bartók as all in one unit? It appears you like dCS sound and they pair nicely with Wilson speakers. 
I would vote for the DeBussy.  I owned the Bricasti M3 and wish I would have kept the Debussy.  I have downsized my system since owning them both, but the dCS Debussy was one sweet sounding DAC.
PS Audio Direct Stream is ~$6K,FPGA design and in -home audition.  Combine that with their Stellar Power re generator for ~$2k  and you are still under $10K.  Might be worth considering. They proly take the Chord in on trade as well.
Just curious: is there a specific deficiency in the Qutest that you are trying to address or do you just want a change?