Does it annoy you when companies don't show the internals of electronics ?

I noticed that merrill audio and mcintosh general don't show all the internals of their electronics. A friend of mine actually asked merrill to see pics of the internals of their amps and pres. The remark from merrill... 'people listen to how they sound they don't look at whats inside.'

But why hide it? Are they trying to protect some secrets of their tech? Might as well just show it... if you have dones something truly exceptional people will appreciate that and its going to be that easy to rip off.
Not do debate you, grannyring, but I was not saying that parts upgrades are not efficaicous; I concur with that. I'm saying that by looking at a component, the sound quality in relation to any other given component cannot be determined. If you disagree, great. So, we differ.  :) 
Let me be clear. I am not suggesting something that is not visually appealing or seems wrong from an engineering standpoint will sound bad (ie. wells audio internals that look like a train smashed into a pile of IEDs). But sometimes I think part of the joy of ownership is knowing whats inside your electronics and see the great care that was put into the design of the devices.

Okay then let me be clear: You take your screwdriver....
Not seeing inside of some of those fancy CNC'ed  cases is probably a good thing.

Open some up-generic components and hardware etc. in a big box, with a HUGE price tag.
It’s simple for me. If I open up a box and it looks a PIGSTY. It goes back.. That mess George had pics of. Looked close to ALL my Carys. Just a LAZY, sloppy, layout.. It took me a few dives into their V12s and SixPacs. I couldn’t sell something looking like THAT inside.. I still have a few wires to R&R, shorten and lengthen. Any mods I do, there are chassis notes left inside for the next guy..

The SixPacs had all kinds of upgrades behind the BAD original lay out. Moving chokes, adding additional smoothing on the PS (add a .22 cap)
Hecfreds swap, and of course cap (copper and foil) and good vishay resistors. Looks like an index inside with all the changes AND notes..

I’ve cleaned up a few boxes looking like a rats nest BUT sounded OK.. I have yet to make one sound worse. The important thing I FELT BETTER, and ALWAYS look clean and trimmed when I was done.

Look inside Decware.. Now you know what "I care" looks like.

A lot of the simple designs just DON’T need schemos.. Look at Carys, I can’t think of a simpler layout.. I don’t need a schemo.. Maybe a few voltage settings.. BUT I can get pretty close, blindfolded, with a stick analog meter for the blind.. or a "voiced" DMM (it talks to ya) for 50.00 from Parts Express.

Make your own Schematics..

Keep the wires short.. Watch where and HOW you mount stuff, a twist here and there, a, relocate here or there, will work wonders for noise problems..AND LOOK better.. :-)

I’m no EE but this stuff just isn’t that NEW or that hard to figure out..
Look inside a Pass.. ANY PASS design.. pretty friggin’ simple.. AND Sound good, Real GOOD.. Why leave it messy, Pass sure doesn’t.
And you get a schemo.. :-) First Watt use to sell the parts and a schemo to build one, so will Decware.

I wonder what a bench Tech at Mcintosh factory makes a year? Now you know why I became a HD hydraulic field mechanic. Baby needs a new pair of shoes, not flip flops...:-)

Think Steampunk, Ka plunk.. OUT side the box, Mate..
