Another sad tale, hopefully Ian can make plans and peace with the world


That dude is a jackass. Yes that's for you Slaw.

I have been going to Tull concerts since the late 60's.
Anderson is an innovative talent that my friends and I revered.

Cigarettes will eventually kill you if you missed the message here.

I can only hope the people behind Chrysalis Records went first.

I don't understand the title of your thread. He has a limited amount of time to be alive as we all do. He's living his life as it comes. What makes you think that he has to make peace with the world?
Don't we ALL have to make peace with the world before we depart??
I know I certainly do.

Please don't try and look at it too deeply...…..
I suffer from COPD also and it is incurable but it can be slowed down and treated with medication.And slaw is correct - covid19,flu,even severe colds are extremely dangerous for those of us with lungs that are only partially functional.
I'm a huge Tull fan too and wish Ian the best.It's always sad hearing about the musicians we've enjoyed for many years having declining health.