Wilson's Chronosonic XVX loudspeaker over 3/4 of a million US dollars

Wonder what the impedance/-phase angle graph will look like on these puppies, looking at the amount of D'Agostino amps used to drive them, I'd say could be pretty evil.


Cheers George
Does Wilson employ the best designer? Do they have the best tools or best facility for developing a state of the art product? It seems really unlikely to me. 

then you say....

I don't have any special secret knowledge and I don't claim to
so you know nothing, yet conclude it's unlikely they can develop a state of the art product.

and base that on.......absolutely.......nothing.

just trolling an expensive product you neither know about nor understand just because of the price.


@mikelavigne  Let's put it this way, at the forum in question, i had had enough of the non- level playing field that grew there over time. It was clear that the owners had an agenda...and that anyone who was not towing the line with their expectations, was to be silenced. While that may sit well with you, it sure does not with me. The last time I saw the 'guru' attack you with a blatant 'ad hominem' and get absolutely no push back from anyone ( you included) was pretty pathetic, IMO. You say you pick your battles carefully..to which I say...why bother doing that over there??  Another former member and local friend of mine on that forum gave me some good advice, just after he left that rats nest....he stated.."that place is not worthy of my time...why is it worthy of yours?" I believe he has a great point. 

Luckily over here there is ongoing moderation with no hidden agendas ( so far, lol). 
@mikelavigne i do have a great deal of respect for you and your contribution, especially this particular forum. I would love to hear your system and likewise offer same.

i think in part answer to how Wilson might improve the product involves addressing  two very related design principles- something they ( and many many others ) don’t think matter of that they have beat “ another way”
time and phase. The impulse response does not lie.
Pistonic motion - the midrange they use spends a LOT of time out of phase to the input signal.
But using pistonic aka low distortion drivers is a 3db output hit.... Quality vs. Quantity... the age old tradeoff

Brooks Berdan was a dealer of both Wilson and Vandersteen. The Vandersteen Models 1, 2, and 3 were his (and many other hi-fi dealer’s) bread and butter speakers (Brooks was one of Richard’s "biggest" dealers). Wilson’s were bought by a different kind of customer. The price differential between the two brands prevented them from creating completion for each other.

That changed when Vandersteen starting making upmarket models (beginning with the Model 5 iirc). For whatever reason, Brooks wanted to sell only the models 1, 2, and 3, but not the 5, which would have posed competition for the Wilsons. Richard said no, to remain a Vandersteen dealer Brooks would have to demo and (hopefully, presumably) sell the Model 5 as well. Brooks elected to drop Vandersteen (or was it the other way around? ;-), a decision I considered a huge mistake (though I kept that opinion to myself ;-) .

But from sitting in on a CES meeting between Brooks and Wilson’s then head of sales, I got a glimpse into how the hi-fi business works. The sales manager had all the stats for the past year (it was the January CES in Vegas), showing Brooks’ Wilson sales in comparison with other past years, as well as with all the other Wilson dealers. Brooks was given a sales target for the upcoming year, which he was expected to meet. I concluded that Brooks felt to reach the mandated sales goal he would need to sell only Wilson’s in their price range. To split his sales between Wilson and Vandersteen would have made him a less "valued" dealer to both companies, perhaps even endangering his qualifications to be a Wilson dealer at all. Apparently Brooks valued being a Wilson dealer more than he did a Vandersteen dealer. Perhaps he totaled his income from the sales of both company’s loudspeakers, saw that he made more from the sales of Wilsons, and made the pragmatic choice. I don’t know.

Is that what’s considered politics in business? ;-)